Multiple Sclerosis News Today Forums Forums 31 Days of MS Day 22 of #31DaysOfMS: I Have MS to Thank for Pushing Me Toward My Dreams

  • Day 22 of #31DaysOfMS: I Have MS to Thank for Pushing Me Toward My Dreams

    Posted by Jessie Madrigal Fletcher on March 23, 2022 at 5:26 pm

    Yazzie Nicolau is a 31-year-old “free-spirited vegan”. She was diagnosed five years ago. Yazzie treats MS like a close friend, with the ups and downs that come with that type of relationship.

    As a TV producer, she has often been discriminated against for her MS. She has also been told not to let employers know about her MS. Yazzie’s motto is, “if they don’t want someone with a disability working for them then I don’t want to work for them”.

    Yazzie, you got that right!

    Now back to our MS Community: Have any employers treated you poorly because of MS? Do you disclose your health issues to any new employers?

    To read Yazzie’s whole story and find out how she manages her MS life, click here:

    Our #31DaysOfMS initiative is running for the entire month of March. Each day, we are featuring a different story, and a different view of life with MS. To read all of the stories, visit our website.

    John Connor replied 2 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • John Connor

    March 24, 2022 at 8:57 am

    Hi Yazzie.
    Lovely to meet, ahem, a fellow traveler.
    I was a freelance TV Casting Director – nearly all of us r these days. I didn’t need to tell anyone – it just became obvious as MS scythed thru me that I couldn’t continue. There was no easy way to get out to the theatre – or indeed the energy to do so. Let alone the hours of intense office work that the job necessitated. It was also deeply annoying that eventually, I could no longer even get up to our purpose-built attic office. Hey-ho.
    Instead, I kept going to the live formatted topical comedy show I’d created at London’s Comedy Store. Which ironically was destroyed by COVID 19 – the biggest story since poss WW2. Let alone now!
    I told the Store early on & they accommodated me immediately.
    TV has become far more disabled-aware since my day. I once cast a blind man in a small blind part. I put my head down in pretence of bowing to the writer/director’s note that it would have been better played by a sighted actor. I bowed my head not in supplication but because I was actually smirking my head off. This was long before I got MS.
    Hurrah for u.
    Cheers John.

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