Using Tattoo Art to Make a Statement About MS

There won’t be a lot of my words in this column but there will be lot of pictures. The column is devoted to some very personal multiple sclerosis art: Tattoos. Most of these “tats” contain an orange ribbon, the symbol for MS awareness. Some, as you’ll see, are a bit more expressive. But, simple or complex, each MS tattoo comes with a story, in their own words.
(Thanks to Nellie from the “We’re Not Drunk: We Have MS” (closed) Facebook page, whose post, “Can I see your MS tattoos, please?” gave me the idea for this column. Also, to each of the people who proudly wear these tattoos and who gave permission to share the art that they wear).

Every piece of this tattoo has meaning. It’s on my right leg, because my symptoms started on my right and have always been worse on that side. The orange awareness ribbon is for Multiple Sclerosis. The butterfly is because when you look at an MRI of the brain, it is shaped like a butterfly. The multitude of colors in the butterfly represent the constant changing symptoms and unpredictable course of MS. I am beyond happy with how it came out. Every time I look at it, I will be reminded that I am a fighter. I am strong. I will win this war.
This is my MS tattoo. I chose the anchor because most days I feel like I am being weighted down & sinking further & further away from the life & person I once knew. This will be my reminder to not let this sadistic disease pull me under, that I am stronger than it is & I will not let it win. In the next few months I will be adding sand, shells & starfish to give it a full beach look. The beach is my place of peace, tranquility, calmness & my one true happy place.

This represents strength i may look one way on the outside but i’m superwoman on the inside

A few reasons why I got it, one is that it reminds me that myself and many others are in a constant battle with MS and there are some that are unable to fight this battle. By having the orange ribbon I’ve chosen to fight MS not only for me but for those who cannot fight. With Faith Hope and Love we can stand tall and fight MS. The turquoise is a general color for cancer, it represents all cancers. I lost my mother to breast cancer, and my father and a sister to lung cancer. I chose that as well to fight for cancer patients, to not give up, keep fighting and anything is possible.
My new tattoo. The spoon to represent my extra energy spoon (look up The Spoon Theory). The blue rose represents mine, my Mother & my Nana Rose’s favorite flower, the white Cala Lily of course for my beautiful daughter Lillyann, my native feather and the orange ribbon represents my Multiple Sclerosis & the blue ribbon represents my Type 1 diabetes. And the Bee is for the 3Abeegos ?
? – my MS sisters.
Just finished my MS tattoo. You all know the spoon and ribbon is for. The feather is there to remind me of my native
american spirituality and to pray to the creator when times are tough. The bee is there for because even the small of creatures can bring people together who are meant to be together .

Jackie Conley
Would like to get the ms warrior
Thank you your webpage and I read everybody's tattoo stories I fell in love with a female who has MS but I don't care about that I am learning all I can so I can put a ring on her finger something nobody's ever done because of her disease I can at least understand and try to help her God bless all of you with MS you're all beautiful I'm sure keep fighting and no that I care and I am going to marry somebody she doesn't know what a hundred percent yet but I'm going to learn all I can write thank you so much. Skylar