Multiple Sclerosis News Today Forums Forums Living With MS Finding My Way Through Sickness and Sadness with SPMS

  • John Connor

    February 25, 2020 at 8:27 pm


    Have a flu injection every year.

    But this year is obviously very different. My autoimmune system is shot because of all the Disease Modifying Therapies I’ve had. Coronavirus for me is indubitably a death sentence!

    I direct/produce a liveĀ  topical comedy show once a week in the heart of London’s West End. Indeed I’m writing this after a show!

    In the UK things seems to be under control but I probably should withdraw from the world.

    102 years ago my grandmother died of what became known as the ‘Spanish Flu’. A bird virus that killed far more than the First World War had.

    My very own warning from history!
















  • Micki

    April 7, 2020 at 11:33 am

    Just read your post and listening to update on the condition of your PM.

    My hub and I live in NC in the US.Ā  Ā At the end of Feb he broke his hip – doing well now but, obviously, we had a head start on the “staying home”.Ā  Ā I’m lucky that we are old enough not to have to worry about work but, is hitting all in the US very hard.

    I have been diagnosed with SPMS for the last 3 to 4 years and, suddenly, this week had a whole new issue.Ā  Ā I’ve been blessed with comparably minor impact in my life.Ā  Ā  Got out of bed a few days ago and almost fell down.Ā  Ā Thank goodness for my poster bed.Ā  Ā Even a cane couldn’t give me stability.Ā  Ā WHAT!!!Ā  Ā This is a new thing.Ā  Ā I don’t want a NEW thing thank you very much.Ā  Ā Doc says I need an MRI – yeah,Ā  like that’s going to happen.Ā  Ā Not going near that place right now and she agreed.Ā  Ā  I asked, if when that happens and there are new things going on am I back to RRMS???Ā  Ā  Could be – the lady said.Ā  Ā Crumb I’m 75 – I don’t handle change like I use to.

    Anyway, John, staying inside really is the best – get yourself a mask and lots of sanitizer and be well.

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