Patricia Silva, PhD, director of science content —

PatrĆ­cia holds a PhD in medical microbiology and infectious diseases from the Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands, and completed a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Lisbon, Portugal. Her work in academia was mainly focused on molecular biology and the genetic traits of infectious agents such as viruses and parasites. PatrĆ­cia earned several travel awards to present her work at international scientific meetings. She is a published author of several peer-reviewed science articles.

Articles by Patricia Silva

ICER Releases Draft Report on Disease-modifying Therapies for MS, Welcomes Comment

The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) has released aĀ Draft Evidence ReportĀ evaluating the comparative clinical effectiveness and value of disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) for patients with relapsing-remitting and primary-progressive forms of multiple sclerosis (MS). Through Dec. 21, patients, the public, and other stakeholders can accessĀ the 82-page report and…

Protein from Parasite Lowers Relapse Rates, Evidence of Demyelination in Mice with MS

A moleculeĀ secreted by a parasite was seen to prevent autoimmune reactionsĀ in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis (MS). As this molecule, a protein factor or peptide, also worked to preventĀ diabetes, researchers suggestĀ it might be developed intoĀ aĀ potential treatment for autoimmune diseases. The study, “A parasite-derived 68-mer peptide ameliorates…

UV Light May Lead Way to New Treatment for MS and Inflammation

Researchers have foundĀ a way to harness inflammation with the help of ultraviolet (UV) light, making it possible to design an anti-inflammatory treatment that is more specific and causes fewer side effects. If this approach canĀ be developed forĀ clinical treatment, itĀ likely will have a large impact on the lives of people with…

RSNA 2016: Philips to Debut Advanced Software Applications to Evaluate Neurological Disorders

Royal PhilipsĀ willĀ introduce a new suite of magnetic resonance (MR)-based software applications at the upcomingĀ Radiological Society of North Americaā€™s 102ndĀ Scientific Meeting and Annual Assembly (RSNA 2016;Ā #RSNA16) Nov. 27 to Dec. 2 in Chicago. Philipsā€™ Ingenia family of digital MRI systemsĀ provides radiologists with a unique set…

Australian Researcher Honored for Discovery That May Lead to Anti-Inflammatory Therapy

Dr. Rebecca Coll, a young researcher at theĀ University of Queensland Institute of Molecular Bioscience, won theĀ 2016 Research Australia Discovery AwardĀ for her work in identifying promising anti-inflammatory compoundsĀ that are able to block the NLRP3 inflammasome ā€” a key driver of inflammation.Ā The discovery could greatly benefit patients with inflammatory diseases,…

MS Foundation Launches New Website and Redesigns Focus Magazine

The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, whichĀ is celebrating its 30thĀ anniversary this year, has launched a new website to make access to information and services easier, and a newly designed MS Focus magazine. MS Focus magazine is the foundationā€™s publication dedicated to common challenges, solutions, and stories of the…

New Company Specializing in Stem Cell Platform for MS and Other Ills Raises $48.5M

Magenta TherapeuticsĀ has completed itsĀ first round of financing, raisingĀ $48.5 million to develop ways of bringing bone marrow stem cell transplants to more patients with autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), among other illnesses. The new companyĀ aimsĀ to develop the first complete platform that can overcomeĀ the challenges in stem cell transplants,…

AXIM Biotech to Get U.S. Patent Covering All Cannabinoids in Its Chewing Gums

AXIM BiotechnologiesĀ announced that theĀ United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will be issuing a patent coveringĀ all cannabinoids ā€” both natural and synthetic ā€” Ā used in a chewing gum delivery system that may be included in itsĀ cannabinoid-containing, controlled-release chewing gum products. The USPTO has given the company aĀ Notice of…

Assay Able to Detect Neuron Damage in Blood May Serve as Early MS Diagnostic Tool

Quanterix and UmanDiagnosticsĀ are workingĀ to advanceĀ an assay capable of detecting neuron damage in a blood sample ā€” a tool that could aid in the earlyĀ diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) and other neurodegenerative conditions. The collaboration brings Quanterixā€™ Simoa technology together with Umanā€™s antibodies against neurofilament light (Nf-L) ā€” a…

