31 Days of MS: Finding My Balance, Both Mentally and Physically

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by Bionews Staff |

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31 Days of MS | Multiple Sclerosis News Today | 31 Days 2022 graphic

Photo courtesy of Roy Padilla

Day 28 of 31

This is Roy Padilla’s (@royale_padilla) story:

My journey with MS began around fall 2008 (allegedly). One morning, I woke up with a small headache, that day by day got worse. It became so bad I couldn’t keep my balance. My family doctor prescribed Tums. Unsatisfied, I got a second opinion. It turned out to be a bad case of vertigo, but I was unaware of what caused it.

Fast forward to winter 2010: I felt something in my eye I couldn’t rub off. It got bigger, to the point that I was blind in one eye. My new family doctor suggested I get assessed by an MS specialist. Turns out … I do have MS.

I was surprised and scared at the same time, especially since we have no history of MS in my family. I wouldn’t say I was in denial at first, but I definitely didn’t take it as seriously as I should have. I wasn’t making major changes, just relying on the medication I was prescribed.

As I learned more about MS, within the last seven or eight years, I definitely made changes to my lifestyle and habits. My new approach is to live a balanced life, both mentally and physically. I don’t claim to be the most health-conscious person, but now I make more of an effort to take in stuff that’s healthier for my body and keep in moderation the not-so-good stuff.

I pay attention to how my body reacts when I’m fatigued. I learned that stress can be a trigger, so I’ve become more mindful of my mental state. Exercise plays a big role in helping me deal with MS: I stick to a consistent routine to keep my mind and body active. I have regular check-ups with bloodwork and an MRI once a year. Fortunately, I’ve been healthy enough not to need visits outside of regular check-ups.

It’s been a while since I’ve had severe symptoms, but this journey is far from over. My goal is to live as healthy as possible and experience life as much as I can — while staying in balance. I try my best to focus on things within my control.

Multiple Sclerosis News Today’s 31 Days of MS campaign will publish one story per day for Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month in March. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more stories like this, using the hashtag #31DaysofMS, or read the full series.