FAQs about MS treatments

There are more than 20 therapies approved to treat multiple sclerosis (MS) in the U.S. Most of these are authorized to treat only relapsing types of the disease. A number of other non-disease-specific therapies are available to help manage disease symptoms, such as MS spasticity.

Yes, most approved multiple sclerosis (MS) treatments are specifically authorized to treat relapsing types of MS. There are far fewer therapies authorized to treat progressive forms of the disease.

Some treatments for multiple sclerosis (MS) can be administered at home, while others require going to a medical center. Most oral and injectable therapies can be given at home with proper training. Infusion therapies are more likely to require going to a center, although some infusion therapies can be given at home by a trained healthcare worker.

Some lifestyle factors may affect the efficacy of multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment — in particular, smoking cigarettes has been shown to lower the effectiveness of some MS therapies. Studies also suggest that smokers with MS tend to have worse symptoms and faster disease progression. Maintaining a healthy diet and getting regular exercise are considered an important part of living with MS; however, there is not much data to suggest these factors affect the effectiveness of treatment.

There are many different multiple sclerosis (MS) treatments. Each has a unique profile in terms of how it works, how it’s administered, and the possibility lf side effects. While some MS treatments are generally considered more effective than others, high-efficacy treatments generally carry a greater risk of side effects and other issues. It’s advised that people with MS work with their clinical care team to find the treatment that works best for them based on their unique situation.