Plans by 4 Countries to Subsidize Cost of Newer MS Drugs May Weight on US

A cost-effectiveness analysis of reimbursement recommendationsĀ for four relatively new multiple sclerosis (MS) treatments made by agencies in four countries ā€” Australia, Canada, Sweden, and the U.K. ā€” found overwhelming support (88 percent) for either full or restricted reimbursement for each therapy. The analysis, performed by theĀ Decision Resources Group, is…

Testing Stages of Marijuana Gum to Treat Spasticity in MS Can Be Followed Online

Medical MarijuanaĀ announced thatĀ Axim Biotechnologies,Ā aĀ cannabinoid-based product developer in which it owns a strategic interest, has released a product pipeline chart highlighting development timelines for its cannabinoid-based therapeutics, including those forĀ Ā multiple sclerosis (MS)Ā patients. The Ā chart illustrates the stage each drug is in, from preclinical testingĀ to, eventually, applications for regulatory…

ABLE Act Webinar Set for Nov. 15

The National Disability Institute manages the website that has good information. I watched all the ā€œwebinarsā€Ā and found them informative. A new one is going to be broadcast Nov. 15, 1:00-2:30 CST Ā (event number 660 742 928), Ā and likely will be archived with the rest of the webinars…

NIH Researcher Working on MS Imaging Wins 2016 Barancik Prize for Innovation

Dr. Daniel Reich, a researcher with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Ā has beenĀ recognized for his pioneering work on brain imagingĀ to advance both the treatment of people withĀ multiple sclerosis (MS)Ā and scientific understanding of the disease. Reich, aĀ neurologist, neuro-radiologist and neuroscientist,Ā was awarded theĀ 2016 Barancik Prize for Innovation in MS…

GNS Unveils Platform to Predict New Therapy’s Likely Success in Real World at ISPOR

GNS HealthcareĀ isĀ presenting a data-driven causal machine learning solution, called Efficacy to Effectiveness,Ā designed toĀ predict how potential therapies will actually perform in distinct populations. The data, being releasedĀ today at ISPOR 2016, used pre-launch data from a study comparingĀ Gilenya (fingolimod)Ā and other multiple sclerosis (MS) therapies to build and validate causal models…

PoNS Tongue Stimulator, Designed to Ease Neuroplasticity, Recommended for ISO Certification

Helius Medical Technologies‘s Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNS), a device being developedĀ to treatĀ neuroplasticity in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and other neurological diseases, has been recommended forĀ ISO 13485 certification, an international standard of quality management for medical devices, after a positive evaluationĀ byĀ Lloydā€™s Register Quality Assurance Limited (LRQA). This…

AXIM Moving Ahead with Testing of Cannabinoid Products, Including Chewing Gum for MS Patients

AXIM Biotechnologies Ā announced it has secured financing from private sources to continue its testing of medicalĀ cannabinoid products as potential treatments forĀ multiple indications, includingĀ pain and spasticity in people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Specifically, AXIM Ā is testing pharmaceutical delivery systems andĀ active ingredients for itsĀ medical marijuana line. ā€œThis financing provides us with…

Getting More Blacks and Other Minority MS Patients into Clinical Studies Is Goal of ACP Project

Getting more African-Americans and other minority groups to take part in clinical research into treatments for multiple sclerosis (MS), andĀ identifying and tackling continuing disparities in efforts that affect patient care, will be the focus of a project led by the nonprofit groupĀ Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis (ACP)Ā and supported…

Selexis to Provide ImmuNext with Cell Lines for Research into Treatment for MS, Autoimmune Diseases

SelexisĀ has entered into a commercial arrangementĀ with ImmuNext,Ā providing that company with access to research cell banks from itsĀ SURE technologyĀ Platform (a best-in-class cell line development technology). ImmuNext will use the cell banks in further developing its anti-CD40 ligand antibody, a potential therapeutic agentĀ for chronic autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis…