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  • Baclofen Dosing Increases

    Posted by Benjamin Hofmeister on April 22, 2024 at 2:47 pm

    This is a question for everyone who uses Baclofen to control their multiple sclerosis spasticity. How bold are you and your doctor when it comes to increasing the dosage to tailor it to you? I have an implanted, intrathecal baclofen pump, so my doses are measured in micrograms, but this applies to those taking an oral dose as well. I’ve always been careful after an initial overdose and only increased by a max of 5%. Lately, though, I don’t notice a difference.

    Has anyone else experienced a seemingly higher tolerance with a higher dose and the need to make bolder (higher) increases as you go?

    Mike Purcell replied 3 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Mike Purcell

    April 22, 2024 at 4:56 pm

    Here’s what I do. I take 30 mg a day. (10 mg tablets… 2 in the a.m. and 1 in the p.m.) A neurologist once told me his rule of thumb was no more than 60 mg per day. I combine it with 4 – AP. I’ve been taking the 4 AP for 20+ years. Lately, for spasticity I find a puff or 2 of marijuana in the morning helps a lot.

    How are you finding the baclofen pump works? It seemed to me quite invasive.

  • Benjamin Hofmeister

    April 23, 2024 at 3:23 pm

    Hi Mike yes it is incredibly invasive. I would not recommend one to anyone that can control their spasticity any other way. My spasticity was very intense and could not be controlled with oral medication. I think at miy peak I took 30 mg of Baclofen each day and it did not touch my spasticity but had me sitting in a chair drooling on myself. Now 4 years after it was installed my pump is set to deliver 80 micrograms each day. A fraction of the oral dose, so I get all the benefits with none of the side effects. It was the right answer for me, but definitely isn’t for everyone.

    • Mike Purcell

      April 26, 2024 at 5:44 pm

      Thanks for the reply

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