Developing resilience in the face of the ‘MonSter’ that’s MS

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by Bionews Staff |

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Five photos showing individuals affected by multiple sclerosis, who are sharing their real-life stories during MS Awareness Month, are hung with clips on a string above the words 'MS Community Spotlight.'

Melinda Livermont, an MS Ambassador with MS4MS, is shown representing for the nonprofit while attending an NHL hockey game. (Photos courtesy of Melinda Livermont)

Day 4 of 31

This is Melinda Livermont’s story:

After the initial MRI scans, spinal tap, and blood work, hearing the actual words from the doctor — “You have multiple sclerosis” (MS) — is a distinct shock that every person diagnosed with MS must face. It feels like losing a battle. Yet, amid the fear and confusion, there comes a moment for standing up and proclaiming inside oneself: “This too is worth every ounce of the fight.”

Livermont works to spread MS Awareness alongside support and care partner Kirk Livermont, seen at right.

Waking up each day more exhausted than the day before, without any chance of knowing what a restful night of sleep feels like, became my reality. But losing half my vision completely from the nose down, due to a lesion on my optic nerve, allowed me to refocus on the beauty in life and people.

Constant pain from head to toe has become my normal. When a new “ouch” emerges, it’s almost a blessing — a signal from my body alerting me to something new that needs attention.

Walking has become a challenge I’ve learned to adapt to with the help of science. What I call my bionic sleeve — an electrode-fitted device — sends the right signals from my brain to my nerves, enabling me to walk.

I’m grateful that I fall less often now than I did before. Each small victory, like showing my physical therapist a new skill I’ve mastered, fills me with pride.

Throughout my MS journey, I’ve come to accept that change is constant. Life can shift dramatically in the blink of an eye. I don’t appreciate the disease — I’ve dubbed it the MonSter — that is MS, or the diagnosis I received in 2018. But I deeply value the resilience it has taught me.

Every day, I show up for the fight, no matter what MS chooses to throw at me. One thing is certain: I will never back down!

In recognition of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month in March, the MS Community Spotlight campaign features a series of stories highlighting the real-life experiences of people affected by MS, written in their own words. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X, and Pinterest for more stories like this, using the hashtag #MSSpotlight, or read the full series.