How to survive an MRI if you are claustrophobic

Last updated April 26, 2023
A key test for identifying multiple sclerosis (MS) during diagnosis, or to confirm a relapse, is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI.) For those who’ve never had to undergo an MRI, the thought of having this test might be terrifying. Being encased in a magnetic tube that, when operational, sends out deafening noise and requires complete stillness can be intimidating.
This is especially true for those who need to undergo diagnostics with and without contrast dye, and who also may need images of both the brain and spinal column. Remaining stone still for as long as an hour and a half in a tight space isn’t a skill most people can boast! It doesn’t help that others describe the experience in ways that make it seem impossible to endure.
However, there are ways to survive it. Even a claustrophobic person (me!) has found solutions for managing the discomfort that an MRI portends.
Hear no evil
The extreme drum-like noise of the magnets inside the tube are impossible to ignore.
By now, MRI technicians in radiology labs have acquired the appropriate headgear to protect your ears and help you block out the noise. Most also come equipped with piped-in music you can concentrate on to relax.
Whether you’ll be able to relax and forget about the noise depends on a few things.
Did you choose the right music? Once, I selected stand-up comedy, and while I absolutely found it relaxing, I also kept wanting to laugh out loud. For practical concerns, that is not optional during an MRI!
Can you hear the actual music? Sometimes it’s too soft and becomes a pointless endeavor. You can ask them to turn it up.
Use your imagination. Sometimes I imagine I’m at a concert sitting near the drum set, and the banging sounds are actual drums. They do have a rhythm, thankfully. Mind over matter can do a lot to get you through a long MRI.
Out of sight, out of mind
Claustrophobia is one of the biggest reasons why people can’t handle the MRI test. Being tucked inside a tube and asked to remain still is challenging even for someone who doesn’t have anxiety about tight spaces.
Some things I’ve tried:
Wear a washcloth over the eyes: If your vision is blocked in this fashion, then you can’t really open up your eyes and stare at the closeness of the equipment that’s mere inches from your face.
Get swaddled: When I go in, I ask to be tightly wrapped (“like a burrito”) with one of those white cotton blankets so prevalent in hospitals. Why? There’s a certain comfort in feeling “tucked in.” Heavy blankets are used by insomniacs, people with autism, and those with anxiety so they can sleep better. Getting tucked in offers the same benefits.
Also, when the technician tucks the blanket around your arms and legs, you can’t feel the machinery against your skin when they load you in for a scan. Not only that, but you can’t “break the seal” of the blanket easily, which helps prevent anxious movement.

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Be the MRI
Practicing self-hypnosis or meditation or relaxation techniques inside the MRI can turn the entire experience into a calm-fest.
Yogic breathing techniques help me tremendously. Granted, stillness is a requirement, so I can’t take deep breaths without making movements. But even with ordinary breathing, you can count breaths as a way to focus attention on something besides the test. When I do this, I end up falling asleep.
I’ve also visualized golden rings of light encircling my body. I start with my toes and end with the crown of my head, each section of my body slowly melting under the imagined warmth of these rings. By the time I get to the top of my head, I’m relaxed and no longer feel my heart pounding through my chest.
Play it loose
I have issues with muscle cramping, which can be problematic during an MRI. If my back seizes while inside the tube, the only real way to relax the muscles is the one thing I am not allowed to do — move and stretch. So, I generally try to stretch to loosen up before I get in. The technicians don’t mind if you do a few stretches first if it means you’ll survive the round without having to start over again. Placing a pillow under your knees also takes pressure off your lower back.
Get a helper
When in doubt, you can request a very light relaxation medication like Ativan to settle nerves during an MRI. Make sure you also take your antispasmodic medications, if they’ve been prescribed. Stick to a healthy diet that supplies plenty of magnesium, calcium, and potassium so that you don’t find yourself struggling through charley horses midway through a scan. Even a banana right before your test can work wonders.
Note: Multiple Sclerosis News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Multiple Sclerosis News Today, or its parent company, Bionews, Inc., and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to multiple sclerosis.
As a claustrophobic, my first MRI attempt 15 years ago was a disaster. I hit the panic button quickly and was sobbing by the time they got me out of there. Since then, I've been hooked up to an IV for valium while I'm in there. It's better than everyone, since I won't be wasting the time of the staff by not being able to complete the MRI. I'd advise people be honest with themselves about what they can and can't handle. Asking for help is not a bad thing - it's the best option for everyone involved in the process.
I wish I had your suggestions before my first MRI, because I would probably have had a much better experience. Great ideas!
Swaddled?? Are you Kidding? Obviously not, but that's just the next level up in claustrophobia for me; trapped in the tube and bound so I can't wriggle out. I don't even want to wear the headphones, but they make me these days to protect my hearing. They should hear as good as I do.
I've had both Valium and Ativan with no effect. I've tried imagining good things, golf holes I enjoy, doing square roots in my head; couldn't keep the concentration up for any of these. The only thing that's kept me sane is trying to count to 1,800; 30 minutes times 60 seconds. I rarely get over 100 before losing count and I've never gotten to 200, but somehow I know time is passing.
Tamara Sellman
Craig, LOL
Believe it or not, people who are extremely anxious like to be swaddled so they can sleep. There are weighted blankets for just such a purpose.
I think it depends upon your level of claustrophobia, yes.
For me, feeling the hardware against the skin of my arms made me anxious, so the blanket barrier between body and machine "fools" my body into not registering panic. I also usually hate anything on my face (including a blanket), but the washcloth over my eyes was more tolerable than me trying to resist an anxious peek at the head cradle just inches away.
Imagining stuff certainly helps, and you definitely imagine some pretty boring and distracting things! LOL Counting is also a good practice, even if you have to keep starting over, if only because you can keep a rhythm and breathe as you count, and that can be relaxing against the edge of claustrophobia trying to scream its way out of your body!
Be well!
J Hub
For someone that is very claustrophobic along with issues with being restrained or restricted, the blanket would make it worse.
Sofija Višnjić
I agree. I always take bromazepam pills and my sister is with me to hold my hand. She stays next to the tube.
Kim Brown
Me too, no way could I be swaddled! Makes me anxious just thinking about it!
Janie Dunning
I agree. A fan somewhere in that scanner might help but bei g totally sedated is the answer for me. This is extremely stressful and most people simply cannot relate to the terror.
I'm with Craig on this one as well. Swaddling in a machine does not sound like a good idea. Especially if one begins to panic and literally can't move or get out of their me anxiety just thinking about that. HOWEVER - on a bed or open area, a weighted blanket or swaddling can definitely helps those with anxiety or insomnia. I just think those will add to anxiety in an already tight area getting an MRI. I am getting an MRI of my head/brain in 2 days which is why I am on here to get tips! This and all the feedback has helped.
i am going in for my right shoulder 1st one no good have 2 5mg valium for this one will know after 9pm
Do you recommend taking a valium pill and how much time before taking the mri?
Heck yes. I have taken IV and pills. Pills work better because the iv was stopped while I still in there. With pills, it lasted the whole time. I take mine 30 minutes before the scan and it takes a LOT of it to keep me from bolting or vibrating from fear during the scan.
Yes. I schedule my MRI first thing in the morning and pop 20 mg of valium on an empty stomach. Barely aware of being in there 2+ hours.
Crystal Smith
My doctor just prescribed 10mg Diazepam for my MRI. He also is giving me 5mg tab for herniated disks plus. I tried the 5mg and I barely felt it. I'm worried 10 MG won't be enough to help get through this?
Yes. I schedule my MRI first thing in the morning and pop 20 mg on an empty stomach 30 mins before. I'm barely aware that I'm in there for 2+ hours. I've tried doing it later in the day and the valium doesn't work cause I've had too much time to think and work myself into a panic.
I believe weighted blankets and being swaddled (tightly encased) are two different things. I can handled weighted blankets but I know I can move and easily get out where being bound in a blanket is another whole situation and would have me in quite a state.
The phobias Merinthophobia (fear of being bound or tied up) or Cleithrophobia (fear of not being able to leave or being locked in) all get lumped under claustrophobia (fear of small spaces). I believe they are really all separate but I’m not a doctor — I just know how I feel. Unfortunately, a number of us have several issues and it makes it more difficult for MRIs or even CT scans. And if you are overweight or have breathing issues it compounds the issues. True claustrophobia (with its associated phobias) vs just a little anxious is quite challenging when having to have medical tests done. It is very scary when you can’t breathe, are sobbing, your heart is racing and you are soaking wet from being in a complete sweat down. It’s not a joke.
Like you, when I saw the swaddling up tight, it was enough to send my heart racing. I can’t even watch these crime type shows or movies where people undergo these situations without becoming agitated, and anxious. So swaddling won’t help us who can’t take any type of restraint. As we know, people can die from getting so worked up, especially if they have an underlying medical condition.
