
Video: BioNews’ Social Media Campaign Highlights #WhatMakesMeRare

In recognition of Rare Disease Day Feb. 29, BioNews Services launched a social media campaign last month asking patients to describe what makes them rare. Running Feb. 7ā€“29, the #WhatMakesMeRare campaign was aimed at uplifting people with rare diseases by encouraging them to share their stories and perspectives. The…

3 Tips for Explaining MS to Others

Face it: Understanding MS isnā€™t easy ā€” even if you have it. Thereā€™s no known cause, no cure, no predictability in progression, and while there are common symptoms and manifestations, they affect everyone differently. Some symptoms come and go with no rhyme or reason and…

New Video Series Features ‘It Takes a Team’

Thereā€™s a difference between being lucky and being blessed. I learned that difference in 1992, after giving birth to our son. Once the doctors counted 10 toes, 10 fingers and we heard the babyā€™s first cry, I remarked to my husband how lucky we were.

New Video Series Aims to Lift the MS Community

When youā€™re living with multiple sclerosis, itā€™s important to surround yourself with a community of people who give you the kind of support and understanding you need. When I was diagnosed in 1986, there was no internet to help me find a community,…