

Shakti Bell



Year of Birth





Santa Cruz



Short Bio

I have been living with MS since 1997.  I graduated from UCSC in 1993 with a theater arts degree.  Before onset I was in a performance group called Lord Knows Compost.  I worked at a video post-production facility that edited videos.  I spent a lot of time on my feet.  Then I worked at a company owned by George Lucas called Industrial Light & Magic.  I stopped working when it became too hard to stay awake.  My first symptoms were tingling in my feet which then led to numbness that eventually spread through most of my body. I started with crutches which led to a rolling walker, then a wheelchair and a scooter and now a power chair.  The pain is constant from burning mouth.which overshadows all my other pain.  Since I have become so close to the pain, the hardest part is the more recent onset of a very poor memory.  I am starting up another project in the filmmaking vein— it’s a YouTube channel called The Adventures of Gimpy Girl, documenting living with a disability.  I’m considering a comic strip as well, which has a better chance to be seen locally.

How did you find us?


How long have you or the person that you are caring for had MS?

23 years

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