I wish they would come up with a way to do adults like they do children (put them out). If they gave us the same drugs they do for other procedures like upper and lower scopes ( propofol and Versed -former relaxes you and the latter makes you forget anything that happens) then we wouldn’t be so worried about repeat MRIs etc.
yuko corley
That is exactly what I did, too, counted 60seconds x 45times so I know roughly how much time I have left in that coffin.
I will not be able to have anything over my eyes like the writer suggested because this will make the situation worse, and tucking me with a blanket is absolutely no way! I once tried to get a body treatment wrapped in a cloth with seaweed and mud in it. I lasted only 5 minutes. I was so afraid of being trapped in it. So no blankets!
Overall counting 60x45 is the best solution for the situation, I think.
I'm totally with you on that. I can't even imagine being in that narrow long tube and feeling tied or held down. That would be a disaster for me. I have panic attacks so this makes me very anxious thinking about it. I know that I need to be put to sleep for an MRI. I don't know what else to do plus I have back issues. I've tried to get an MRI twice and almost lost it completely. If the medical staff has never experienced panic disorder or severe anxiety they won't truly understand what you're going through. Some will even brush it off quickly like you're just talking about nothing.
Michelle Yvonne Dickens
I agree, couldn't handle being swaddled. I was getting a facial once and they put a cooling weighted bean bag over my eyes. It felt good at first, but when it started warming up it felt really heavy and I had to have them remove it, because I was starting to panic, not being able to open my eyes.
frank mullen
I see people comparing the MRI tube to a coffin. I wish! Most caskets have inches of room above the body and on the sides, even for large people. Jamming a 6'1, 280 lb. person into even the large bore MRIs is so constricting that if you weren't ever claustrophobic before, you will be then. I can meditate in an isolation tank for hours and do work in a crawl space for an afternoon with no problems, but having to be jammed into that pipe is like being dropped into wet concrete. Even an old-fashioned RIP pine box is a studio apartment compared to an MRI tube. Bring on the Valium. I'll take two, please.
Im same way. Im thinking dont even try to swaddle me, im already claustrophopic. The MRI im going to have has no music, wish it did.
Exactly!!! I thought they were trying to be funny!! I couldn’t even read all of it because I was starting to have an anxiety attack! I am having an MRI this evening and I have two Valiums and a picture of my 2 1/2 year old grand baby to hopefully get me through this nightmare! And to top it off, I’m having the MRI done on my brain so they have to enclose my head in headgear and it covers the whole face!! I am just a mess right now!! I was severely traumatized as a young child so I know where it comes from. But that doesn’t make it any easier to get over this horrible feeling!
Shelia Carpenter
I could never be swaddled. I’m so sensitive to heat in addition to the claustrophobia. I can’t count the number of appointments where I had to leave with an unsuccessful MRI. I would leave crying my eyes out. My driver has to take off work to be there as did I. In addition the technician was usually so sweet. I was told at one hospital that I was the 2nd worst claustrophobic patient there. I was surprised I wasn’t #1. The intravenous Valium never worked. The only thing that worked was Xanax. And I don’t mean a tiny bit either. Enough to help me. I also found a different hospital that gives intravenous medication so that you are completely asleep during the entire test. I don’t mean conscious sedation either. I have no memory of the fight I put up but was told I did. So for me it’s Xanax or complete sedation.12 years in I have had many MRIs. I don’t know how many had contrast done. I went into kidney failure in 2022. My kidneys have gotten better enough not to have dialysis but my kidney function is only 36%. I’m very afraid I may need dialysis or a transplant at some point. I pray it doesn’t come to that but am trying to look for answers as to why since I have no history of kidney problems and there’s no family history of it either. God bless all my MS comrades.
Sonja G Brown
I agree NO BLANKET! I do use cloth over my eyes in case I open them so I don't freak out. I find counting BACKWARDS from 1000 by an odd number, like 3, helps because I kind of have to focus my mind to do that and the time passes more quickly.
Tamara Sellman
Amy, your experience mirrors that of a couple of people I know. You're advice is right on... be honest about what you can and can't handle. (Although, to be fair, I think some people don't realize how claustrophobic they are until they have their first MRI!)
And definitely use whatever tools you can to make it possible, including medications, if that's what it takes! The data from the MRI is so important to our disease management, it's worth it.
Wishing you well, and thanks for the comment!
Manpreet Singh
One of the toughest thing I ever faced in life. Ya I was scared of falling into sleep and then waking up in hurry and hitting my head with machine. Never ever breadthed so fastly , never ever felt so anxious
Charles Russell
I knew I was claustrophobic from previous MRI's, and it was giving me the maximum dose of Valium that made another MRI survivable, for me. With that dose, getting through the MRI was a breeze. I also recommend ingesting some potassium, like a banana or an apple (or OTC potassium pills), because I have had some bad charley-horses. With that shot of potassium in me, I couldn't even MAKE either leg cramp! Oh, and once I kept dozing off, and I snored! My snoring vibrations ruined the MRI. If you snore, don't go there sleepy!
LOL... Loved the last part of your comment Charles Russell, about the snoring! Too dang funny!! ?
Hi Charles, your MRI experience is going to be very helpful to me. My question: my doctor gave me a prescription for 6 Valium pills. He didn’t tell me how far in advance of the MRI to take them, nor did he tell me how many to take, other than “start with 1 and 1/2 and see how that does. You can always take another one if needed.” Well, no, I can’t, because I don’t think they are going to want to stop the process, pull me out of the tube so I can take another pill, and then wait for it to start working! So, do you have any dosage recommendations? I’ve taken Valium before, and 1 pill doesn’t do anything for me.
Thanks in advance!
OMG Annie, asll my heart doctor gave me to take is 1 Valium. I will never get through the MRI.
Hi, I have a very hard time with MRI's. I have asked to be sedated but in GA that's not an option. What state do you reside in because that's awesome they hooked you up yo an IV.
Cheryl Phelps
I am very claustrophobic, so I asked for an Open MRI to begin with (the .2 Tesla, but there are others, of course. I also asked my doctor to prescribe 2 Xanax to be taken about an hour before the MRI began. I was sufficiently relaxed to go to sleep during the procedure. I also did as a previous commenter suggested: take a magnesium and a calcium tablet and I ate a banana. It worked very well.
Find a place that does open MRI's. It is way more open. And can have someone with you holding your hand the whole time. Oh and yeah, take the valium. If they won't give ypu valium at the place your doctor can prescribe it for you in advance.
Jillian Boehmann
Unfortunately an open MRI is not an option for some images needed, at least that’s what my doctor told me. I got one 2 weeks ago that I couldn’t complete- it was one of the worst panic attacks I’ve ever had. Abd I’d never had issues with MRIs previously. On top of that I found out that the place where I had it done is most likely where I picked up Covid. Now it’s rescheduled in a couple of weeks at the same place. My doctor prescribed me 10mg of Valium to take 45 minutes before, but I’m worried even that won’t work. I haven’t been able to sleep since I rescheduled it because I’m in such a panic.
Also, the music sounds nice, but they didn’t provide that where I went.
I left the MRI yesterday.. I had no idea they strap you in. I would have something strapped over my legs, another over my torso, one over my chest, and a piece of head gear snapped to the machine. I lost it. I couldn't ever attempt it. I cannot be restrained. Merithophobia. Ugh. They prescribed sedation for the next one, but I can't imagine being able to go through with it. And of course they have 2500 dollars they won't give back. I find the whole situation fraudulent and misleading. But I HAVE to be lucid enough to hold my breath for many of the torso images because breathing causes poor images. What a distaster.
Sounds like you had a good company doing your MRI. I had to get one done yesterday and because of covid they force you to wear a mask the whole time even though in Maryland by law your only required to wear a mask if you cant social distance. (When taking an MRI you are in the room all by yourself. Within 20 seconds my claustrophobia combined with the hot air and stuffiness from the mask made me feel like I couldn't breath so I pressed the panic button but wound up pulling myself put because I felt like I was about to pass out.(started seeing stars) They refused to give me an MRI without a mask. The ADA ( Americans with Disabilities Act) forbids refusing service based off a disability. The ADA also lists claustrophobia as a disability. The ADA trumps the mask mandate in any state. Advanced Radiology is the name of the place I went. Very sad that in the year 2020 companies still refuse service if you having a disability causes them a slight inconvenience. Very illegal to do that. Avoid advanced radiology
Annika Larson
I may be needing an MRI soon, and I also happen to be a little claustrophobic. The MRI is definitely an important test, so I will just need to work on overcoming my fear. These are some great tips to help. I hadn't thought of wearing a washcloth over the eyes, but that is an easy trick that might help. Thanks for sharing!
Tamara Sellman
Annika, good luck! I'm so happy to be able to help! --Tamara
Tammie Grant
Get one pill of Valium. Take an hour before. U won’t care about anything. I had two bad experiences in the mri machine. Then I broke down and took the Valium. No problem after that.
What strength Valium? They have given me Valium to take tomorrow, but I’m really anxious!
