31 Days of MS: Stay Positive, No Matter What Happens

Photo courtesy of Marek Klimkowski
Day 17 of 31
This is Marek Klimkowski’s (@runningwithms_pl) story:
My MS story began probably when I was 14 years old, but the disease wasn’t confirmed at that time. I had been bitten by a tick and diagnosed with Lyme disease. I had nystagmus — repetitive, uncontrolled eye movements — dizziness, and numbness in the left part of my body. Unfortunately, even a lumbar puncture did not raise any concern to doctors that it could be MS.
Until 2009, everything seemed fine. I was treated for Lyme disease but after visiting a sauna in Turkey, I had problems with my right eye. Nearly half a year and a lot of eye examinations later, I went to the hospital where, once again, I underwent a lumbar puncture which confirmed that it was not Lyme disease but MS.
I was quickly placed on Rebif therapy (I took it for six years), but it affected my memory and came with side effects and needles. Right now, I am taking Tecfidera pills.
Unfortunately, results of a recent MRI exam showed some changes in my brain. On the other hand, I feel good. I try to exercise every day and even started running, which I do regularly with better and worse results, but I enjoy it a lot.
Also, I don’t drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, but I do have an addiction to tattoos.
My motto is to stay strong and active in life as much as possible. My wife says I am an incorrigible optimist but staying positive helps me when I feel fatigued or experience pain caused by MS. The most important thing for me is to stay positive, no matter what happens.
Multiple Sclerosis News Today’s 31 Days of MS campaign will publish one story per day for Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month in March. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more stories like this, using the hashtag #31DaysofMS, or read the full series.