Multiple Sclerosis News Today to Provide On-site Coverage of 10th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology

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by Charles Moore |

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World Congress on Controversies in Neurology

CONylogoThe 10th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy) will be held this week — March 17-20 — in Lisbon, Portugal, and Multiple Sclerosis News Today will be there to cover and report on the proceedings.

CONy 2016 co-chairs Prof. Amos Korczyn and KorczynAProf. Victor Oliveira noted that in recent years, the neurology field has seen enormous expansion of clinical and basic data, and while conferences are more informative these days, attendees often are under OlivieraVtime constraints that limit the opportunity for thorough discussion of information and issues. Consequently, a gap has developed between expansion of knowledge and its dissemination and use.

Korczyn and Oliveira emphasized that CONy provides a platform for international neurology experts to discuss and compare clinical experiences, and enables participants to discuss and debate unresolved issues with leading world neurology experts. The Congress aims to provide the most available timely, relevant, and reliable data and scientific information to clinicians, to help them administer the best everyday patient care.

English is the official language of the Congress, and the topics to be address include multiple sclerosis (MS); dementia; epilepsy; headache/pain; neuroimmunology; neuropathology; Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders (PD/MD); rehabilitation; and stroke. You can find a timetable of Congress activities, presentations, symposiums, and sessions at:

Multiple Sclerosis News Today‘s on-site coverage will be anchored by Bionews Services Group managing editor Ana de Barros, Ph.D., and Patrícia Silva, Ph.D., managing editor of Multiple Sclerosis News Today. Also attending will be Bionews Services’ social media director Isaura Santos and social media manager Marta Ribeiro.

The Bionews team’s on-site reporting from CONy will include feature articles, interviews, and minute-by-minute social media coverage on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Social media accounts for Multiple Sclerosis News Today can be found in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage.

Multiple Sclerosis News Today‘s on-the-spot coverage of the Congress will particularly focus on developments related to MS and Parkinson’s disease, with special attention paid to Industry Supported Sessions presented at the conference by companies such as Sanofi Genzyme, AbbVie, and Cynapsus.

The first CONy Congress was in 2007 in Berlin, Germany. More information about it and the other nine previous CONy conferences can be found at:

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