Multiple Sclerosis News Today Forums Forums Treating MS Alternative Treatments Are you on a special diet for your MS? Is it helping?

  • Are you on a special diet for your MS? Is it helping?

    Posted by Debi Wilson on June 13, 2018 at 12:28 pm

    What I eat is very important for my MS. Sugar, gluten and dairy can make my MS symptoms so much worse.

    What about you are you on a special diet for your MS? Is it helping?

    Debi Wilson replied 6 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Jacqueline

    June 15, 2018 at 5:38 am

    Nowadays there seems to be a ” special diet ” for various illnesses but, what if we have two or even three separate illnesses to deal with and one or two omit certain foods but the other allows foods that the others dont? the same goes as for fluids…I came face to face with that yesterday if I had chosen to go along with my continence related appointments.. but I shan’t be…I noticed when I got home on her to do, and not to do list. that I was allowed a chocolate milkshake with what looked like whipped cream on-top…Of course she made it clear to me at time of appointment that she deals with continence only, and has many patients with various ailments that we are all treated as the same, irrespective of our own medical-dietary needs. needless to say I shall not be going back..more so when she made a comment to me that as I walked in, ( yes she watched me ) I looked far better than many of her clients-patients who have MS, yet she knows nothing about our MS Illness, she really got my back up, and I let her know so…Needless to say, I am putting yesterday behind me and moving on….

  • Jacqueline

    June 15, 2018 at 5:51 am

    To add to my above post, this was to do with my swollen-foot and ankle, my Edima-Oedema? whichever is the correct spelling…she offered water tablets but failed to give me them, prescribe them…I am more than relieved as I have just ordered a large box of Epsom Salts direct from the company… I already have a Scholl foot spa which thankfully I held onto for some years now, guess I knew that one day it would truly have its use…

  • Debi Wilson

    June 15, 2018 at 12:51 pm

    Some Doctors seem  oblivious !

    I hope you can find a better doctor soon. I know that can be frustrating!

    I am having trouble finding a good neurologist! I see a new one the end of this month. Wish me luck!


  • Amy Owen

    June 26, 2018 at 1:19 pm

    Ah yes! I am new to the forum but I would like to share my experience with alternate therapies.

    I have suffered from MS for almost 16 years.  About four years ago I started researching about nutrition and MS.  I had been on every  disease modifying drug  since my diagnosis up until 2014 but had life-threatening consequences with a few, so my relationship with the traditional medicine world has not been great needless to say. Food as medicine started in 2014 for me and my relapses were fewer, which was great! But I relapsed in late 2016  and was in a rapid, steady decline in just a few short months. Secondary progressive was the diagnosis I got in mid 2017. That is when I decided to  fight harder than I ever have before and that meant taking the alternative route again but perfecting it this time. I went back to school and became a certified holistic nutritionist.  I myself follow a very specific diet choice. I utilize many principles of several modern day diets, specifically organic or “clean“. Combining them into one daily regimen has allowed me to reverse my MS symptoms and live a very active lifestyle. I have not had a relapse in almost a year. This is the longest I’ve ever gone without replapsing in any way since being diagnosed with this disease.  ?

  • Debi Wilson

    June 26, 2018 at 1:52 pm

    That’s awesome, Amy!
    What more can you tell us about the diet you follow? You said you eat organic and clean, what kind of foods do you avoid and which are beneficial ?

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