My bladder problems are resurfacing after years of treatment

Note: This column describes the author’s own experiences with oxybutynin. Not everyone will have the same response to treatment. Consult your doctor before starting or stopping a therapy. A few years ago, I spent the summer at my mom’s apartment because I’d been living in college dorms and my semester…

Better Efforts Needed to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections in MS Patients

Urinary tract infections are a common cause of hospitalization among people with multiple sclerosis (MS), especially older patients with progressive disease, and more attention should be given to their bladder, catheter, and general physical care, a U.K. study reported. These infections are often linked to an emergency hospital admission, and…

My Lemtrada Journey and a 90-minute School Bus Ride

My wife and I joined our son and his family on a tour of a Southwest Florida nature preserve today. It required riding on an old school bus-swamp buggy for a little over an hour and a half. There were plenty of gators, wild hogs, egrets, and storks in…

Doctor Connections

Have you ever been touched by the actions of one of your doctors? I hope we all have experienced special moments with our care providers because these times break down the authoritarian nature of medicine and allow us to interact as people rather than patients. A heartwarming moment took…

What I Learned About My MS While on Vacation

You wouldn’t think that a guy who was diagnosed with MS more than 37 years ago would still be able to learn a thing or two about his disease. But that’s exactly what I did while on vacation about a week ago. I guess I really did know…

MS Society Funds 3 New Investigations into Symptom Management

The Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS Society) in the U.K. recently announced  awards targeted towards new MS research. In total, 16 projects carefully selected by both a panel of experts and patients living with MS will share MS Society 2015 funding grants amounting to £1,979,879. All projects fulfilled the requirements of high scientific…