Benign MS: If Only We Had Known Then What Researchers Know Now

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benign ms

Now they tell me! People diagnosed with what is termed as benign MS can benefit from disease modifying drugs (DMDs), according to a new study.

Fourteen years ago, when diagnosed as having MS, the neurologist told me that it was benign. He said it had taken 25 years to progress that far, and he didnā€™t see any reason why that rate of disease progression should increase in the future. But he was wrong, it did progressĀ faster. No treatment was offered then or at any time since.

When I say “no treatment,” I mean for MS itself. I have been provided with medications to relieve pain, as well as to help me cope with bladder and bowel problems. But thatā€™s it.

Of course, in my case, the MS is no longer benign.

AĀ new study is now saying that, for people diagnosed with benign MS, DMDs can help protect them from greater disability.

People who have benign MS remain fully functional for decadesĀ after disease onset, according to researchers at the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in New York. Disease modifying drugs wereĀ also found toĀ help maintain this benign state over the course of their lives.

The results wereĀ published in the journalĀ BMC Neurology, in the study, ā€œFactors associated with benign multiple sclerosis in the New York State MS Consortium (NYSMSC),ā€ and reported in an article inĀ Multiple Sclerosis News Today.

MS is known forĀ its heterogeneity, forĀ having widely dissimilar elements or expressions. Patients withĀ benign MS (BMS) experience little disease progression and minimal disability, sometimes even decades after disease onset. But patients with BMS can only be diagnosed retrospectively,Ā 10Ā or more years after MS onset. In my case, neurologists traced symptoms in my medical records to show that I had MS in my early 20s,Ā butĀ I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 49 ā€“ much longer than the minimum 10 years.

Although the general recommendation is that newly diagnosed MS patients immediately start treatment, little wasĀ known as to whether BMS patients might also benefit from earlier treatment with DMDs.

Now, investigators found that both DMD use and longer disease duration significantly predicted the maintenance of BMS status at follow-up. This protective effect was particularly obvious in patients who were taking DMD both at baseline and follow-up.

And these findings do indeed suggest that early initiation and continued treatment with DMDs is beneficial for BMS patients, increasing their likelihood of maintaining aĀ benign status.

Researchers analyzed more than 6,258Ā patients enrolled in The New York State MS Consortium (NYSMSC) to study the prevalence of BMS, the prognostic factors associated with BMS, and whether DMDs can maintain a benign status in peopleĀ diagnosed with BMS at baseline.

I just wish that this study had been done at the time of my diagnosis, in 2002.

Note: Multiple SclerosisĀ News TodayĀ is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.Ā The opinions expressed in this columnĀ are not those ofĀ Multiple SclerosisĀ News Today, or itsĀ parent company, Bionews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to Multiple Sclerosis.Ā 


Todd Koerner avatar

Todd Koerner

I feel your pain, Ian. I was diagnosed in 1994 and declined the first DMD, Betaseron, because I had recovered from my first symptom, and had no interest in injecting myself if I could avoid it.

Suffice it to say, I had a severe relapse in 1999 and promptly went on Avonex, but I fear the damage had already been done. I still function pretty well, but the recovery from flares have been incomplete, and I have lost some function permanently.

Right now, I am on Tysabri, and am weighing whether to pursue HSCT or not. The anecdotal results seem very promising, but I know that it is an extreme and experimental procedure, and may wait until more results are reported. On top of that, I'm not entirely convinced that I would benefit enough from it.

Like many MS patients, these are the factors that I balance on a daily basis.

Karen Kovach avatar

Karen Kovach

Hello, I received an MS diagnosis after an auto accident and MRI of my brain 30 years ago. I just simply proceeded with life and it was only 2 years ago that I am now looking at an MS diagnosis. You see, I used to run...alot, so when I was having trouble running I sought out an orthopaedic surgeon. They finally zeroed in on my neck and I was found to have age-related degenerative changes, but lets run an MRI. The plaques on my brain and spinal chord made the surgeons run away, so surgery is out. I have never had pain or numbness, and the last neurologist told me that after 30 years without treatment, I should be in a wheelchair. Thanks. So I continue on, determined that the treatments are not designed for this benign case of MS. I do however seem to have 3 auto-immune diseases(Hashimoto's, Uveitis, MS), everythings in remission so on I go...


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