Rick Morton
My doctor gave me a script for 2mg Xanax. I took one pill and a fourth of another. That's 2.5 mg about half hour before going in. Sitting in the inside waiting room I told my wife I was getting concerned because I still knew where I was and wasn't feeling it. That's all I remember until I woke up on the ouch at home about 5 hours later. So if you're claustrophobic and panicked over your MRI... that's what does it for me!
I'm having another next week and am all set to go.
Ya I could take a handful of those 2mg Xanax and forget about Valium won’t work. As a younger man I was trapped inside a industrial rolling oven where I couldn’t move my arms or legs due to the small hole. I was never claustrophobic
before this but after I go nuts. Closed or Open MRI your going to have to knock me the hell out before I get in that coffin.
Just tried to have an MRI today and I lost it. Couldn't do it. Need the MRI because I was in a bad car accident. Not sure if medication will help
Need help
Tammie Grant
Take 1 Valium from your doctor a hour before. You won’t care about anything. Believe me. I had 2 failed mri,s
E. Blevins
Thank you Tammi for sharing your positive experience. I like what you said and that encourages me!
Willy Bennett
Yup. Lasted 30 seconds. Heart rate skyrocketed, couldn’t breath etc. Hit panic squeezing thing. When out I couldn’t operate. Was starting to pass out. Had told Dr of my extreme claustrophobic problem. Tech told me of open rig at another hospital. I’ll never do this tube again. Still freaked three hours later.
Find a place that does open MRI's. It is way more open. And can have someone with you holding your hand the whole time. Oh and yeah, take the valium
jim m
Valium works on some folks and some it doesn't. For me, nope, it does NOTHING at all I am now taking Ativan and it works as long as I get a good dosage, and I mean a good dosage. Valium is worthless!
Steve Fallon
I’m told you can have an upright MRI there is only one in Australia for obese people and those like me with claustraphobia however it’s a 3 week wait for an appointment and people travel many miles for it. I may do it as a last resort good luck
I just had an MRI and it was the first one where I seriously thought about squeezing the ball to be pulled out (have had maybe 3-4 prior years ago).
I know I've become more claustrophobic as I've grown older and the idea of being stuck in that tube is frightening. I actually like the sounds and find them calming.
So, I NEVER have my eyes open. That would NOT work! My mind can still "see" the confined space and once I slightly opened them to look down at the entrance at my toes out of curiosity - in flowed panic.
I thought about counting and decided to go with visualization to calm and focus myself. I started with my happiest place and had to think about the textures and details because I couldn't recreated the calm feeling that happy place normally brings. When I ran out of details I moved on and recreated in my mind all the rooms and details of my passed grandparent's house. And I explored a second house I can no longer visit, room by room.
The distraction of trying to remember and feel the details was engrossing - but I'm sad I no longer "enjoy" the MRI experience. Good luck to you.
Stanley. Dvorznak
I just completed my MRI, Being a big man and very clostafobic I took .05 clonapezium and Valium. I became very tired and by the time the tech hooked up the in contrast I was sleeping. I never remembered going into the tube.
Ivy C
I had my first MRI this morning. I do suffer a tad from claustrophobia, so I had myself mentally prepared for the tunnel. I did NOT anticipate the face cage. The technician was great about me freaking out a bit. I had to take the cage off the first time, then made it in, but freaked out when I opened my eyes. I finally got through it by:
Trading the earphones for earplugs (take some with you if they do not offer them). I Found the earphones made my head fit too snug in the bottom pillow and made it worse. The plugs allowed me to turn my head side to side which felt better.
Lay down and close your eyes and breathe for a couple of minutes. Just let yourself get comfortable lying there without moving, and without the cage at first. Allow the technician to snap on the cage after you give her a "thumb's up" and request she snaps the clasp as quietly as possible.
Tuck your arms close to your sides so you do not feel the slight squeeze at the entrance to the tunnel. I'm a chubby girl, and it worked for me. If you are larger, perhaps clasp your hands over your chest-just don't move.
My MRI was 8 sequences. I had my tech tell me which number we were on and how long it would last. The range was 14 seconds to 2 min 45 seconds. Then you just count until it's over.
Whatever you do, just do NOT open your eyes!!!!
You can do it!
Tamara Sellman
Yes, that cage may not be something some will expect. On the other hand, some machines don't use it, or the headspace is so open you don't even notice it (in the newer MRIs). Good advice, thanks for sharing!
I was so embarrassed I couldn’t go through my MRI today. The face cage did me in. I had to get out of there ASAP. I have extreme vertigo which was intensified and I thought I’d pass out. The gal didn’t even get to her booth when I said I needed out. I tried it again. Still a no go. I cried. :(
Rebecca Oberholtzer
I got terrible vertigo, as well. The head cage, horrible. I never thought I was clausterphobic. I didn't even make it 30 seconds and my head started spinning. I'm going back tomorrow, with valium but I"m still so anxious.
Ivy that face cage freaked me out as well.
Kado Lewis
I'm attempting to undergo an MRI for a thoracic strain after two attempts I'm experiencing reoccurring panic attacks/anxiety,I'm awaiting a call from the doc for next step traumatizing to say the least,you never know until you attempt it.
Tamara Sellman
Kado, I hope you were able to find a solution! If you're comfortable doing so, feel free to share your experience... so many others can benefit from what's happened for you. Best wishes,
I am sever claustrophobic and I just had my lumbar done now in the morning I go for my thoracic and neck. I know the will attach that face mask on me do I’m lying her wide awake, can’t sleep for worrying about it. It will take a full 30 minutes. Should I take 1, 2 or 3 of 0.5mg Xanax? I can’t do that face mask unless I’m very well rested. I’m not worried about afterwards, I’ll go take a nap in my car afterwards if I have to, just get me through that imagining with the face mask because I really need that imagine. In severe pain and need these imagines for direction of treatment. Please pray for me and tell me how many Xanax to take? I think I’ll start with 2 which will equal 10mg . Thank you all. 🙏
I am terrirfide this morning going for
MRI.Taking nerve medicine.Hope it
Works.Pray for me.
Thank you.
Tamara Sellman
Arnell, I hope it went well for you! It can be so intimidating!
Going in for an MRI and x-ray of my neck. Was told from old MRI, I'll be needing surgery... Not a very calming thing to hear. I'm very claustrophobic and hopefully I'll make it through this ordeal today... It's VERY important that it gets done too so I know I can't just chicken out and not do it. Plan on taking a Valium before procedure, just not sure how long before the exam should I take it.
Tammie Grant
1 hour.
I finally had my brain MRI With contrast today. I made it through with use of Xanax. The face cage was difficult. I tried a couple time to get it done In the open MRI Setting and still couldn’t. So I did some research and found an upright MRI where you sit upright. It was much better. I suffer from anxiety and claustrophobia. I don’t let others tell me how I should feel or that I shouldn’t be afraid. I’m a very accomplished And strong person so I don’t see it as being weak. I suffer from anxiety since having a stroke years ago. anxiety is not something I allow or let happen, it just dies. Want to encourage those who struggle anxiety or with taking an MRI to keep trying no matter how many times it takes. Consider having your doctor prescribe Xanax and take 30 minutes before your appointment -it takes time to kick in, take someone in the room with you For support, pray and don't give up. Just tell yourself that tomorrow it will all be behind you. You can do it! I did.
Thank you for your comment; tomw it will all be behind you !!!!:)
Kim Brown
We are allowed to take someone in the room? That would be so helpful for me!
E. Blevins
Thank you Arleen for those wonderful, encouraging words. Your positive experience really hits a spot with me and I'm glad you shared your experience! I wish you could be with me when I go through my head + neck MRI!! :-)
I had my first fully enclosed MRI yesterday for my shoulder. The technician gave me something to put on that really helped me get through it without experiencing a feeling of panic. It was a pair of glasses with 45 degree angled mirrors on the lenses, so when you open your eyes while looking straight up you're actually seeing the opening of the tube toward your feet. It really created a case of perception over reality and I recommend that every MRI imaging center offer the same glasses to claustrophobic patients. Had I not worn them and opened my eyes during the MRI I can't say that I may not have hit the panic button. It's a lot tighter in there than it looks when you're standing next to the machine, especially when you're strapped in and your shoulder is tucked into a restraint.
Tamara Sellman
The glasses sound awesome! Maybe this will be standard equipment in the future for all MRI patients!
I have two MRIs coming up (head and breasts), which will be done at the same time. I am extremely claustrophobic; have been told by nurse that I cannot have an IV to be totally put out. What is the strongest med that I can take so that I am NOT aware of anything that is going on, as I just cannot tolerate knowing when I am going into the tube or even being in it.
