
MSPrecise Shown to be Accurate in Diagnosing RRMS in Study Cohort

A new study testing Amarantus Diagnostics’ MSPrecise on multiple sclerosis patients identified the test as a specific and sensitive diagnostic test for multiple sclerosis. The test accurately diagnosed 84% of multiple sclerosis patients from a broad range of subjects with potential neurological diseases. These results further support Amarantus Diagnostics’ ability to design next generation…

Biogen’s Tecfidera Now The Most Prescribed Oral MS Therapy Globally

Cambridge, Massachusetts based Biogen Inc. has reported its second quarter 2015 results, posting a year-over-year seven percent revenue increase to $2.6 Billion in the quarter. “Biogen remains focused on improving the lives of people living with complex diseases,” says Chief Executive Officer George A. Scangos, Ph.D. “Tecfidera, which is now…

NHS Wales Approves Biogen’s Plegridy for Relapsing Remitting MS

Relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) treatment Plegridy (peg interferon beta-1a) by Biogen Idec, has just received Welsh NHS approval, which should make it available to patients by late October 2015. The decision follows NHS Scotland’s approval earlier this year, however, the biweekly interferon beta shot has yet to be made available in England’s NICE…

New Study Evaluates The Role of MRI in Monitoring MS Progression

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a devastating, progressive disease of the nervous system. It is caused by loss of myelin, a fatty substance that wraps around nerve cells and allows them to conduct impulses and communicate. When myelin is lost, areas of damage called “lesions” result, which appear in the brain and…

Nutra Pharma Working on Pediatric MS Treatment Based on Venom

Nutra Pharma, a US-based biotechnology a company specializing in the acquisition, licensing, and commercialization of pharmaceutical products and technologies for the management of neurological disorders, cancer, autoimmune, and infectious diseases, recently announced that it has filed an application with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for orphan drug status…

Study Shows Skin Problems Can Be Caused by Interferon-β MS Therapy

Skin problems may be caused by interferon-β, a common treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS), according to a new study published by a German research group at the Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatologie, Venerologie und Allergologie, in Würzburg, Germany. The work, entitled “Cutaneous Adverse Events Associated with Interferon-β…

Nano-Drugs in Liposomes Could Treat Multiple Sclerosis

Nano-drugs encased in liposomes could one day be used to treat neurological diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS), according to a new study published July 6th in the journal, PloS One. A liposome is a small, fat soluble droplet that can contain a water soluble drug. Liposomes might…

New MS Study Shows TYSABRI Improves Cognitive Impairment

Researchers at Spedali Civili of Brescia in Italy recently published findings in the journal PLoS One that Biogen’s Tysabri (natalizumab) can improve cognitive impairment in patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) over the course of at least three years. The study is entitled “Natalizumab Significantly…

Mitochondria May Play a Role in MS Development and Progression

Recent attention to the role of mitochondria in the etiology of multiple sclerosis (what causes the disease) suggests that mitochondrial defects and mitochondrial structural and functional changes may contribute to the disease. Researchers studying mitochondria in multiple sclerosis believe abnormalities in mitochondrial dynamics impact cellular pathways such as inflammation and…

1200 People With Relapsing MS Needed For RPC1063, Avonex Clinical Trials

Clinical investigators worldwide are beginning to recruit 1,200 patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis for a study assessing the effectiveness of two different doses of RPC1063 (Receptos, Inc.), an experimental oral therapy, and Avonex® (interferon beta-1a, Biogen Inc.) in order to reduce relapse rate in patients. This study, called the Sunbeam Study, is being funded by…

Report Shows MS Patients Miss Out On Access To Palliative Care Services

A recent report by Marie Curie fellows organization suggests that those suffering from neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis are missing out on care that could make a major difference in the quality of their lives. When it comes to palliative care, the report contends that there is a limited understanding about the need…

Roche’s Ocrelizumab Found to be Superior to Standard Interferon Therapy in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Roche recently announced encouraging results on its investigational medicine ocrelizumab as a therapy for patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis, which includes either RRMS or SPMS with relapses. Ocrelizumab was evaluated in two pivotal studies (OPERA I and OPERA II), where it was compared to interferon (IFN) beta-1a (Rebif®), the standard-of-care…

“MS” Documentary Released on YouTube

“MS” is a documentary film released last year that tells the story of three patients who suffer from multiple sclerosis (MS) and how they deal with the chronic debilitating disease. The director of the film recently announced that the short documentary has been made available on YouTube in…

MS Views and News Seeks to Improve MS Education in July

MS Views and News (MSVN) is a non-profit organization that works at collecting, presenting and distributing information about multiple sclerosis (MS) as well as improving knowledge and education among patients and other members of the MS community. During July, MS Views and News will host four events featuring medical…