31 Days of MS: I have MS but MS does not have me

Photo courtesy of Mohammed Al-enbaree
Day 26 of 31
This is Mohammed Al-enbaree’s story:
I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) at the age of 20 while I was in medical school. During the early phases, I was very busy and so lucky to have managed with the condition as I travelled and also as I graduated to work as a doctor in the NHS. I helped in the local MS society sales, but nobody “bought” me!
Any exercise that I did at the gym I knew wasn’t for “today” so my target was always for a “better tomorrow.” Even if I had a bad day, I understood that if I did all that I could to make it a good day, I will save the extra effort to make the next day more manageable. I also trained extra hard to stand at my good friend’s wedding to do a speech.
I kept going in my work and my training, and became a specialist in my field, helping young people with mental health issues. I was fortunate enough to meet my now-wife in this process and look forward to working together with excitement for anything the future may bring.
I am the happiest I have ever been. And I have MS.
My only sentiment for anyone reading this, please, for the love of everything, keep going.
Keep going, not because you must, or you are forced to or you have no choice… keep going because you will thank yourself for it in the future. You owe it to yourself.
Multiple Sclerosis News Today’s 31 Days of MS campaign will publish one story per day for MS Awareness Month in March. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more stories like this, using the hashtag #31DaysofMS, or read the full series.