Tamara Sellman
Not sure I can be of much help there, Sue, that would be a better question for your MD. Everyone is different and the different kinds of sedatives and relaxants out there are becoming more strictly policed. Definitely ask them what they would recommend, and let us know what you find out? Good luck to you,
Dani D
I take a 2mg clonazepam and hour and a half prior to the test and it is SO much more tolerable. It helps greatly. Ativan never did anything to help. The clonazepam is a lot stronger and completely puts me in a state of who cares lol and I always fall asleep. The only down side is the effects are felt for the rest of the day Wishing you all the best!
Find an open machine ; Valium works best - 1 ... - 5 mg tablet one hour before exam and one more 30 minutes before
Don’t go to the tube machines!!!! Open machines better option
Had my first MRI today,well, attempted to have.I didn't take the 5mg or Valium doc prescribed thinking I was able to get thru it but soon as I was sliding in,I squeezed the panic ball.Im so disappointed but going to reschedule so I can get it done because I need to have done and this time will take the meds to be able to relax.My anxiety got the best of me this time but hopefully not next time.
Tamara Sellman
Hi Heather,
Wishing you luck with your next MRI, I do think none of us really know how we will respond until we get inside that chamber. Now you know and I'm sure you will do much better. Let us know how it goes in round two, would you? Good luck!!!
This was me today. I went in to the procedure eager and wanting results. But as soon as I got in the tube I was already hitting the panic button. I attempted to get thru the entire procedure 3 times and the longest I lasted was about 2 mins. I walked out of the hospital in tears. I still am slightly frantic over the entire situation.
Tamara Sellman
Sorry, Jami. I hope they can help you relax better for the next time. It's such a hard thing for so many people. You are not alone.
I am so claustrophobic and I went in for a second attempt yesterday for a shoulder MRI. First one was the regular open tube and the second one was apparently an open MRI which really did not make any difference. Panicked again and lasted only a few minutes. My issue is the closeness of the ceiling of the MRI to my face and makes me feel like I am in a coffin. Reading these posts, I think if I can go in feet first and/or lie on my stomach, I will feel more in control. Does anyone know if either of these are always options?
Tamara Sellman
That closeness is really hard to face (quite literally), I know you are not the only one who feels that way! I'm not personally aware off these position options but you certainly could ask the radiology crew if there are accommodations that might work. Good luck and do let us know what you find out.
I suffer from bouts of anxiety at
times and 4months ago I injured self at work with a suspected rotator cuff tear and C3 C4 narrowing three months in and three failed MRI attempts where I lasted only 5mins in the machine to which now (Oct 2020) my
Specialist has finally recommended Trying Valium for the two MRI’s, problem I also have is I dislike having to take pain relief medication but also strange that my claustrophobia triggers inside these machines .
I work in wildlife rescue and rehabilitation and there’s been plenty of times I’ve been in narrow roof spaces to rescue wild animals without a issue it’s really bizarre it’s also the frustration in myself in not being able to get through doing these scans as I need the diagnosis on what the injury is and how it can be effectively treated.
I have had 3 MRI's for my shoulder. I too connect handle the closeness. Feels like being in a coffin. I have to constantly move, if I don't the nerves go crazy. I have to take a diazepam pill in order to get it done. Honestly even when I first go in I feel anxious and then afterba few minutes I am totally relaxed and I don't remember a thing. Also don't open your eyes, everytime I did this I would feel trapped. They will not let you go in feet first or on your stomach and being wrapped is not an option for me.
Bird Pam
Hi what dose of Diazepam did you take ?
I totally agree that the close proximity of the ceiling to your face makes it worse and anything with rounded ceiling or tunnel is what makes it worse for claustrophobic people. I think it depends on what part of the body is being scanned determined whether you have an option to go in feet first. I had scan for mid body area and asked if I could leave my head out and was told my head would have to be completely in the tunnel or at least in line with the outer edge. He did that and I was able to peep out and look at ceiling tiles for the duration. Tomorrow I am having total head scan with that mask thing and know I will be hysterical. I will be taking Zanax beforehand and praying to my loved ones in the spirit world including my furbabies to get me through it.
Yes, I think feet-first would be much better!
I wigged out today during MRI & couldn’t do it. He slid me in a couple inches and I was like NOPE. The top of the tube was so close to my face there’s just no way. I will be rescheduling for the “big” machine.
Tamara Sellman
It's okay, least you have a "big machine" option! Good luck. The difference between the two is considerable; you may find the more open features of the other MRI equipment more tolerable.
John Williams
I was told by a friend that they have a stand up MRI machine in Germany has anyone else heard or experience this machine I'm severely claustrophobia
Tamara Sellman
I've heard of these, John, but I have no idea if hospitals or clinics use these here in the states. Seems like a great idea!
Toby Hoots
Tried stand up MRI in Atlanta. Lasted 7 minutes before I clawed my way out of their machine. Not sure I would be welcome back for a second attempt. It was every bit as horrible for me as the tube.
Tamara Sellman
Toby, sorry to hear you had an unpleasant experience. Did you try a relaxation medication prior?
Jim waltimire
Heard of one in Washington State
Tamara Sellman
Jim, if you know where, do share. I know lots of folks in Seattle who might benefit from it!
Needed a MRI tried yesterday went in tube had eyes close but needed to open for a second and i freaked out squeezing the button and screaming. I can't handle that machine so i need the strongest thing to sedate whats the strongest?
Tamara Sellman
I think the sedation meds really vary and may depend on so many factors. I'd ask a pharmacist or your doctor for advice on them, as I don't really know which are best for getting through an MRI, and especially for you.
I'm going for an MRI in about 3 hours, it was originally scheduled for August but they had a cancelation (probably because someone read these comments lol) and called me yesterday. Luckily I don't have too much time to worry, I will be taking a prescribed Ativan prior to, hoping this works. I will post my experience later.
Tamara Sellman
Yes, let us know how it goes!
Jessica Steele
Awful awful awful! Went this morning for my MRI, I was a little worried going in but the technician said "Hey you just had a baby! NOTHING is worse than childbirth!"
I would have agree'd with her on any other day. I got in that tube and didn't even wait for it to start up before I screamed my way out and burst into tears. I didn't consider myself a wimp but this is something else. I don't think I can go back, I really don't know what to do. I can conclude that it is worse than childbirth and my babies head was in the 95th percentile.
Tamara Sellman
it's definitely a very different experience from childhood. You may wish to try a sedative if the need for an MRI is great. Good luck!
Jessica Steele
Ok. I went and re did my MRI with IV sedation... I was SO nervous but seconds later literally didn’t care about a thing, the 20 mins I was in there felt like 2. I’d go as far as saying I even enjoyed the experience! Can highly recommend this for people as claustrophobic as me!
Tamara Sellman
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your experience, I'm sure it will encourage others to try everything they can to get through this important test.
Rose Marie Tischer
Jessica.....what medication worked for you and how much? Thx
Maria Immediato
Jessica, where did you get the IV sedation??? I have to have a core biopsy mri guided for my breast. Giving me Lorezepam , but I am freaking out. IV sedation so anxiety would be zero.
I got my pcp to prescribe me Lorazapam, not sure I have IV sedation option...hope it works!
Guy Jones
I have been deathly afraid of the very thought of going in an MRI tube since I was a little kid since i am extremely claustrophobic and fear having a panic attack while stuck inside. Finally I had to bite the bullet and get one this afternoon.
Please allow me to give you a few pro tips as my experience ended up not being bad at all. Dare I say I found it relaxing, which would have sounded so foreign to my trembling self two days ago.
First of all, ask your doctor for prescription of Ativan (250 mbs) and take them an hour before your appointment. That will settle you down. Secondly, only go to place that has a short/Wide bore machine. These are wider with more interior space while also being a bit shorter. With these machines some of your body won't even have to enter the tube and the interior space is not uncomfortable.
I had an MRI on my lower back and I was able to go in feet first an only had to go in so that my my head was barely inside the tube. In fact, I could literally see the outside of the tube the whole time by glancing upward.
Knowing i had more space than imagined and my head was a mere few inches from being outside, i was at complete ease and almost fell asleep a few times during the scans (the noises are strangely hypnotic). The time flew by and I was almost disappointed it was over as I was so comfortable.
Now I realize if you have to get a scan from the chest up then more of your head will be in an it may be as comfortable but otherwise it seems like 60% of patients can get one of these tests with very little anxiety
Tamara Sellman
thanks for writing! Glad you had a tolerable experience. I too find the noises strangely hypnotizing. Your point is well made about head/chest scans: these are far more likely to create anxiety. Most, if not all, of MS patients will have at least one head scan. However you can get through it, the information collected is so worth it.
