Neurostimulation via Neubie Aids Movement With MS, Company Says

Yedida Y Bogachkov PhD avatar

by Yedida Y Bogachkov PhD |

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Neubie | Multiple Sclerosis News Today | illustration of physical therapy

Neubie, a neuromuscular electrical stimulation device developed by NeuFit, led to measurable improvements in function and strength in the six multiple sclerosis (MS) patients who participated in a three-day physical therapy bootcamp, the company announced in a press release.

The Neubie device is part of theĀ NeuFit method to re-educate the neuromuscular system and help to ease chronic pain, and allow people to heal faster and perform better. The patented devise, cleared for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, works by sending direct electrical signals through the skin to nerves at locations where patients are experiencing pain or difficulties with muscle movement.

These signals are meant to change the neurological patterns that delay recovery and to Ā re-educate the body for more optimal functioning. Neubie aims to induce a re-wiring of brain connections ā€” a feature called neuroplasticity ā€” to give patients a greater range of motion, more strength, and better function.

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At the weekend-long bootcamp at NeuFit’s headquarters in Austin, Texas,Ā sixĀ MS patients were assigned physical therapists who helped them in using the Neubie device as part of the NeuFit method.

The process begins with patients performing various manual tests while the device identifies the location of affected nerves. Then patients undergo manual therapy and Neubie neurological stimulation to help in re-educating the body.

The physical therapists indicated that each patient made “measurable progress” throughout the bootcamp, NeuFit reported in its release.

ā€œI have made so much progress in three days, I can only imagine how much better I am going to be doing if I stick to this protocol,ā€ said one patient.

ā€œI have tried many different things to address my MS and this is the best hope for my recovery and revival of my abilities that I have ever had,ā€ another added.

NeuFit plans to hold another MS Bootcamp onĀ Feb. 18ā€“20, 2022. People with MS may sign up by emailingĀ [email protected].

While the press release does not indicate what out-of-pocket costs patients may incur by attending a bootcamp, the company’s website notes that services at its headquarters are “self-pay” although they may be covered by insurance.

Use of Neubie is not indicated to treat MS, the website also notes, but when used as part of the NeuFit method it has helped some patients “improve function, become more mobile, and return to activities that had become challenging or impossible.”