Benefits of Music Therapy for MS

Debi Wilson avatar

by Debi Wilson |

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MS in Harmony

Faith of the Mustard Seed
Music therapy has long been known for its healing powers ā€” its useĀ dates back to WWI, where it was used to help with the physical and emotional healing of the wounded. Music can also be of help to those of us with multiple sclerosis.

An article from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, titled “Music Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis” and written by Jenny Asparro who is studying music and neuroscience at St. Olaf College, recognizes that thereĀ are many benefits with music therapy. Beyond the obvious calming affects, it can also encourage body movements to a rhythmic beat, and can add many rewards to our lives.

Body movements that we use during the day are essential to keeping us active and independent. Adding repeated movements together with a melodic sound can improve coordination and concentration. Doing these repetitive actions can also affect endurance, Ā and help create a more level walking gait.

Music activates movement, so that the thinking process is bypassed. It is a free action which eliminates overwhelming cognitive upheaval. I found this particular excerpt from Asparro’s articleĀ reassuring, “It is almost impossible to fully lose the ability to process music because, unlike speech, it involves so many areas of the brain.”

Another benefit of music is improved memory, which would be incredibly helpful to those of us experiencing memory loss. Even thoughĀ we find it difficultĀ to remember daily tasks, we still retain the ability to be taught and perform physical activities, such as playing musical instruments. These activities help to improve cognitive abilities.

Anxiety, depression and stress also can receive high benefits from listening to or performing music. It can help you to relax theĀ mind and to deal with emotions you may have concerning your illness or life in general. Also beneficial are music therapy group sessions, since music activates emotions and social connections in the brain.

Verbal communication is anotherĀ function that may benefitĀ from music therapy. Words that are hard to verbalize can easily be communicated when put to music. According to Asparro, “Singing can also help with the breath support, pronunciation, and timing needed for speech.”

From my time working as an activity director, I have seen the incredible benefits that music therapy has on patients with disabilities. I have witnessed elderly dementia patients still able to kick and hit aĀ ball to music in an exercise class. I have also seen music’s calming effect on children. Music benefits all ages, it is the universal language. Not only does it connect us to others, it also increases the healing power of our bodies ā€” so relax and enjoy the music!

Note:Ā Multiple Sclerosis News TodayĀ is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those ofĀ Multiple Sclerosis News Today, or its parent company, Bionews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to multiple sclerosis.


Cyndy Gardiner avatar

Cyndy Gardiner

Music or sound therapy provides health benrfits from the vibratory tones of different notes as energy that heals. Benefits can be derived mentally, emotionally and physically. I found it to be one of the most beneficial blissful and productive Wholistic treatments for MS Ive yet to experience

Debi Wilson avatar

Debi Wilson

I totally agree Cyndy! Thanks for your comments!

smarty avatar


if you're really interested in vibratory tones, check out A tuned to 432 hz rather than the usual 440 hz


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