I never considered myself to be claustrophobic. But things changed when the face cage was clamped in place. That's when I started to feel confined. As the technician started me into the tube, I told her to please wait. After a couple of minutes of me expressing my unexpected fear of being stuck in a tube and her asking me if I still wanted to go ahead with it, I said I'd try it because I really needed to have it done. I asked if there was an open MRI machine anywhere in our town, but she said not for the brain. Another factor that had me very fearful was the time it would take. Because I was scheduled for 3 different brain scans, it was scheduled to take close to an hour. Ugh! So I closed my eyes and entered the tube, but then she stopped it. I asked her if that was all the farther I had to go in and she replied yes. She said, "here, let me have your hand. See, you're not in there that far at all." Well, that brought immediate relief to me! For some reason, I envisioned that I was going to be in up to my ankles. I hope this helps somebody. Try to remember that you're only about an arm's length away from being out. I still kept my eyes closed though and I had ear plugs and headphones with music. The MRI noises were loud so I could still hear them, but they didn't bother me at all. Kind of rhythmic with varied sounds.
Tamara Sellman
Thanks for sharing your experience, Anne, your story could really help encourage others to stick it out!
I've had an MRI before, that I handled fairly well, so even though I'm mildly claustrophobic I knew what to expect and declined sedatives for the MRI scan I had last week. Big mistake. It turns out the MRI I had a few years ago was with a "wide bore" machine. The one last week was considerably tighter than that one. My arms were up against the walls of the tunnel. To help with the pain in my shoulder I pulled my right hand onto my stomach and held it there with my left hand -- the back of my left hand would touch the ceiling of the tunnel when I took a deep breath. Not good. But I was just going to keep my eyes closed and power through it for half an hour. And then the jackhammer sounds began and something was wrong - my stomach and intestines wiggled and pulled and moved all around like I had a litter of kittens in there. I squeezed the panic bulb and the machine stopped. Instantly it occurred to me what was happening. I'd had an upset stomach that afternoon, so just before departing for the scan I took a big swig of Pepto Bismol. Pepto contains bismuth, which is a metal. (It's funny, they ask you tons of questions to see if you have any metal in your body, but they never ask if you've drank Pepto recently.) Bismuth, element 83 in the periodic table, is diamagnetic, meaning that it is repelled by magnetic fields. In fact, of all the elements in the periodic table, no other metal is MORE diamagnetic than bismuth! The operator asked what was wrong. I explained that I'd had Pepto just before arriving and that I could feel my innard's moving around in response to the magnets. She assured me that I'd be fine, and resumed the scanning. The feeling wasn't painful but it was unnerving and added to my anxiety. I hope this helps someone.
Tamara Sellman
Wow, thanks for sharing your experience, Jack. Something we don't think about until after the fact! It's like all the warnings about wearing certain kinds of athletic wear, which has metal threads woven into it. People would wear these in MRIs and come out feeling burned. Yikes!
Going in for an MRI and x-ray of my neck. Was told from old MRI, I'll be needing surgery... Not a very calming thing to hear. I'm very claustrophobic and hopefully I'll make it through this ordeal today... It's VERY important that it gets done too so I know I can't just chicken out and not do it. Plan on taking a Valium before procedure, just not sure how long before the exam should I take it.
Tamara Sellman
Anna, I hope it went well for you!
Today was my third attempt but couldn't make it. I am going for sedation in my next attempt.
Tamara Sellman
No shame in that, Rohita. Good luck to you!
Thanks Tamara. I went for MRI on the 20th of July with sedation and it was breeze. I don't know what iv I was given but I got my senses back as soon as I got out of the machine. I found myself listening to some Indian music on headphones. I was able to sit talk and walk almost effortlessly. But I was asked to leave after half an hour. I am writing this because I know the anxiety that I went through for 2 weeks. I would suggest to all those who are petrified like me to please ask for sedation. And as Tamara has mentioned, there us no shame in it. Thank you for this forum.
Tamara Sellman
Sage advice, Rohita, thank you for sharing your experience. I'm glad you made it through!
I also am extremely claustrophobic and let my doctor know that, told him at least 4 times when we talked, I said I need ivsedation. Found out today he got me a MRI appointment and oral Lorazepam 1MG 30min before the MRI.....I called his office and talked to the nurse and she told he will not give me the IV Sedation, am so P*%%#@ off about this, why would he not give me this Sedation, I am 6ft 1inch and weigh 242, any other meds I could take....
I had to have a brain MRI today and I am extremely claustrophobic, but I had one five years ago and got through it without any sedatives or meds and have gotten through all of my breast MRIs. The machines opening was so small and I am only 5’2”s and 112 pounds and there was little room. I new it would be hard but I couldn’t even make it long enough for her to start the machine once the head cage was on and she put me in I panicked and started to cry once she got me out. Tried again and couldn’t even get into the tube, that damn head cage makes it unbearable for me. I am going to try again with a sedative of some kind called in but I do not even think that will help. I have now started to panic anytime I think about having to do it. The technician told me that an open MRI for the brain would be worse but since I wouldn’t be in a tube I think it would be better to attempt that with the help of a sedative?? They do not have an open machine but other hospitals in the area do, I am wondering if I am better off doing that? I do not want to waste their time or mine if I can’t get through it a second time.
Tamara Sellman
Don't worry about wasting their time. They are still getting paid! I say, try an open machine, what do you have to lose? If you can get the referral, seems to me it would be worth it. Let us know how it works out, Dana!
Kathryn Mader
I am totally claustrophobic. Not to discourage you, but once I had an "Open" MRI for my back, and it was a horrible event. Not going to lie. In my experience, I had to lie on my back and they slid me onto a huge, thick metal disc that looked like some alien space machine. Then, from the sky, they lowered a similar huge, heavy looking disc to within one millimeter above my nose. If I yanked my eyes from side to side I could see a sliver of the room. At any moment, I felt like I was being pressed into a human panini sandwich. It was a long MRI, and I started shaking so badly that obviously they didn't end up with a good reading. I am not exaggerating when I say it was some modern, medical form of torture...for me, I realize I'm a mental case. Now because of migraines I need not one, but three MRIs - brain, back of head and neck, and spine. I don't think this is possible and am having panic attacks at just the idea of it.
Tamara Sellman
Definitely ask for some kind of relaxant to get you through your tests, Kathryn. The imaging folks know a lot of ways to help people relax through these tests. Good luck!
I nad the Brian MRI and went to opon, it was much either. Do not listen to the tech, just find na open , it is100% easier.
Sorry for my typing mistakes, i was not glasses.
But an open MRI , either the lying one or standing arę much easier to go thru.
A lot of doctors do not recommend them, beacuse the pictures are not as clear as with the close ones. I am getting ready for another one and it has to be the close one, i am almost sure i will not be able to go thru it. I once too 5 mg valium Piła and did not work. I am having nightmares about it.
They put me in feet first and that helped
Sue Douglas
I am extremely claustrophobic. I have walked 25 flights to avoid an elevator. I haven't taken an elevator in a long long time. I take the steps. I had to get off the table just for CAT scan of my brain and wait months before they could get the anesthetist to put me to sleep. My niece was in the room with me and she said all during that time I supposedly was asleep I was saying him it's on my face it's on my face. I live alone and I am so afraid that sometime I'm going to have to go to the ER and I don't know if they were really listen to me if they want to put me in an MRI. I have to be asleep and I mean totally out before I can do it. Please pray that I never ever have to have one. I had an Open MRI for my hips but that wasn't hard to do because it just went to my waist in my head was completely out.
Made it! LoL, had my first MRI today for my back. Before leaving the house I took my anti anxiety med and felt confident I would have no issue, the tube was a wide bore and seemed ok...bigger than I thought. Then they slide me in and as soon as I made it to the middle I flipped out and told them I needed to get out, even scared the tech. I decided to try again and asked to go in feet first which helped me tremendously, also putting a washcloth over my eyes and not using the head phones for music as they made me more claustrophobic.
Tamara Sellman
You did it! Glad you stuck it out, these are such important tests. I hope you treated yourself later!
I am going for an MRI tomorrow. My first MRI was torture but I made it. I had one in the hospital last week with an IV sedative because I don’t breathe good on my back at all. (I am claustrophobic but my main problem is that I have a hard time just laying in bed sometimes). I was lucky that it went fine because I had to go straight back to surgery to remove a blood clot on my spine where the surgery was just performed. Now I’m going to a clinic for a follow up MRI and they gave me 5 mg Valium to take. Hopefully it works because their hoping to make out a mass on my spine now that the swelling should be down from surgery. So I reading to take them a hour before the test? Say a prayer I get through it because I have a Neurosurgeon and a Infectious Disease Dr waiting on results. Also I have to wear a hard neck brace at all times for 3 months so they didn’t put the dreaded cage over my face. They left my brace on an put something on both sides.
Tamara Sellman
I can't advise on using Valium but if you have any questions, your pharmacist or doctor should be able to take care of you. Good luck!
I’m going for an MRI and am EXTREMELY claustrophobic!! I have awful anxiety just thinking about it. My Dr. gave me a 2 mg. Ativan to take. The Dr. told me to take the Ativan one hour before the test. Has anyone taken this dosage for an MRI and is an hour before a good time to take it? I hope someone has taken this med.
Tamara Sellman
I have, PG, and it worked for me! Good luck!
