
Novartis, Pear Collaborating on Digital Therapeutics to Treat MS, Schizophrenia

Novartis and Pear Therapeutics are joining forces to develop novel prescription digital therapeutics to treat patients with schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis (MS). Digital therapeutics are software applications designed to treat diseases and improve clinical outcomes for patients. Combining Novartis’ expertise in biomedical research and clinical development with Pear’s…

Multiple Sclerosis Centers Consortium Develops Healthcare Associate Certification Exam

The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC) has developed a Multiple Sclerosis Healthcare Associate (MSHA) Certification Examination for all non-licensed, educated and trained medical personnel working in multiple sclerosis (MS). The MSHA Certification Examination provides formal recognition of a specialized body of knowledge felt to be necessary to provide optimal…

Biogen and AbbVie Voluntarily Withdraw Marketing Authorizations for MS Therapy Zinbryta

Biogen and AbbVie have voluntarily withdrawn global marketing authorizations for their relapsing multiple sclerosis therapy Zinbryta (daclizumab) because of serious side effects that include brain inflammation. The Europe Medicine Agency, which oversees medications across the European Union, also released a statement recommending a “immediate suspension” of Zinbryta’s use by patients and…

Argentina Approves Mavenclad for Active Relapsing MS

Argentina has become the first country in Latin America to approve Mavenclad (cladribine) as a treatment for adults with highly active relapsing multiple sclerosis. The Argentinian Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology's approval covered Merck’s cladribine tablet formulation. Merck expects to make the treatment available in the country in the next few months. Mavenclad has already been approved in Canada, Australia, Israel, and Europe. Merck is seeking approval in the United States and other countries. "Having a new MS treatment approved in Argentina is very motivating," Dr. Jorge Correale of the Institute for Neurological Research Dr. Raúl Carrea said in a press release. "Mavenclad allows the patient's immune system to go through a selective immune reconstitution, similar to a reset, and the treatment mechanism is simple because it does not require frequent administration or monitoring," said Correale, head of the institute's neuroimmunology and demyelinating diseases department. Mavenclad is designed to target the immune T- and B-cells that trigger relapsing MS without suppressing the entire immune system. With a maximum of 20 days' treatment over two years, the oral drug promotes long-term inhibition of harmful immune cells, reconstituting the immune system. MS is an autoimmune disease, or one in which the immune system attacks normal tissue as well as invadors. Argentine regulators based their approval on the results of five clinical trials. These were the Phase 3 CLARITY, CLARITY EXTENSION, and ORACLE-MS studies, the Phase 2 ONWARD study, and the long-term PREMIERE study. These trials involved more than 2,700 patients with relapsing MS, some of whom researchers followed for more than 10 years. The trials showed that Mavenclad can significantly reduce MS relapse rates, disability progression and brain atrophy. The treatment is recommended for patients who fail to respond adequately, or are unable to tolerate, other therapies. "We are pleased the Argentinian Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology has approved Mavenclad," said Rehan Verjee, the chief marketing and strategy officer of Merck's biopharma business. "Our goal is to ensure fast access to patients who may benefit from this innovative therapy, and we will be working with payers on obtaining reimbursement as a next step."

Transforming Skin Cells Into Nerve Stem Cells Could Be a Way to Treat MS, Study Suggests

Reprogramming skin cells into brain stem cells, then transplanting them into the central nervous system may reduce inflammation and reverse the nerve cell damage in progressive multiple sclerosis, a mouse study shows. Scientists have dubbed macrophages the immune system's big eaters because they engulf abnormal cells like cancer in addition to invaders like viruses and bacteria. Special classes of macrophages live in a number of organs, including the brain and spinal cord, where they’re called microglia. Although they protect the body, microglia can participate in the development of progressive forms of MS by attacking the central nervous system, causing nerve cell damage. MS is an autoimmune disease, or one in which the immune system can attack healthy tissue besides invaders. Recent studies have suggested that neural stem cells, which have the capacity to differentiate into any type of nerve cell, can regulate immune response and inflammation in the central nervous system. At one point, researchers obtained neural stem cells from embryos. But this technique generated only a fraction of the cells needed for treatments. Meanwhile, doctors have tried to avoid collecting stem cells from someone with a different genetic profile than the patient because this increases the risk that the immune system will attack them once they're transplanted. University of Cambridge scientists decided to try reprogramming skin cells into neural stem cells. The idea behind the mouse study was that using skin cells from the same person who will receive the stem cells will reduce the chance that the immune system will attack the stem cells. In the mouse study, the team discovered a link between higher than normal levels of a small metabolite, called succinate, and chronic MS. The metabolite prompts macrophages and microglia to generate inflammation in the cerebrospinal fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord. Transplanting neural stem cells and progenitors of these stem cells into the cerebrospinal fluid of mice improved the animals' chronic nerve cell inflammation. The stem cells reduced the animals' succinate levels and switched their macrophages and microglia from a pro- to an anti-inflammatory state. This led to a decrease in inflammation and less damage to the central nervous system. “Our mouse study suggests that using a patient’s reprogrammed cells could provide a route to personalized treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases, including progressive forms of MS,” Stefano Pluchino, a principal researcher in Cambridge's Department of Clinical Neurosciences, said in a press release. “This is particularly promising as these cells should be more readily obtainable than conventional neural stem cells and would not carry the risk of an adverse immune response,” said Pluchino, the study's lead author. Luca Peruzzotti-Jametti, a Wellcome Trust research training fellow, said the discovery would not have been possible without a multidisciplinary collaboration. “We made this discovery by bringing together researchers from diverse fields, including regenerative medicine, cancer, mitochondrial biology, inflammation and stroke, and cellular reprogramming."

