Use the Power of Writing to Lift Yourself, Others

Teresa Wright-Johnson avatar

by Teresa Wright-Johnson |

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writing as therapy

Patiently Awakened

The art of writing has been my refuge during some incredibly difficult times. Writing also serves as a vessel to express my joys, life lessons, and messages I wish to share with others. Writing is therapeutic.

Expressing myself through prose and poetry allows me to connect with others. It humanizes the common experience. I write about most of my encounters, good, bad and indifferent. These events comprise the story of my life. I find that even on the days when I am extremely fatigued, I muster the energy to write. Through the tears and pain, I write. At times, the pen is food for my soul.

Keeping a journal

I have been keeping a journal for years. As a young woman, I was encouraged to write. I look back at many of my writings and I recall every phase of my life I had written about. As an adolescent with heart disease, I had a difficult time accepting and discussing my illness. It was a hardship processing many things. My adolescent years were challenging and greeted me with raging hormones to accompany my illness. I had a lot to get through, and writing helped me immensely.

I was told in school that I have a “natural gift” for writing, and it was part of my life years ago. My father stated long ago that his daughter would become a writer. I was a chatty little girl and he was patient, loving and quiet. I can only assume that I was talking too much one day and he challenged me to write a report. I know now that he was seeking peace and quiet, but the words he spoke planted a seed in my spirit.

In addition, my aunt, who has also been a significant influence in my life, told me that she couldnā€™t wait to read my book. I was going through my second open-heart surgery and my aunt encouraged me to write the book that is inside of me. Both my father and aunt will soon read those books.

My pen is my soulmate

I am not proclaiming that everyone will become a published writer. I am saying that we each have a voice and a powerful story within us. There are times when we may not want to share our stories with anyone because we are still processing certain events in our lives. It was during the most tumultuous times that the pen became my soulmate and the paper was its keeper. The most intimate details of my life were protected until I was ready to share them. The beauty of writing is all we need is a pen, paper and our hearts.

As a student, my teachers would express the importance of writing. As an adult, writing has been a priceless gift. As someone with MS and heart disease, writing is a necessity. I have had several people reach out to me stating that they began writing journals and poetry after their diagnosis. They revealed that they, too, have found their voices and calling through writing.

I understand that we have limitations and varying talents. Writing may not be for everyone. I am simply sharing how writing has changed the course of my life and how therapeutic the art of writing can be. Writing has led me out of darkness on many occasions. Iā€™ve had experiences when as soon as I released the pen my burden was lifted. Writing serves as a reminder of all that we have endured; it is a testament to our resilience and it is a reflection of our lives.

More importantly for me, writing has empowered me to empower others. The gist of this weekā€™s column is to encourage all those who love to write. Continue to write your heart out. Seek the light in the midst of the darkness. Your spirit is listening and your words will help another.


Note:Ā Multiple Sclerosis News TodayĀ is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those ofĀ Multiple Sclerosis News TodayĀ or its parent company, BioNews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to multiple sclerosis.


Debi avatar


You are a beautifully expressive writer Teresa! Thank-you for sharing your gift with all of us!

Teresa Wright-Johnson avatar

Teresa Wright-Johnson

Hi Debi!
Thanks so much! I appreciate you and your encouraging words.

David avatar


Teresa, You were born to write and help others.

Teresa Wright-Johnson avatar

Teresa Wright-Johnson

Hi David,
Thank you so much. I appreciate your words of encouragement. Best wishes to you.


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