John E. Monsour
2 hours ahead worked better for me with ativan doesnt act as fast as valium
Tiffany S.
Man oh man...I have had ALLL of those experiences too. I've had...well ATTEMPTED an MRI (head/brain) years ago...and like everyone said "DONT OPEN YOUR EYES"...welllll..I peaked...pressed the panic button and tried to slide my way out of that chamber. I don't remember how I did it bc it was too tight to move my arms and pull myself...but all I remember is that I "SHOT MYSELF OUT OF THAT THING". My next MRI was an OPEN MRI...but the test and results weren't as required. Long story short, years later...I'm going tomorrow in a closed one ("the big machine")...and have my Valium to take (never took that before) and my eye mask (no peeking for me). Hope it helps. I'm unsure how the Valium will help, as if it only makes me does that help with my chronic claustrophobia?
Tamara Sellman
The relaxation response should quell your anxiety. I hope it went well, Tiffany!
I am going in on thursday for a MRI. I've tried going into a tube type but even with valium I couldn't do it. I am scared to death. The, so called open scan, only has the sides open, so to me that is not an open scan. They gave me 4 tabs of Xanax, 2 about 1/2 hour before and 2 later. I am having my neck and lower back scan so I have to go in head first and it going to take 40 min. for each. Has anyone had success taking xanax verses valium? Help me................
Tamara Sellman
I personally haven't used Xanax so I cannot comment on that, but I do wish you the best of luck getting through this important procedure!
Mary Grove
I am wondering if it would help people to take an anti-anxiety med during the day before the scan as well as an hour ahead. Seems to me that we freak ourselves out so much worrying about the scan ahead of time, and maybe the meds we take an hour before aren’t enough to handle all those stress hormones.
I agree with the people who say the head restraint is the really hard to deal with. My doc called the tech and radiologist and got them to agree to leave it off. They never used to use those cradles and I never had problems keeping my head still (legs are twitchier for me).
As far as the washcloth goes, I had one slip and cover my nose and mouth — it was really bad. I have a scan tonight, having failed one where I took 15 mg of diazepam last week, so I really hope having no head restraint helps me get through it.
I started off claustrophobic and had an MRI tech lie to me once. He said it would be the last view but kept me in the machine for another 45 minutes, refusing to respond to the panic button or my telling him I couldn’t stand it any longer. Needless to say my MRI claustrophobia has been much worse ever since.
I tried an upright MRI machine in San Jose, CA, and it was somewhat better but not completely, as you’re still surrounded by the machine.
For me, the machine noises sound like I’m hanging in outer space, listening to quasars and planets talking to one another. It helps to imagine that I’m floating in the midst of immense darkness.
Tamara Sellman
Hi Mary
It's a good question to pose to your MS specialist. Everyone has a different anxiety level and tolerance for enclosed spaces. I'm guessing that some people might do better with more than a simple anti-anxiety drug dose just prior to MRI. Your point is well made: the waiting can be fretful enough, and that can spiral into even more anxiety!
I'm sorry to hear you had such an insensitive tech and hope you were able to at least file a grievance.
Glad to know that the upright machine was a little bit better; for some, that little bit might make the difference between pass or fail!
I love your outer space "flight" during MRI, visualizations like this can be really useful for "reframing" the experience. Thanks for writing, Mary.
Find a place that offers open MRI's. The difference is night and day. And take the valium. On the open mri they let my husband in the room and hold my had the entire time.
Tamara Sellman
Kara, thanks for the suggestion of open MRIs. Also, how nice to be able to have a loved one in there the whole time. As long as they are prepped, that makes sense and seems like a great idea!
Martin B
I work as a radiographer in an open MRI centre. We get a lot of patients who are claustrophobic or anxious in MRI and we have a really high success rate. I have only had around 4 patients who couldn't tolerate it in 2 years. Have a look online.
had my first experience this morning. lasted 2 min
panicked. going to try a sedative for next attempt Thursday. I hope it works.
Tamara Sellman
how did it go?
I’ve had two MRI’s. The first was about 12 years ago for my knee, and they slapped a wraparound headset on me. It was a TV. I watched ESPN the whole time. The last one, totally different experience. It was for my neck so no headset. First try was a closed MRI. I barely fit in (I’m 6’5” 340 pounds), and flipped out. Second try was an open MRI. No headphones, they just blasted soothing music by boom box. The tech put a Kleenex over my eyes. I felt ok, but the Kleenex fell off my face when he slid me in. I lasted a few minutes and flipped out. Final try was a stand up open MRI. I won’t say it was a breeze, your shoulders getting squeezed is not fun. But they had a TV and earplugs so I was able to put up with the noise and try to follow along with the TV. If that’s an option I would highly recommend it.
Tamara Sellman
I would totally be distracted (in a good way) by TV. Never heard of this, but I would do it, were it offered to me. :) thx for sharing!
I am having an MR scan on 29th July for my heart. I have been given diazepam from my gp. Do you think I can take it and it won’t effect the scan of my heart
Ed Meredith
Can you go in feet first for a bladder MRI ? and if so how far in do you go?
It’s 2:20 am can’t sleep having MRI in morning... failed 1st attempt by panic after being in machine ( brain and cervical with and without contrast) got Dt to call in Ativan (have never taken it before) rescheduled at different imaging center. I hope this one goes better. Husband coming this time. Wish I could sleep. Will let you know outcome!
George Painter
Have to have a MRI,actually 2, 1 for 45 minutes and 1 for 20 minutes.
1 hr and 5 mintutes.Not happening. I tried. They strapped my head down and my arms to my side. Never even made it inside. My Dr. prescribed 2mg of Lorazapam to take 1 hr before the MRI. I go 9 a.m.
tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.
P.S. Thanks for all the feed back
Dani C.
Omg! Your response is so my reaction lol. There is no way I can be wrapped up and trapped in that tube at the same time. I hate the headphones as well.
Cindy Jackson
Has anyone ever took 1mg of Xanax before MRI and it help them? I'm so scared and have to be there at 8:00am.
Thank you for all the tips. My MRI is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. I am claustrophobic and scared to death of the cage over your face and head. My pain doc gave me a script for .5 xanax sounds like that may not be enough to help. Hopefull that will help. Also I have those sleep masks for eyes, will check and see if they have any metal . thought that might help . Also liked the idea of the blanket over me, not tucked in that is too confining but over me sounds good. Thanks again.
Manuel Tavares
I am very claustrophobic. A couple of days ago I tried to do an MRI and had to press the panic button almost immediately. This after having been given 0.5mg of Ativan. This was my third try. I want back yesterday with the following preparation and went thru 45min without a glitch. I don't know which had more effect, but probably a combination. 1) 5mg Valium and 90 min before. 5mg additional 15 min before. 2) Small towel over my eyes. Helped with temptation to open eyes and see the confinement. 3) A couple of hours before MRI, I did a "practice session" by putting the towel over my eyes and sliding a chair over my head. The bottom of chair was just inches from my nose. I would occasionally take the towel off and stare at the chair and then put the towel back on. Did this for over an hour. During the MRI, whenever I started to feel antsy, I would just say to myself that I was simply under the chair. 4) Listen to catchy tunes music while under the chair. The catchy tunes kept popping into my brain during the MRI. 5) I told the technician that if I pressed the panic button, it was not for him to come and ask if I was meant get me out immediately. This worked for me.
Donna Arnold
I go 11/3/23, Mri of brain, listening to all advice. I loved yours
Truman Taylor
I knew I was claustrophobic before I went in but hadn't been in position for it to bother me in several years. Didn't even think about it. Went in joked with techs, (my normal routine when getting stuck by needle), while laying on bench, got helmet put on got the brief about squeeze ball and felt the table move into the tube. I felt the table stop. An went from 0 anxiety to The max anxiety possible. Instantly squeezed the ball and had to come out or else, die or at least destroy the tube. I've had flashbacks every night and a couple of times during day including cold sweats. Doc presc valium 5mg, hope it's will take effect if I'm already anchious when I take it. I can't clear my mind now and it's 12 hours away. Probably won't eat in am will be to nauseated from the stress. Will try to eat banana 1 hour before taking pill. Hope I can sleep tonight. THe wrap thing sounds worse than the tube. wasted my money on the "NEW" weighted blankets that are supposedly great and taking on the market. I keep temp at 68-72 and use only a light sheet on bed. I wonder if a "cool" eye mask would help.
Ed G
I had an MRI in the past with no problem, so I wasn't expecting one this time. Hoo-boy, did I get that wrong. I made it about 6 inches inside the machine before begging to be let out. I'm planning to go try again with a 1 mg dose of Xanax. The MRI is for a damaged shoulder, which requires additional strapping to hold still. Here are a few thoughts:
1. If possible, have the MRI done in an open style MRY machine. There are a few different types. One is wider, more of a slot than a tube. There is another called an open stand up MRI that leaves your head totally free. Not useful for a head scan, of course, but sounds wonderful for anything neck/shoulder level and below.
