Virtual Travel Tips for Isolation
Hey everyone! Hope you’re all staying safe out there.
My name is Kevin Schaefer, and I’m the Forums Director for this site’s parent company. I don’t have MS, but I have another rare disease called spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). You can read about my life and experiences in my column here.
As someone who is also a high-risk patient, I have a lot of concerns for my health during this crisis as well. However, I’ve enjoyed seeing all of the creative ideas out there for how we can sustain ourselves during quarantine. Virtual hangouts are extremely popular right now, as well as online book clubs and movie watch parties.
The thing that’s really interesting is the concept of virtual museum tours and even virtual theme park rides. Jessie Ace explores these ideas in her latest column, which you can read here. I myself might check out the online Tower of Terror, since I’m way too much of a chicken to do that ride in person. There are some great ideas here.
Has anyone here tried any of these virtual museum tours or theme parks? What else are you doing to keep yourself occupied during quarantine?
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