• Sudden brain fog

    Posted by Micki on October 26, 2019 at 9:25 am

    Incident yesterday.    Getting ready to leave house but had to make a couple of phone calls.    Hair salon app’t – lady answered and I could not get my question out – could barely remember my stylists name (good friend for 10 years) and basically couldn’t talk.    I know she thought I was drunk.  But I could not get my brain to function.    Felt like I was out of body – really weird.

    Walked into bathroom and was so weak I laid on the floor.    Finally moved and decided to eat an apple.   Had not eaten that morning and not really the night before (probably need to know that).    After apple felt better but still not “with it”.

    I hate to run right to the MS route/cause and really hoping it was a lack of nutrition.    But, if anyone has felt this I’d sure like to know.       Thank you,    Micki Batte





    Helen replied 5 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Helen

    November 13, 2019 at 11:41 pm

    Hi Micki
    I have been diagnosed 18 years and experienced brain fog badly for the first this year. So stressful, debilitating and exhausting.
    I was in work and people asking me questions about a job I have done for 10 years and i couldn’t answer. It was like an out of body experience and I was looking done on myself shouting. ‘Answer’. I couldn’t have even told you my name at the time. The computer became blurred, nothing made sense and i felt totally inadequate. This started happening more often and i went to the doctor thinking it was due to the menopause or worse, was I getting dementia ? It was scary. Then the GP explained that it was down to where the lesions are on my brain which will affect how I process information. It was good to know there is a reason but try explaining it to people looking at you as if your cracking up! Hard to explain as we don’t fully understand it ourselves. And when trying to explain it people go, oh that happens to me dont worry. I want to shout ‘but I do worry’ it’s not your daily forgetting an odd thing it’s like hanging in limbo thinking what is wrong with me I can’t answer a question I should know, I can’t focus and I look and sound like an idiot ! People won’t  understand unless they have experienced it.

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