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Study Shows Skin Problems Can Be Caused by Interferon-Ī² MS Therapy

Skin problems may be caused by interferon-Ī², a common treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS), according to a new study published by a German research group at the Klinik und Poliklinik fĆ¼r Dermatologie, Venerologie und Allergologie, in WĆ¼rzburg, Germany. The work, entitled “Cutaneous Adverse Events Associated with Interferon-Ī²…

Nano-Drugs in Liposomes Could Treat Multiple Sclerosis

Nano-drugs encased in liposomes could one day be used to treat neurological diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS), according to a new study published July 6th in the journal, PloS One. A liposome is a small, fat soluble droplet that can contain a water soluble drug. Liposomes might…

11-Year Follow-up of Bayer’s BENEFIT Interferon-beta1b Treatment Reveals Positive Results For MS Patients

Results from the BENEFIT11 trial indicate thatĀ early treatment with IFNB-1b leads to improvements inĀ cognition and fatigue in the long-term, as well as sustained employment and favorable magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) outcomes, measured at the 11-year mark. Supported byĀ Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, the study, titled “Long-term Impact of Early MS Treatment with…

Gut Bacteria: Key to MS?

There has been a great deal of recent interest in the connection between nervous system function and the complex bacteria that are found in the gastrointestinal system, known as the gut microbiome. Some scientists believe that differences in the type of bacteria found in the gut mayĀ underlie neurological disease. In…

Amarantus Releases Preliminary Data From Blood-Based MS Diagnostic

Amarantus BioScienceĀ has released preliminary data from a blood test for multiple sclerosis (MS)Ā called theĀ MSPrecise diagnostic. The company believes that the test could lead to more accurate diagnoses of MSĀ early in the disease’s progression. MSPrecise is a DNA sequencing test designed to identify specific DNA mutations that are associated with the…

Problem Drinking in MS Associated with Anxiety and Family History

Multiple sclerosis (MS) presents many life-altering challenges, but mostĀ patients naturallyĀ focus most often on the physical challenges associated with the condition: problems with movement, sensation and vision that occur as part of disease progression. Unfortunately, depression and suicidal thoughts are common as well. New research suggests that thereĀ could be a relationship…

Myelin Repair Foundation and NIH to Study Guanabenz for MS

The Myelin Repair Foundation (MRF) and National Institutes of HealthĀ (NIH)Ā will initiateĀ a clinical trial of guanabenz in people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Guanabenz is FDA-approved for high blood pressure, but it may also prevent myelin loss. The drug could be the first for MS to protect myelin from…

Can Suppressing a Protein Associated With Good Health Help Treat MS?

Gladstone Institutes scientists have discoveredĀ a successful new treatment that could potentially be used in multiple sclerosis (MS). The treatment involves suppressing a protein that traditionally is associated with overall good health. The study,Ā SIRT1 Deacetylates RORĪ³t and Enhances Th17 Cell Generation, appeared April 27, 2015 in theĀ Journal…

Phase III Study of Experimental MS Therapy Meets Primary Endpoint, Results to be Presented at ANN Meeting

MedDay, a French biotechnology company that studies treatments for nervous system disorders, including multiple sclerosis, announced that MD1003, a highly-concentrated biotin, is effective forĀ treatment of progressive multiple sclerosis, according to results from a recent Phase III trial. MD1003 may have two beneficial effects: 1) increasing myelin, the fatty nerve-insulating…

Two Already-Approved Medications Could Treat MS

Two already available medicationsĀ could be used to treatĀ multiple sclerosis (MS). In a newĀ study titled, “Drug Based Modulation of Endogenous Stem Cells,” published in the journal NatureĀ on April 20, 2015, scientists report that twoĀ drugs couldĀ activate stem cells in the brain, possibly repairing MS-induced damage to…

Biogen to Focus on RRMS Disease Management, Treatment at Upcoming Conference

Biogen plans toĀ present new clinical data at the 67th American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting in Washington D.C., April 18 ā€“ 25, 2015, including numerous presentations focusing on multiple sclerosis. Ā In a company press release, Biogen statedĀ ā€œAt AAN, we will feature new scientific data, including research highlighting the…

Can Exercise Improve MS-Related Cognitive Problems?

Can exercise help brain function in people with multiple sclerosis (MS)? A new study suggests that it is possible. The reportĀ appeared in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. Led by Robert Motl inĀ theĀ Department of Kinesiology and Community Health at the University of Illinois at…

MS Treatment Using Stem Cells Shows Promise Compared to Medication

New researchĀ from Italy and SpainĀ demonstrated that intense immunosuppression followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) was better thanĀ the medicationĀ mitoxantrone in treating severe cases of multiple sclerosis.Ā The studyĀ appearedĀ in the February 11, 2015, online issue of Neurology. Ā MS is characterized by an immune system attack on the…

MS Progression May Be Stopped By New Anti-inflammatory Molecule

Researchers at theĀ Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, the oldest research center in Australia, developed a molecule that may quellĀ inflammation and stop the progression of multiple sclerosis (MS). The molecule couldĀ eventually be used as a drug for the disease. MSĀ is an inflammatory autoimmune diseaseĀ in which the body attacks…

MS Patients Weigh In on Physician Conflicts of Interest in New Study

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is difficult enough for those who have it, causing damage to the nervous system, difficulty with movement, sensation, numbness, loss of vision and pain. People with MS rely on medications and the care of physicians to manage their symptoms and the progressions of the disease. But…

Can Emotional Health Influence MS Treatment Outcomes?

Emotional health is important when battling any illness, including multiple sclerosis (MS). Despite this, sometimes the benefits of emotional health are overlooked by healthcare providers. Excessive stress can lead to anxiety and depression, which increases hormones such as adrenalin and glucocorticoids that shut down the immune system. Glucocorticoids have…

Novel Switch for Autoimmune Diseases Could Play Role In MS

National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists may have discovered a critical immune system switch that could affect genes involved in autoimmune diseases.Ā The ground-breaking work, published in the journalĀ Nature,Ā may be useful for developing treatments forĀ autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis (MS). MS is characterized by an immune system…

Multiple Sclerosis Damage May be Prevented by Novel Molecules

Researchers atĀ the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have identified new compounds that could protect from multiple sclerosis related damage, based on studies in mice with nervous system damage, mimicking MS. The study appearedĀ in the journal Nature Neuroscience. MS is an autoimmune…

Myelin Damage Caused by MS Could be Slowed, Prevented by Protein

Image credit:Ā Yaming Wang/Bernd Zinselmeyer A new study has shownĀ that a protein calledĀ TREM2 may inhibit microglial repair of damaged myelin in multiple sclerosis. The study appeared in theĀ Jan. 29 issue ofĀ Acta Neuropathologica. MS is characterized by the degeneration of myelin, a fatty…

Multiple Sclerosis Could be Treated with a Surprising Medication

An already approved medication used for bladder problems might help to treat multiple sclerosis, according to researchers at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Lead author Fraser J. Sim, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology in the University at Buffalo…