MS News That Caught My Eye Last Week: Myelin Repair, MS Blood Test, Comparing DMTs

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by Ed Tobias |

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Myelin-producing Brain Cells Regenerated Using Stem Cells in Early Study

We know that when the myelin coating of our nerve axons is destroyed, MS symptoms result. So a process that halts or reverses that destruction is the goal of a lot of MS research. This is a report on one of those studies, still in its early stages.

Researchers, using two different kinds of stem cells in rats, were able to regenerate oligodendrocytes ā€” myelin-producing brain cells that are defective in multiple sclerosis (MS). They were also able to grow adult neural stem cells (NSCs, immature cells of the nervous system) in laboratory cultures and prod them to develop into oligodendrocytes.

The study, ā€œHuman mesenchymal factors induce rat hippocampal- and human neural stem cell dependent oligodendrogenesis,ā€ was published in the journal Glia.


Targeting Blood-clotting Protein Can Restore Brainā€™s Potential to Repair Myelin Layer, Study Shows

Here’s another example of research that could result, someday, in myelin repair. The scientists studying the fibrinogen protein speculate that if it prevents myelin from being produced that the process may also be able to be reversed, and used to create and repair myelin. It’s more hope for MS disease reversal in the future.

A blood-clotting protein called fibrinogen prevents myelin production and blocks the neuron remyelination repair process in mice, a study finds.

The study, ā€œFibrinogen Activates BMP Signaling in Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells and Inhibits Remyelination after Vascular Damage,ā€ appeared in the journal Neuron. Its conclusions offer new insights and open new therapeutic avenues for multiple sclerosis (MS) and Alzheimerā€™s disease, among other illnesses.


Diagnostic Blood Test May Be Able to Distinguish Between RRMS and PPMS, Researchers Say

This study focuses on exosomes, tiny packages that virtually all cells release as a means of rapid communication. It’s thought that exosomes may give doctors a method of looking at diseases, such as MS, in the brain. And that, in turn, may make it possible to develop a blood test that would help diagnose MS or track its progression.Ā 

In the future, a blood test may make diagnosing multiple sclerosis (MS) much easier, thanks to newly identified biomarker patterns that distinguish between MS patients and healthy people.

The test could also correctly detect primary progressive MS (PPMS) in patients who also had relapsing-remitting disease (RRMS).


National MS Society, Corrona to Launch Registry Comparing Approved MS Therapies

How well do MS therapies work? There has never been a database created to track and analyze DMTs side-by-side. But one is now in the works.

The National Multiple Sclerosis SocietyĀ (NMSS) officially announced its collaboration with Corrona on the launch of the Corrona Multiple Sclerosis Registry to compare the safety and effectiveness of approved therapies in multiple sclerosis (MS).

Corrona, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, conducts observational cohort studies, offering analytic expertise for longitudinal clinical data, patient-reported measures and others to compare effectiveness, post-market safety reporting and commercial applications.


Note:Ā Multiple Sclerosis News TodayĀ is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those ofĀ Multiple Sclerosis News Today, or its parent company, Bionews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to multiple sclerosis.


Liz Salicete avatar

Liz Salicete

How do you get into the MS Study for Stem Cell research?

Ed Tobias avatar

Ed Tobias


As far as I can tell, the study is over. Sorry.


Mary Ann Cincinnati avatar

Mary Ann Cincinnati

I would love to take part in the study of remyelination.

Georgia avatar


Iļø would love to be contacted or be part of any study entertained towards a cure for MS

Ed Tobias avatar

Ed Tobias

Hi Georgia,

If you're interested in any study I'd suggest that you contact the group that's conducting the study. That information is usually available if you read the full MS News Today story about each study. You can open a full story by clicking on the headline for each of the stories that I list in my "MS News That Caught My Eye" column.



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