Comorbidities Among MS Patients in US Range from High Cholesterol and Blood Pressure to Anxiety, Study Reports

Comobidities are common in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients in the U.S., with the most frequent being high cholesterol and blood pressure, followed by gastrointestinal disease, thyroid disease, and anxiety, a database analysis reports. But distinctions exist between the sexes, this claims analysis found. High cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as diabetes…

Oxygen Sensor Protein Can Regulate B-Cell Anti-inflammatory Response in MS, Study Shows

Oxygen sensor proteins can regulate immune B-cell activity, preventing inflammation in autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis, a study reports. The research, titled “Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α is a critical transcription factor for IL-10-producing B cells in autoimmune disease,” was published in Nature Communications. An autoimmune disease is one in…

Low-dose Naltrexone Changes Levels of Inflammatory Proteins in MS, Study Shows

Inhibition of the neuroactive opioid growth factor (OGF) alters the blood levels of important pro- and anti-inflammatory proteins in mice with multiple sclerosis (MS)-like disease. The recognition of this regulatory response may represent a new way to monitor disease progression and treatment response in MS. These findings were reported in a study published in the journal Experimental Biology and Medicine, titled “Modulation of the OGF–OGFr pathway alters cytokine profiles in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis.” The study was led by researchers at Penn State University. Understanding the underlying mechanisms involved in MS and finding ways to tackle them is crucial for improving early diagnosis, monitoring disease progression, and patient care. For many years, researchers at Penn State have been focused on understanding the benefits of low-dose naltrexone and its relation with OGF in health and disease, including MS. Naltrexone is marketed with the brand name ReVia, among others. This drug is used routinely off-label to treat MS and other autoimmune diseases, as it has demonstrated to it can reduce fatigue, lessen pain, and confer a general feeling of well-being to patients. Its mode of action is not fully understood, but it is known to block the interaction of the neuroactive OGF with its receptor OGFr. In addition, low-dose naltrexone and OGF were shown to prevent the proliferation of active immune cells in mice with MS-like disease. To further evaluate the role of OGF and low-dose naltrexone in MS, researchers treated mice with naltrexone and analyzed its impact on blood levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory signaling proteins (cytokines). Results showed that after 10 days, MS mice had increased levels in seven out of 10 tested cytokines. Treatment with OGF or low-dose naltrexone was found to specifically increase the levels of the pro-inflammatory IL-6 cytokine, and significantly reduce the levels of anti-inflammatory IL-10 protein. Two other pro-inflammatory proteins, TNF-α and IFN-γ, also were found to be increased in MS mice compared to healthy animals. While TNF-α levels were unaltered upon OGF or low-dose naltrexone treatment, IFN-γ was reduced at 10 days, but still present at higher-than-normal levels after 20 days of therapy. To validate its findings, the team analyzed the levels of the identified signaling proteins in blood samples collected from 14 MS patients and eight non-MS volunteers. Six MS patients were undergoing treatment with Copaxone (glatiramer acetate), and four of them had relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS). Four other RRMS patients and one primary progressive MS (PPMS) patient were receiving Copaxone plus low-dose naltrexone; three RRMS patients were receiving low-dose naltrexone alone. The analysis revealed that IL-10 serum values were comparable between non-MS controls and all MS patients on low-dose naltrexone alone, or Copaxone alone. Patients treated with both Copaxone and naltrexone presented a broad range of IL-10 serum values “that were significantly different from MS subjects receiving LDN [low-dose naltrexone] only,” the researchers wrote. In contrast, IL-6 cytokine was found to be significantly elevated in MS patients treated only with Copaxone compared to patients receiving low-dose naltrexone alone or together with Copaxone. “These data suggest that IL-6, a pro-inflammatory marker is very responsive to OGF and LDN therapy, and thus may be involved in other mechanistic pathways associated with the OGF-OGFr axis,” the researchers wrote. "Identification of inflammatory cytokines that have expression profiles mediated by OGF or LDN [low-dose naltrexone] therapy increase our panel of potential biomarkers for MS,” Patricia McLaughlin, PhD, said in a press release. McLaughlin is professor of neural and behavioral sciences at Penn State, and senior author of the study. “We hope that continued research will identify more specific cytokines and allow us to assemble a reliable panel of minimally invasive biomarkers related to the etiology and progression of MS," she added. Additional long-term human and mouse studies are needed to further evaluate if IL-6 and IL-10 are “appropriate markers to monitor progression of MS,” the researchers emphasized. Still, the team believes this study demonstrates that at least IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, and IFN-γ, together with OGF, can be useful biomarkers to monitor MS. "McLaughlin and colleagues have researched OGF signaling for several decades, and this seminal discovery of dysregulation in OGF expression in MS patients, and animal models, is very exciting and could lead to prognostic biomarkers for this autoimmune disorder," concluded Steven R. Goodman, PhD, editor-in-chief of the journal in which the study was published.

New Ocrevus Data, Post-FDA Approval, Supports Range of Benefits, Genentech’s Hideki Garren Says

Ocrevus (ocrelizumab), Genentech’s humanized anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, continues to show clear evidence that it helps to slow disease progression and enable better function — including in the hands and limbs — of relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS) and primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS), latest data reveals. The first FDA-approved therapy — in March…