MS Patient’s Pick of the Week’s News: Most Effective, Brain MRIs, Vit D3, Lipoic Acid, Modeling

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Pick of the Week's News

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Hereā€™s my Pick of this Weekā€™s News, as published by Multiple Sclerosis News Today.

This week is a rather special one because itĀ spotlights the work done by our news team in following and reporting the major events at ECTRIMS 2016. Here, I set out my choice of what I consider the top news stories of the last seven days ā€“ all from the congress in London.

Read through this column then click on the underlined blue headlines to read the full, already published stories that grab your attention.

#ECTRIMS2016 ā€“ Lemtrada and Tysabri Seen as Most Effective Therapies for MS in 5-Year Study

A five-year study comparing theĀ efficacyĀ of different treatments for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) foundĀ that, in general,Ā Lemtrada(alemtuzumab)Ā andĀ TysabriĀ (natalizumab)Ā are more effective asĀ therapies thanĀ GilenyaĀ (fingolimod) andĀ interferon Ī².

StudyĀ results were presentedĀ in an oral presentation, ā€œComparison of 5-year treatment outcomes between alemtuzumab versus natalizumab, fingolimod and interferon Ī²-1a,ā€ given atĀ theĀ 32nd Congress of theĀ European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple SclerosisĀ (ECTRIMS), in London, that concluded on Sept. 17.

Lemtrada is a highly effective monoclonal antibody that binds to CD52, a protein present on the surface of mature lymphocytes (immune cells) thatĀ are involved in MS development. Previous studies have shown that Lemtrada is more efficient compared toĀ interferon Ī² therapy in RRMS patients. HowĀ LemtradaĀ acts relative to other potent MS drugs, however, was notĀ known.

#ECTRIMS2016 ā€“ Brain MRI Scans Can Predict Which Patients Will Progress into SPMS

The presence of certain brain and spinal cord lesions can be used to predict if an MS patient with clinically isolated syndrome will progress into relapsing or secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) within 15 years.

Researchers agree that knowing which patients who will rapidly deteriorate will help physicians tailor both monitoring and treatment according to these patientsā€™ needs.

The study,Ā ā€œEarly MRI predictors of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: a 15 year follow-up study of patients with clinically isolated syndrome,ā€Ā was presented at theĀ European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) 2016 CongressĀ Sept. 14-17 in London, where MS researchers presented their latest findings.

The presentation was titled ā€œLong term outcome after presentation with a clinically isolated syndrome,ā€Ā and was given byĀ Wallace Brownlee from the Queen Square Multiple Sclerosis CentreĀ atĀ University College London.

#ECTRIMS2016 ā€“ Vitamin D3 Oil Supplements May Benefit MS Patients in Early Disease Stages

Patients with relapsing-remittingĀ multiple sclerosis (RRMS) might benefit fromĀ cholecalciferol (vitamin D3)Ā oil as anĀ add-on therapyĀ in the early phases of the disease.

This findingĀ was presented in an oral presentation, ā€œHigh dose cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) oil as add-on therapy in subjects with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis receiving subcutaneous interferon Ī²-1a,ā€ given atĀ theĀ 32nd Congress of theĀ European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple SclerosisĀ (ECTRIMS), recently heldĀ in London (Sept. 14ā€“17).

InĀ theĀ SOLAR study (NCT01285401), researchers investigated the effects of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) as an add-on therapy in RRMS patients receiving subcutaneous interferon (scIFN) Ī²ā€‘1a therapy.

Specifically, the team performed aĀ double-blind and multicenter 48-week study to evaluate the efficacy of administrating daily oral cholecalciferol (350 Āµg vitamin D3), compared to placebo (a control group). ItsĀ primary endpoint was the percentage of patients who wereĀ disease activity free (DAF)Ā at week 48. DAF was defined as the absence of relapses, Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) progression, or new combined unique active (CUA) lesions.

#ECTRIMS2016 ā€“ Antioxidant Lipoic Acid Appears to Slow SPMS Patientsā€™ Neurodegeneration

A pilot study exploring the antioxidant lipoic acid in patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) demonstrated that treatment for two years reduced the speed of brain tissue loss and improved the patientsā€™ walking speed.

The surprising finding was presented during theĀ ā€œNew directions in progressive MS researchā€Ā session of theĀ European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) 2016 CongressĀ Sept. 14-17 in London.

In her talk, titledĀ ā€œLipoic acid for neuroprotection in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: results of a randomised placebo-controlled pilot trial,ā€ Dr. Rebecca Spain, MD, MSPH, a neurologist in theĀ Oregon Health & Science UniversityĀ Multiple Sclerosis Center, also working with theĀ VA Portland Health Care System, explained how her research team became interested in the over-the-counter antioxidant.

Lipoic acid has been shown to reduce inflammation and degeneration of the optic nerve and spinal cord tissue in animal models of MS. The compound is also suitable for patients, as studies have shown that even high doses of the antioxidant are well-tolerated.

#ECTRIMS2016 ā€“ Modeling Approach Able to Identify Likely Disease Trajectory in Progressive MS Patients

Long-term observationsĀ together withĀ mathematicalĀ modelingĀ present a wayĀ of predicting the likelyĀ disability trajectoryĀ of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients.

The approachĀ was outlinedĀ in a presentation, titled ā€œLong-term disability trajectories in primary progressive MS patients ā€“ a latent class growth analysis,ā€ given atĀ theĀ 32nd Congress of theĀ European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple SclerosisĀ (ECTRIMS), held in London on Sept. 14 ā€“17.

In recentĀ decades, a growingĀ number of studies worldwide have focused on the epidemiology of MS ā€” epidemiology being the study of disease causes and patterns in a given population ā€” specifically in relation toĀ primary progressive MS (PPMS) patients. These studies suggest a notable heterogeneity in patientsā€™ rates of disability accumulation, denoted by the wide range, from 7 to 14 years, in which they progressĀ from disease onset to EDSS 6, a milestone on theĀ Expanded Disability Status Scale, orĀ EDSS. The scaleĀ is a method of quantifying disability in multiple sclerosis and monitoring changes over time; the higher the EDSS score, the greater the disability.

In this study, researchers aimed to identify subgroups of PPMS patients with similar longitudinal EDSS trajectories over time. The team included data from all patients registered in an MSBase international registry, who had their first EDSS assessment within five years of onset.

There you have it, five great examples of the news out ofĀ ECTRIMS 2016. It is almost as though you were there.


Note: Multiple Sclerosis News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Multiple Sclerosis News Today, or its parent company, Bionews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to multiple sclerosis.


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