About 1 in 4 MS patients experience migraines: Review study

People with multiple sclerosis (MS) are about two times more likely to have migraines than healthy people while migraines affect around 24% of people with the neurodegenerative condition, a recent meta-analysis suggests. The mechanisms behind the higher risk in MS, “continue to elude us, and further investigation is warranted…

Primary Headaches Prevalent in MS, Research Reveals

The prevalence of primary headaches — those with no clear cause — is high among patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), a new study suggests. Clinical screening of headache among MS patients could help tailor individualized treatments and ease the impact of the disease for these patients. The study, “…

An MS, Migraine, Marching Band Kind of Day!

I work full time in public health, and some days are spent ‘out in the field’ visiting clients in their homes. It requires careful planning to ensure that I have adequate water, food, medications, and layers of clothing for homes that are too hot or too cold.  I research…