31 Days of MS: I’m Thankful for the Lessons MS Has Taught Me

Photo courtesy of Agata
Day 5 of 31
This is Agata’s (@beatingmyms) story:
It was 2019. My life was about to turn upside down, and I had no idea. I should’ve noticed the signs: miscarriage, anxiety, depression. I just got married to the love of my life. I thought I was healthy, getting ready to celebrate my 35th birthday when the doctor called with the news: Multiple sclerosis.
I’d never heard of MS. My diagnosis was devastating, and it took me a few weeks to go to sleep without crying. Then everything changed when I read the Wahls Protocol. It gave me hope and motivated me to do more research. In the following months, I listened to every audiobook related to autoimmune disease and diet. I learned about the importance of food and nutrients, and became a health coach as a result. Changing my diet made me feel better and I wanted to spread the word about it.
When I was diagnosed, I started an Instagram account called @beatingmyms to meet others with MS and find answers. I’m forever thankful for the love and support I received there and the connections I made. People helped me get through the first few months, followed me throughout my first and second pregnancies, and cheered for me. They are still cheering for me and my family. It’s time for me to give back.
March is MS Awareness month and it’s also the month when I was diagnosed. This year, I will be celebrating my birthday and the launch of my new website (mymspear.com) where I’m hoping to bring people together and help them live a better life with MS. When I was diagnosed, I didn’t know that multiple sclerosis would change my life for the better. Yes, it’s an awful disease, but it has taught me so much, and I’m forever thankful for that.
Multiple Sclerosis News Today’s 31 Days of MS campaign will publish one story per day for Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month in March. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more stories like this, using the hashtag #31DaysofMS, or read the full series.