Multiple Sclerosis News Today Forums Forums Living With MS Can you describe how you are feeling today using one word only?

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  • Jacqueline

    April 9, 2019 at 10:42 am


  • Debi Wilson

    April 9, 2019 at 10:55 am

    That’s a good word, Jackie.  What made you feel that way ?

  • Jacqueline

    April 9, 2019 at 3:59 pm

    I achieved the walk to the hairdressers, it was a hard slog as the top-join of my right leg was still actively doing its electricity shocks, whilst walking from A to B over cobbled stone ground, the area is now pedestrianised and where my other half decided this morning to park the car was not nearer-easier but further-harder, so I was not pleased at all, but eventually I reached inside the hairdressers, and not in the greatest of moods, but at least I did ” achieve ” it.

  • Debi Wilson

    April 9, 2019 at 4:29 pm

    That’s awesome Jackie that is a big achievement,  you should be proud!

  • Jacqueline

    April 10, 2019 at 12:56 am

    I quite agree, and would you believe it? the first thing I asked  for when he greeted me at the front door ( the place was empty ) was if I could pay a visit to the loo, as I was absolutely dying to go. He ushered me out to the tiny and rather cramped backroom.

    Debi, I guess you are the same as me when it comes to going anywhere?  we cant, nor wont go if there is not a loo at the other end. I also had to go to the loo again before I came out. I blame that on the frothy coffee they made me, I was drinking that as he was cutting my hair. lol

  • Debi Wilson

    April 10, 2019 at 11:09 am

    Haha! Yes Jackie there has to be a loo!

  • Jacqueline

    April 10, 2019 at 1:40 pm

    Quoting Ed: ” Good work Jackie. I have to ask, however, might it have been possible for your other half to have dropped you outside the hairdresser and then gone to park the car? (And will be seeing a new profile picture of you with your new “doo”)?

    Replying to Ed:

    Ed, well yes, but after the last time he done that it was after the 9,30am deadline and he was sure he was going to be getting a police summons through the post, he never did, lol but, I was sure it was legal to drop off someone outside before the 9.30am deadline but other half had read the notices since and told me, no we cant, it was for drop off deliveries only. Well yesterday I mentioned this to my hairdresser that since it has been pedestrianised I have to now think as to whether continuing coming here as I would have preferred to have kept it the way it was, he said, yes a car can drop off someone as long as it is before 9.30am. And of course yesterdays and and my next hair appointment was, and will be. Ha ha, I asked my hairdresser if he would tell this to my other half when he comes to collect me as he would believe him rather than hear it coming from me, but by the time I came out he was with his next client, so we both had completely forgot.

    Oh yes my new haircut, well to be honest it is just a shorter and neater version of what I had before. I will see what I can do, re, updating photo but in the meantime I may change my avatar photo for the one I took on my 68th birthday, with my lifeless and straggly

    Apologies if this has gotten duplicated by me.

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