
The benefits of having a cat while living with MS

Because of the emotional and mental toll that my relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis diagnosis had on me, I wanted a cat to help me cope with and navigate life with the condition. I knew having a pet would improve my mood and give me a reason to get out of…

Is MS causing me to have difficulty swallowing?

I’ve noticed over the past three years that I choke more frequently. I did a little internet investigating and believe it may be associated with my multiple sclerosis (MS). I was surprised by that, as most of my MS symptoms are in my extremities. I hadn’t thought about…

New fears and anxiety associated with MS progression

Note: This column refers to the author’s own experience with Gilenya (fingolimod). Not everyone will have the same response to treatment. Consult your doctor before starting or stopping a therapy. On a recent Friday, all was calm and peaceful in my household. I was bundled up in my bed watching…

Learning how to maintain good health was a lesson in endurance

While watching the Olympics recently, l found myself reminiscing about the days when I played sports. I used to dream about becoming the next Shannon Miller in gymnastics or Mia Hamm in soccer. A more realistic dream was playing sports in college, but that goal quickly became unattainable. In eighth…

Are my new symptoms signs of MS progression?

My last magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan was on May 1, just ahead of an appointment with my multiple sclerosis (MS) healthcare provider six days later. The MRI showed that my MS was stable, meaning I had no new or active lesions. I was pleasantly surprised by these…

Managing my MS symptoms by spending time outdoors

With just four more summers with all my kids still living at home, I’ve been making the most of our time together by throwing everyone in our trailer to visit state and national parks in the U.S. This summer we’re overseas in Europe, experiencing the lesser-known sights only accessible by…

Switching to new medications brings challenges in life with MS

Note: This column describes the author’s own experiences with sleep medications and antidepressants. Not everyone will have the same response to treatment. Consult your doctor before starting or stopping a therapy. Many years ago, it was brought to my attention that I suffer from insomnia and chronic fatigue.