Alliance launches research grant program to mark World MS Day

To mark World MS Day, which takes place annually on May 30, the International Progressive MS Alliance is introducing a research program to help drive early innovations in care programs for those with progressive forms of multiple sclerosis (MS). Specifically, the program seeks to identify solutions to…

Progressive MS Projects Earn Research Challenge Awards

The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada has granted its International Progressive MS Alliance (Alliance) Research Challenge Awards to 19 researchers for their work on progressive forms of multiple sclerosis (MS). Among them is Jennifer Gommerman, PhD, a professor at the University of Toronto, in Canada, who will use…

Breaking Down the Silos in the MS Community

In the research world, references to breaking down silos abound, and we’re not talking about those found on the farm. These figurative silos are where information is contained and not shared outside of a particular area. Researchers work within their own organization, rarely sharing their work with others doing…