BAS Joins with Montel Williams in Effort to Bring Cannabis Products for MS to Market

BAS Research, recently granted California’s first medicinal marijuana manufacturing and research license, is teaming with Montel Williams’ LenitivLabs startup to begin developing, producing and marketing medical-grade cannabis products. BAS’ goal is to replace the social stigma associated with cannabis by creating medical marijuana products with standardized dosing and proven efficacy. Its products are aimed at…

Testing Stages of Marijuana Gum to Treat Spasticity in MS Can Be Followed Online

Medical Marijuana announced that Axim Biotechnologies, a cannabinoid-based product developer in which it owns a strategic interest, has released a product pipeline chart highlighting development timelines for its cannabinoid-based therapeutics, including those for  multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. The  chart illustrates the stage each drug is in, from preclinical testing to, eventually, applications for regulatory…

Medical Cannabis Has a Role to Play in MS Treatment

Medical cannabis is subject to laws relating to the growing, possession, transport, and use of marijuana. These vary from country to country and, in the United States, from state to state. There are also differences between marijuana for general and recreational use and for the same product for medical use.