MS Trial to Improve Physical Activity, Lower Fatigue via Telehealth Is Enrolling Participants

A new  multiple sclerosis (MS) clinical trial being led by Case Western Reserve University investigators is now recruiting 215 individuals, across 10 U.S. states to assess whether the fatigue management and physical activity interventions often provided by rehabilitation centers can effectively be offered by telehealth, through a series of teleconferences and phone interviews. An National MS…

MS Patients and Caregivers Invited to Take Part in Meditation Study

A new randomized and controlled trial is recruiting multiple sclerosis (MS) patients to investigate the effect of a mindfulness-based telemedicine intervention program on patients and their caregivers. The clinical study’s protocol was recently published in the journal Trials, titled “A telemedicine meditation intervention for people with multiple sclerosis…

New Study Focuses on Sleep Troubles and Quality of Life in MS Patients

A new study investigated the influence of sleep disturbance, fatigue and disability on the quality of life (QOL) in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Health-related QOL measurements are important tools for assessing the impact of a disease on self-reported physical, mental, emotional, and social functioning. Most studies show that QOL is not related to…

Tips for Managing Multiple Sclerosis During the Holidays

The holidays can be stressful on everyone, and especially on those with multiple sclerosis (MS). A health specialist is offering these eight suggestions to MS patients and their families as a way to enjoy this season, and to keep it as free as possible of disease flares or symptom worsening. Increased demands on daily routines, travel,…

MS Society Funds 3 New Investigations into Symptom Management

The Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS Society) in the U.K. recently announced  awards targeted towards new MS research. In total, 16 projects carefully selected by both a panel of experts and patients living with MS will share MS Society 2015 funding grants amounting to £1,979,879. All projects fulfilled the requirements of high scientific…

Might Chocolate Ease Multiple Sclerosis Fatigue?

A research team from Oxford Brookes University is being given a £70,000 ($107,000) grant to analyze whether dark chocolate can help ease symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS). The Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS Society) will fund the study. The goal of the project, according to a press release, is to investigate if a…

MS Study of Smartphone Self-Evaluation Shows Limitations and Potential

A smartphone platform may eventually enable large-scale studies of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) or other neurologic diseases, according to the findings of a recent study published in the journal Neurology, Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation. Smartphones, highly portable and popular, provide a significant opportunity to incorporate information across…

Multiple Sclerosis Patients Show Real Gains from Group Exercise Program

Results from a recent study published in the journal Rehabilitation Research and Practice showed the positive effects of community exercise programs in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Study participants showed physical improvements like higher energy levels and reduced fatigue, psychological benefits from those improvements and from group support and motivation, and…

Adamas Reports Walking Improvement in MS Models with ADS-5102 (Amantadine HCl)

Adamas Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a pharmaceutical company focused on chronic conditions that affect the central nervous system, recently announced results from two non-clinical studies showing that the company’s product candidate ADS-5102 can be potentially applied as a treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms. MS is a chronic, progressive neurodegenerative autoimmune…

MS Care: A Hot Topic at #ECTRIMS2015

Three “Hot Topic Sessions” on multiple sclerosis will take place this afternoon (17:00 – 17:45 h, GMT + 1h) at the 31st Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), currently being held in Barcelona, Spain, October 7 – 10. The first session is entitled…

Problem Drinking in MS Associated with Anxiety and Family History

Multiple sclerosis (MS) presents many life-altering challenges, but most patients naturally focus most often on the physical challenges associated with the condition: problems with movement, sensation and vision that occur as part of disease progression. Unfortunately, depression and suicidal thoughts are common as well. New research suggests that there could be a relationship…

Two Researchers Investigate FACETS Program to Fight Fatigue in MS

Throughout the years, Dr. Sarah Thomas and Dr. Peter Thomas at Bournemouth University have been developing a program to aid multiple sclerosis patients affected by fatigue. Their program, developed at the Bournemouth University Clinical Research Unit in collaboration with colleagues at Dorset Multiple Sclerosis Service at Poole Hospital, is a…