News launches human astrocyte product to help model brain, a company that creates human-derived cell products, has launched a novel product called ioAstrocytes, which provides functional human astrocytes to help scientists model the brain and study neurological disease mechanisms or screen new drugs. Astrocytes are star-shaped cells in the brain and spinal cord that provide support…

Subcutaneous Ocrevus approved in EU for relapsing MS, PPMS

The European Commission has approved a subcutaneous, or under-the-skin, formulation of Ocrevus (ocrelizumab) to treat adults with multiple sclerosis (MS). The approval makes the new formulation available in the European Union for the same indications as the original intravenous (into-the-vein) formulation, which is available to people with relapsing…

$2.9M research grant funds technology for MS stem cell therapy

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke has awarded a $2.9 million, five-year grant to a research project that aims to advance a new technology that could improve stem cell therapies for multiple sclerosis (MS) and other neurological disorders. “The work we plan to undertake has significant implications…

Anti-CD20s effective MS therapy switch from Tysabri: Review

Switching to one of the anti-CD20 targeting therapies Ocrevus (ocrelizumab) or rituximab may be an effective strategy for discontinuing Tysabri (natalizumab) treatment in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients at risk for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), according to a systematic review. The study, “Switching from natalizumab to an…

Cognitive rehab tied to MRI changes in cognition-linked brain regions

A three month cognitive rehabilitation program, with or without aerobic exercise, increased tissue volume and activity in brain regions linked to cognition among people with progressive forms of multiple sclerosis (MS), clinical trial data suggests. The MRI findings offer potential biological explanations about why cognitive rehabilitation leads to cognitive…

Updated guidance eases Mavenclad MRI requirements in England

England’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has updated its guidance on the use of Mavenclad (cladribine) in people with aggressive relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) in ways that should help eligible patients be able to access the medication sooner. The new guidelines have less stringent…

Headaches and MS linked, and therapies may affect them: Study

A large proportion of people with multiple sclerosis (MS) experience headaches as a result of their condition, and treatment with interferon-based therapies seems to increase the risk of worsening headaches or developing new ones, a study found. In contrast, the CD20 antibody rituximab that’s used off-label in MS…

EBV dormant in MS reactivates with disease activity, study finds

Dormant Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) becomes activated during periods of disease relapse in multiple sclerosis (MS) and triggers inflammatory activity in multiple types of immune cells, a study suggested. Blocking EBV activation can reduce the inflammatory activity of immune cells, supporting the idea that targeting the dormant virus may…

Whole grain food diet may reduce risk of pediatric-onset MS: Study

A higher intake of whole grain food is significantly associated with a lower likelihood of developing pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis (MS), according to a study led by researchers in Canada. Conversely, an overall more pro-inflammatory diet — one containing higher amounts of fats and proteins — was linked to increased…