Forum Replies Created

  • Mahlon B. Dalley

    August 22, 2018 at 3:43 pm in reply to: Are you over 55 and deciding if Ocrevus is right for you?

    I really enjoyed reading about this topic. As most with PPMS, I was hopeful about Ocrevus.  I made an appointment with a new Neurologist member of the local MS Center staff who seems to be the go to person with questions about Ocrevus. She was extremely knowledgable and brought to my attention facts that I overlooked in my research on this drug. Number one was that that the oldest person in the clinical study was 55 years of age.  I’m turning 70 next month and of course with older age one is more susceptible to infection which brings up the second fact, that Ocrevus decreases certain B cells (part of the immune system) making one concerned about infection. She also emphasized the fact that in the study for PPMS that showed significant slowing of the disability progression, there was only a 24% less likely  to have disability progression for 3 month and only a 25% reduced risk of worsening on the 25-foot walk.

    I am still weighing the benefits and risks, but with what I have learned from my research and reading this forum, I probably will forego the treatment at least for a while. I certainly hope that those of you that proceed with the treatment that your endeavor will be successful, and I will be awaiting to hear ,your assessment.

    By the way I am glad I have found this forum. I think that it will be instructive and beneficial and I will be exploring the many forums.