31 Days of MS: Crushing my MS, one mile at a time

Photo courtesy of Shane Nicolich
Day 21 of 31
This is Shane Nicolich’s story:
I was on my first multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment for six years but experienced bad side effects. That sucked, since I’m a dishwasher at a busy restaurant and am on my feet all day. I ran out of medicine and had none for three months. Although I was feeling way better, I switched treatments. I was on the new one for three years with no side effects.
On April 30, 2016, I decided to start running and coincidentally ran out of medicine three days later. However, I kept running and training for full and half-marathons.
One day, I realized that I hadn’t refilled my MS treatment. It only took me a few seconds to realize that I felt better than ever before, since I had been consistently exercising and eating a healthy diet. Since then, I have stayed self-aware and treated my disease naturally. Running is my treatment.
On May 27, 2018, I began a monthlong run streak with a friend, but for me, that streak is still alive at over 1,700 days. My MS symptoms are minimal and I hardly notice them as I keep up my relentless forward motion.
I’ve now run thousands of miles and burned through more pairs of shoes than I ever did before I was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS. I’ve lost track of the exact numbers, but I’ve run around 30-35 marathons and 50Ks, 17 or 18 half-marathons, a few 5Ks, a couple of 12Ks, two 24-hour endurance runs, one 12-hour endurance run, and I’m registered for more in the next three months.
MS has driven me to be more and do more than ever before. Since my diagnosis, I’ve written a book and have a radio show, all in an effort to inspire and motivate people to realize their full potential, despite their circumstances.
The way I see it, this disease isn’t going anywhere and this is my life, so I’m standing up and taking full responsibility for my life with MS.
I never run to beat other runners. My only competition is myself. I’m just out there crushing my MS, one mile at a time.
Multiple Sclerosis News Today’s 31 Days of MS campaign will publish one story per day for MS Awareness Month in March. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more stories like this, using the hashtag #31DaysofMS, or read the full series.