2. If you're a large, wide-shouldered person like me, request the biggest, most spacious machine they have. The one they tried to put me in was so tight my shoulders were curling up.
3. Keep your neck unencumbered. They had me put on a set of scrubs that started pulling at my neck when I was scooting up on the table. I hate anything touching my neck and only wear open or v-neck shirts, so this started freaking me out before I even went in the tube.. I would prefer a wraparound scrub like a karate uniform that doesn't confine the neck.
4. Acknowledge your claustrophobia. As a strong guy, I didn't want to admit any weakness. However, I'd been feeling anxious while passing big trucks on the freeway for a while. The towering wall of the trailers feels threatening. I now recognize this as a manifestation of my claustrophobia.
5. Have your doctor prescribe an antianxiety med for the procedure. I'll be making my next attempt with the help of Xanax. The MRI facility calls it self-sedation. In some states, the facility itself can administer the medication.
6. Have a folded cloth placed over your eyes before you're moved into the machine. Out of sight, out of mind may help.
I'd like to thank the author of this article. It was very helpful.
john patrick
I have PPMS, and one of my symptoms is discomfort in my left arm. This discomfort becomes agony aflter a few unmoving minutes in the machine.
My MRI's - brain and spine - take a total of up to 45 minutes. I request TWO Mri's, over consecutive days, to make it manageable
Terri Mathews
I have complex health issues & have had over 27 MRIs, about 1/2 with the dye contrast & frequently of both my brain & spine - so of very long duration. I suffer claustrophobia but had no choice other than to find strategies to overcome my anxiety. Valium didn’t work or me. I consistently go to the same medical practice so they know me; when my name is called I know time passes quickly so I picture myself shortly with scan finished walking back outside. As I feel cold as pain I always wear comfy warm clothes (nothing with any metal, zips or pockets) & request that I be allowed to stay in them & to not wear their gown - which tends to choke around the neck; I ask approximately how long the scan will take so as I have some idea of the timeframe. Lying still on the cold surface for a long time is difficult so I request a cotton blanket over me & I wear socks; a pillow under my knees helps prevent back strain & I always have the music - something light, like Abba! I also ask the attendant to speak to me a couple of times so as I know they’re still there & I request that if I press the buzzer that they don’t necessarily rush in, but answer any concerns. I’ve convinced myself that the noises are beneficial & they stimulate areas normally unreachable to healing; also that the time spent in the scanner is a precious indulgence where I’m free from anyone’s demands, uncontactable & allowed to escape in my mind. Sometimes this escape is to a happy place or sometimes to planning things in intricate detail. I no longer dread an MRI referral - reminding myself that it’s a lot less painful than many tests prescribed & I’ve got through them before! I hope this helps others.
Karen M
Breast MRI's are the worse for me. You can't cover your eyes with a cloth as you are face down, breasts hanging done and this utterly uncomfortable bed (supposedly) that only fits between your breasts so all your weight is on your breast bone. University of Michigan's machine is tiny too.
I have had them at another hospital who had a larger machine that made me feel less crushed.
I have one Friday, and am dreading it terribly. I failed it last time, they tried to make me put my face down in that massage pillow thing with a mask on. so you cant' breath and oh...look, you get to wear a mask too.
Terry Gee
Can you clarify what a 250 mbs dosage of ativan is? Is that 2.5 mg?
Don Damore
Attempted an MRI that was supposed to last 30 minutes but had to quit after 15 and this is after taking Valium. Valium made me a bit sleeping but didn't really relax me enough. With all the drugs out there I can't believe there isn't something better. Honestly, I think a couple of drinks would have worked better. Wish I could get the same thing they use for colonoscopies. That stuff is awesome.
elizabeth A pacelli
i am having a stupid closed MRI on Sunday. My doctor gave me 3 1 mg. tabs of Ativan but then issues instructions to take only one - stupid. I will not call him just plan to take all 3 mg. - will that be enough???
hope so
tanja a
ivy, thats what i do i count the minutes he says each step takes, lol. i hate mri's but i know sometimes we have to have them but they are not pleasant and with all the technolo0gy out there, people like us should have other options than a tunnel machine :-)
Christina Morris
I am extremely claustrophobic. I have an identical twin and I joke that we had no room in the womb as we were large twins!. Today, I had an MRI on my hip. I took 5 mg Diazapan about 45 mins before the procedure. I took 7.5 mg diazapan with a sip of water 30 mins before the procedure.
My husband helped me change into the hospital gown as I was feeling woozy. The tech put me on the table and placed a heavy blankt on my chest. I was awake and nervous. She instructed me to breath in for a count of 4 then breath out for a count of 4. We had 8 different sessions to do and she counted them down which helped. I got panicky after 30 mins but managed to make it to the end. I will never do this again! I will always travel to an "open" procedure. However, This breathing helped. I am female. 5 ft 3 inches and weigh 155 pounds. The tech said I drifted off to snooze a bit but I don't recall. I hope this info helps anyone. Please try to go for the "open" machine and sedate yourself slightly.
Margie Willis
I am having an MRI for my shoulder tomorrow & I am absolutely terrified! I'm supposed to take 5mg valium 1 hour before, another one 15 minutes before, & 1 at time of procedure if needed. Seems like a lot of valium to me!! I thank each and every one of you for your comments- it is so nice to know that I am not alone in my fear.
Phyllis Flax
I am also very claustrophobic and have found that taking 10 mg. of Valium before going into the machine made me relaxed enough to have the hours long MRI, but I would take a bit more next time. I am afraid that I will kill the person who pulls me out of the machine!
Don Damore
Tried it second time with 10mg of Valium. It was slightly better than the first try but managed to get through it. Next time I'll think I'll take a sleeping pill or even drink a beer or two.
Don Damore
One thing that really helped me was getting in a comfortable position. I was able to elevate my head and shoulders and also put a cushion under my knees. Turns out the operator was claustrophobic and was very accommodating.
Chris Oliver
I've had two MRI's and tried for a third yesterday. The reason I'm seeking help is due to severe back pain. The first two were ok, as I was able to elevate my head a bit - they were looking at my neck and spine. The next one is a brain MRI and I was required to lay completely flat - which I cannot do without stabbing pains. I was told to contact my doctor and get something to assist me in relaxing. My doctor has prescribed Valium 10 and I'm scheduled to try again in two weeks. Hopefully this will do the trick. Thanks for all the suggestions on when to take the meds before the procedure.
That was my EXACT thought. I can't even handle blankets wrapped under my feet at home.
Get a Xanax 250mg pill form you GP, it works wonders, feel a little woosy and just totally relxed, well i did anyway and I was dreading it, took it about 1.5 hours before app and I atually nearly fell asleep in there!! Brilliant
Siobhan Farrell
Hi. I will be taking clonazepam for my MRI. I have never taken it before and the pharmacist wasn't too helpful. I was given four 0.5 mg tablets. Someone said you take 2 mg. Do you ever feel sick? I am trying to decide the right does for me.
I have a lot of ear issues (tinnitus and hypocusis) so want to make sure my ear protection is completely in place before going in. So i have to be alert enough to do that. I guess I should do that beforehand. The pharmacist said to take half an hour before, but some of you say like an hour and a half. One shouldn't have to guess about this stuff
I am also claustrophobic, so a swaddling blanket would add insult to injury. Heres three strategies that helped me. 1. I do take a pill to relax me. 2, I sing to myself3. i imagine being on a beach or some other place i love. Ive had more than 10 MRIs. Donst give into the fear.
I have had to do about 30 since 1994. Most have been for brain with contrast so they last more than an hour, and I have the awful face mask. I did the first dozen or so with anxiety but nothing too bad. Then claustrophobia struck and it only gets worse with time. 10 mg of Diazepam allows me to get through them, but just barely. Open MRI helps but have not had access to one in my area for a long time. The best thing for me is to be very open with the tech that I have serious claustrophobia, hate doing them, but have done a lot. I also tell them it's very stressful and difficult for me, but I likely can manage. After the first ten minutes or so, I just keep reminding myself that the torture I've already endured will be wasted if I quit now. I also remind myself that I need to get the results (to get the treatment I need to stay well/alive), and if I don't make it to the end, I'll have to come back and do it again. It's very unpleasant but, the thought of not making it to the end and coming back is worse. Sometimes counting helps. Sometimes intentionally noticing my muscles are tense and purposefully relaxing them helps. Music helps a little. I like it when the tech talks and says now we're doing a five minute session with the banging etc., but I don't ask them to do that, and most don't. I am sure breathing exercises would help but since I really want to keep my head immobile for the best scan, I have never tried that. One note of caution, if you have a stuffed up nose from a cold or something, the post nasal drip form laying your head back for an hour can get bad and aggravate claustrophobia. I would recommend neo-synephrine before in that situation.
