Name | RW |
Nickname | rwinn |
Year of Birth | 1961-08-30 00:00:00 |
Gender | Female |
Location | Arizona |
Relationship | Patient |
Short Bio | Hi everyone 🙂 I was diagnosed with MS in 1998 at the age of 36. I spent years going from doctor to doctor with eye blindness,  lhermitt’s sign, fatigue, dizziness, vertigo, and other symptoms. My Mom had PPMS. She was diagnosed at age 53 and died of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at 55. (I just recently read in the Journal of National Cancer Institute May 19, 2004 that MS and Hodgkin’s Lymphoma may share a common cause. The study showed that the risk of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma was nearly twice as high among close relative with Multiple Sclerosis. Similarly, the risk of Multiple Sclerosis was more than doubled in relatives of people with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.) I have had over ten MRI scans with a Gadolinium Based Contrast Agent (GBCA’s) and at 39 I had to stop working completely. I have sufffered with deep bone pain for several years along with constant overheating and sweating along with several other symptoms. I have been a participant in a year long drug trial several years ago. My interests now involve informing other MS patients about Gadolinium Toxicity and where they can turn to find answers for all of the symptoms they struggled with after receiving a GBCA. There are two websites that are invaluable. http://www.lighthouseproject.com and http://www.gadoliniumtoxicity.com There is also an MRI-Gadolinium group at Yahoo.com