Besides Spasms, how can cannabis or cbd-oil help you?
First time here, I was wondering, before i go out and buy the stuff, does anyone has any experience with neuropathy and using the above? Pain in my legs keeps me up at night.. And yes, I ate my fair share of magic brownies, and well, made everything edible “magic” in my early twenties. But back then hadn’t join the elite ms-club yet.. My neuro is all in for it, “if it doesn’t hurt you..”, but doesn’t know the specifics. Bit weird maybe, i can get everything over here easy, more of those shops than bakeries, not too expensive either. But there are just no good helpdesk forums or Q&A-sites available in dutch. I DID try cbd oil, but read about with or without thc over here for the first time. Why would one choose one or the other? And is hash better than weed? Well, hope someone can give some info. Because the gabapentine and pregabaline didn’t work. O and hope my english isn’t too crooked…
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