Multiple Sclerosis News Today Forums Forums 31 Days of MS Day 19 of #31DaysOfMS: ‘Lissette, You’re an Ironman’

  • Day 19 of #31DaysOfMS: ‘Lissette, You’re an Ironman’

    Posted by Jessie Madrigal Fletcher on March 21, 2022 at 5:45 pm

    Lissette Mares’ scars are not visible. It takes an MRI to see that she has multiple scars inside her brain and spinal cord. 

    Lissette never chose to have this autoimmune disease, but she believes she has the choice about what I do with it and how she decides to fight it. She went from having a hard time going up stairs and crying in her college dorm room because she couldn’t shower, to running across the finish line at a race years later and hearing “Lissette, you are an IRONMAN.”

    Lisette, you are truly amazing!

    Now back to our MS Community: Not everyone can run an Ironman, but we all have our own achievements and we need to celebrate each one. Did you do anything recently that made you feel powerful?

    To read Lisette’s whole story and find out how she manages her MS life, click here:

    Our #31DaysOfMS initiative is running for the entire month of March. Each day, we are featuring a different story, and a different view of life with MS. To read all of the stories, visit our website.

    Jessie Madrigal Fletcher replied 2 years, 1 month ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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