Wow, just reading the part about being swaddled in a blanket made my anxiety level go through the roof! I am very claustrophobic and many nights even just laying in bed I have to whip off the blanket because the thought of something being on top of me really freaks me out. When I do the MRI I take Diazepam 5mg or my preferred Lorazepam 1mg (a couple), I wear very loose fitting clothes, I do not wear headphones or cover my eyes or use a blanket (all of that just adds to my fear of being trapped/confined). Even with that there have been a couple times I had to request to be pulled out. MRIs are the toughest for me. I just try to tell myself to put on my big boy pants and get the job done... easier said than done though. :-/
Went in yesturday for a multiphase MRI of the abdomen. This was the 2nd MRI in my life. Since I had experienced CT Scans prior to my first MRI, I thought they were baiscaly the same. The first one was for an arm injury and they put me on my stomach and only gave me ear plugs. I started counting in my head telling myself this will be over soon. After about 5 minutes I hit the button and asked how much longer. When she said about 30 to 40 more minutes, I said no way, and they pulled me out. Put me back in on my back with my head about 2-3" from the top of the tube. Sounded like a I was laying on the hood of a car with the horn blowing. Absoutely one of the worst experiences of my life. When I got out I went straight home and had 2 long island teas and said never again.
So, when they told me a few days ago I needed an MRI of my abdomen I freaked out inside. Told them I did not do well with MRI's and could they perscribe something. They perscribed 10MG of Diazepam (Valium) came in two 5MG pills. I came across this site when searching to find out if I should take 1 or 2 of the pills and got a lot of usefull information. I decided to take both pills about an hour before the proceedure start time. I think I could have waited 30 minutes, because the pills work pretty fast, but they last a while so an hour ahead of time was fine. When I showed up I was upfront and honest with the technician and told them I was claustaphobic, had sinus issues, and a hard time staying still. (When ever I try to be perfectly still I seem to feel every minor itch, stopped up nose whatever and drives me crazy if I can't do something about it). The opening in this MRI was larger, probably had a good 6" or more between my face and the top. Also, since it was an abdomen scan they put me in feet first which left my head in side the tube only about a foot or a little more from the end so could still see out if i tilted the head back. Also gave me earphones with music which was great. They put a belt around my stomach to let them know I was doing what I was told when to breath in and out and hold my breath. With the music earphones the music was not very loud, but neither was the sound of the MRI. The most uncomfortable part was my arms at the side were laying on the uncusioned pard of the table and it was uncomfortable after about 10 minutes (If i did it again I would put something soft under my arms). I think the proceedure lasted about 30 to 40 minutes. The Valium was the life saver for me. Everytime I got an iche or started to feel a need to move I was able to tell myself it's no big deal, the more I stay still the sooner this will be over. I was moved forward and backwards a few times while they were doing the test, but kept my eyes closed so it didn't bother me when they moved me inside a few more inches. Kept my eyes closed most of the time but looked a few times at the ceiling of the tube, but again, thanks to the Valium it didn't seem to bother me. They told me when before the injected the contrast and It was not like the contrast in the CT scan, it was more subtle and I mainly noticed a little metal taste in my mouth for a short duration. I would estimate 20-25 minutes prior the contrast and 10 to 15 minutes after before the test was complete. I was amazed at how much more relaxed I was this time vs my first experience. As another person said, I almost dozed off a couple of times, but about every 5 minutes or so they were asking me to Breath In, Breath Out, Hold my breath. I realize they were doing this because of the area they were scanning so I you are not getting a scan of an area that would require this, I would recomend you ask them to talk to you at least every 10 minutes just for peace of mind.
All in all on a scale of 1 to 10 with my first experience being a 1, I would say this was a solid 6+. If you are anything like me, don't try to be a tuff guy. Ask for the meds. 10MG Valium worked for me (I am 5'9" 175 lbs). Hope my story helps someone else as much as all the other stories helped me.
First, I don't have MS, I empathize with you. I found the thread by searching. I've had several MRI's and never freaked out over several years. I've had many other scans, I'm always a trooper. I was always provided headphone music, and two days ago in a different scan I even had a choice of music. I've always been informed by the system "this segment of the scan is 4 minutes", "this segment of the scan is 3 minutes", and so on. I was given some sort of visual goggle thing and saw a beautiful series of images "painted" in 3D. Obviously the embellishments for patient comfort has evolved, it was almost enjoyable. Today I had an MRI in a trailer in a parking lot behind a major medical facility . . no sound, no updating information, no visual distraction, and then I freaked 30 seconds before the completion. The scan was completed enough for diagnostics which in my case is an orthopedic issue. The worst part was being yelled at "there was only 5 seconds left", there was only 30 seconds" left. Oh well . . . pick your facility wisely, and inquire.
I had to have a Brain Scan today with and without contrast. I lasted 5 minutes. I had earplugs in, pads on both ears and it still sounded like someone was playing drums in my ears. The techs didn't tell me when they were coming and then boom, it made me flinch and they were like, don't move. Well damn well tell me when you're going to do it! AND they had a repeating song that sounded like it was from the Silence of the Lambs movie, not to mention I felt like Hanibal Lector in that damn mask. I bailed. There has got to be a better way. With all the latest advances in technology, you shouldn't have to be put in a coffin like tube with a mask strapped to your face while hearing the loudest noises known to man. COME ON!
Patricia o connor
I hate mri’s I find the best thing is to take Diazapam. When I go into the tube I close my eyes and then go through the alphabet of boys names..Archie,Barry,Colin etc then girls names then flowers then animals. Then countries. Before you finish you are out.
Having an mri of my brain at 5:30 this evening - yes, on Saturday. Taking 10mg of valium 30 minutes before. I've had 4 mri's previously, but was fully intubated and anesthetized for all of them because I am so severely claustrophobic. Very nervous about being awake for this one!
I also have claustrophobia when it comes to MRIs
Valium 10 mg along with slow deep breathing techniiques has helped me immensely and having it done in an open machine - which looks more like a cat scan machine really did the trick for me .'
I started the self calming deep breathing in the car on the way to the exam. ( of course my daughter was the driver) i took the med when they told me we were 30 minutes out the test. The staff was so supportive and considerate. And i was so relieved and proud of myself afterward ! I recommend the breath work .
Kelly M Perkins
Great to hear from people like me.. I am claustrophobic, period. 10 years ago I wasn't, then a closed tibe MRI at a local hospital. Strapped in, sent into the tube, more than 45 minutes went by.. no operator. Yelled, screamed, tried to break lose and crawl out but straps were to tight.. Operator went to lunch and had left me inside the tube.. when he came back no apology just a shrug and a well next time get a sedative.. I could have easily die as my panic level exceed anything I have ever done in life including being trapped under decks in an oil fire. I will never go into a closed MRI again.. Lorazapam maybe about 3-4 mg. maybe open MRI. Actually reading these comments I started to get remeberances of that fear, sadly I need the MRI.
UK 2024 - I have been claustrophobic for over 20 years (I'm 35). After my child 3 years ago I've gotten worse. I need a night light in the bedroom as i need see the shape of 4 walls. Doesn't matter how big the room is, if I can't see a light shape of the walls I freak out and can't sleep. I;'ve had about 8 MRI scans over my time due to a shoulder injury (tear) causing me chronic pain) and mouth surgery due to vascular malfation where is swells up randomly and they are trying to kill it by shrinking or removing it but it grows back. My first MRI scan I crawled out of the machine but eventually managed to get through the 20 minutes with someone in the room holding my hand. I've had to fight with staff to let someone in the room with me for almost an hour before they allow it. I tell them that heightens my anxiety, the back and forth and begging and hysterically crying. It must be in my records how much of a nightmare I am so just let them in when I first state. I now call up in advance to say someone needs to be in the room and I tell them I will freak out so give extra time. The last MRI scan was in a new machine where its like a donut and has a opening on the other side. I started crying and having a panic attack in the room when they ask you the pre questions. My sister was allowed in with me without a fight which helped. I got in the machine and only my forehead got in and i screamed the place down. It now feels like the machine roof drops and is at my nose. People never understand that feeling but I physically see it lowering ( it's not). The only way I managed it after 4 attempts of in and out of the machine was my sister was allowed to put her arm in from the other side and hold my hand. I've asked to be sedated and for stronger medication. I'm just given diazepam which does nothing but they wont increase the dose. They only give me 2 or 5mg. Might just have to take a few extra myself.
I've just cancelled my MRI today as no one could come with me. Heres hoping I make the next one.
steven Ide
Have my brain MRI in 1.5 hrs time, took 5mg Diazapam at 08:00 taking another 5mg at 11:00 and another at 11:30, I am crapping myself.will see if I freak out again
Vicki Frandson
I was never claustrophobic until tons of MRIs for Ms, ACM, PseudoTumor Çerebri I must be sedated due to panic issues.....but since I don't take Ativan it works well lol hopefully it will work today as I wait for.....yet ANOTHER.....MRI! 🙄🙄