Remington College Opens Partnership with National MS Society by Raising $4,000 to Advance Goals

Remington College initiated its partnership with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society by raising more than $4,000 to support the society and its efforts to advance research into multiple sclerosis and care for patients. The money was raised at campus events that marked World MS Day in May.
In addition to encouraging participation in events, attending the fundraisers, and donating money on World MS Day, the college — which describes itself as a non-traditional and non-profit career school — also encouraged students and faculty members to wear orange, the color of multiple sclerosis (MS) awareness.
Other initiatives included hosting a door decorating contest, and creating activities to share facts about MS and the way that it affects patients and loved ones.
Remington College has more awareness-raising activities planned. In particular, it is encouraging employees to take part in the National MS Society’s annual Walk MS and Bike MS events.
“We’re so thankful for the generosity our faculty and students have shown at each and every one of our campuses,” Heather McIver, Remington College’s vice president of Institutional Innovation, said in a press release.
“Our fundraiser for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society has allowed our students and faculty to join forces for a good cause. It’s just the beginning of what we have planned for the future,” McIver added.
As a non-profit, Remington College states that it is committed to helping and giving back to the communities that surrounds its various locations. The college’s main campus is in Lake Mary, Florida. It currently operates 15 colleges across the U.S., offering diplomas, bachelor’s and associate degrees in a variety of programs on those campuses and via online education.
All campuses are involved in various charitable activities throughout the year, like providing free haircuts for kids, free teeth cleanings, and blood drives.
The non-profit National MS Society helps fund research into the disease, and supports and advocates for great public understanding of the disease. It also helps provide education, and sponsors services targeted toward helping patients with MS and their caregivers and family.