MS and My Experience with the Allergy Medication Clemastine

I’ve just dived into the misty world of the allergy medication clemastine. My, there’s a lot already written about it on this site. I was prompted by an article I’d saved on Facebook last year. In an idle moment — which have been pretty scarce lately — I went through my saves and rediscovered the article. In truth, I’d dabbled in clemastine before any of this research had been published — not through any prescient ability, but because at an MS Society conference a few years back quite a few of the participating medical research speakers were very excited about it.
I remember asking a cheeky question about feigning the symptoms of hay fever to get it prescribed. The answer was something like, “I cannot possibly recommend that, but it’s up to you what you do.” Which is reminiscent of Francis Urquhart in “House of Cards” and his catchphrase: “You might think that; I couldn’t possibly comment.” Actually, this all occurred before the Netflix reboot, but being British, I’d had the opportunity to be deeply appreciative of the original set in the Houses of Parliament.
I duly got a prescription — and I’m afraid to disappoint you, dear reader — but not by faking. I had a rash, and the doctor was going to give me an antihistamine anyway. I merely nudged him in the direction of clemastine, citing quite correctly that early research was showing a possible beneficial side effect for MS patients. Two birds, etc.
I took the normal dose. The rash cleared up. No harm, no foul. It didn’t seem to make any other difference, so I forgot about it.
Recently, I reread this article that describes the incredibly high doses used — up to 10 mg a day!
I am in the mood of being proactive — MS is, as ever, winning. But at least this was something I could covertly attempt — remyelination for anyone with MS is our holy grail.

Keep taking the tablets?
So, I quite legally secured a pack of Tavegil (clemastine) from a chemist’s website and got stuck in.
To me, 10 mg seemed like an awesome amount — so I compromised and took 5 mg overnight. I did this for two days. I was lucky it was a quiet two days, as I turned into a zombie — admittedly, a highly ineffectual one. Walking of any sort became completely impossible. It was like giving myself a relapse!
I stopped because I had stuff to do and the recovery was swift and joyous. How you could take 10 mg of clemastine a day for four months astounds me.
So, it was only two days at half the dose. The scientific evidence seems to be that there is an effect, but it’s too small to measure even in an MRI scanner.
All I know is that when I got back from work last night, I managed to climb the stairs to bed on my own — something that I haven’t been able to do since my relapse.
It could be that there’s been enough time so what’s left of the remitting part of my relapsing-remitting MS had kicked in a bit, or it could be that powerful placebo effect.
Whatever, next time I get a few quiet days I’m going to take quite a few tablets of that there old clemastine.
Note: Multiple Sclerosis News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Multiple Sclerosis News Today or its parent company, Bionews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to multiple sclerosis.
Andi Anderson
I started taking clemastine in February. I already suffered with bad allergies and have tried various allergy medications in the past, so getting insurance approval was easy. I take four 2.68mg tablets daily, two in the AM and two in the PM. My neuro wants me to take it for 6 months. It does make me sleepy as do all the other drugs to treat MS treatment. Adderall is the only reason I am able to stay awake through all these meds. It's been a few months now and Clemastine doesn't cause intense drowsiness like it used to for me. My worst symptom with this now is dry mouth like you wouldn't believe.
I’ve been taking it 10mg a day for about 6 months. I’m not sure I see any difference in my MS. So my doctor that prescribed it told me to stop taking it and see if I have any significant changes. So far I notice nothing other than dry mouth has gotten better...
I have been taking it for five months to help with optic neuritis and recently stopped because the cost doubled. Bad mistake. I feel awful. Aching returned and I periodically feel like I’m being stabbed in the eyeball. Had no idea they were helping this much. I didn’t experience fatigue on the 10mg daily but I do now off of them with terrible allergies and MS symptoms.
David Claytor
Thank you for describing your experience with Clemastine. Please keep us apprised, should you decide to resume.
Kindest regards,
David Claytor
Tammy E Starr
Is this drug available in Canada ?
Amy Penszynski
I take this...on month 5...4mg can do morning or night, depending how it affects you...may be sleepy but over time, will go may have vivid dreams if you do it before bed but I had no problems.
I've noticed very slight improvements...less of that scratchy sand paper feel on my nerves...less RLS...I sleep like a rock most nights. Btw, diagnosed with RRMS about 10 years ago now. Was on Copaxone, now doing LDN daily, exercise, healthy diet for MS, natural things, etc.
My neuro prescribed with my urging...and bringing it up to him...I learned about it in a FB healing MS naturally compound pharmacist knows waaay more about it than my neuro...super helpful. Insurance unfortunately doesn't cover it, typically...but I'm paying about $29/month...ask what fillers are used in case of any allergies...He said to keep taking it for at LEAST 6 months to really give it a chance to help calm your body so it can heal does take time and everyone's body is different. I highly recommend trying it. is a fabulous website with TONS of info/research/updates.
Gotta be pro active and do your own don't know everything..not possible...they have a zillion things on their plates unless that's their focus..Prayers for healing and good luck!
Thanks, Amy!! Trying to get my long-time neuro on board with my desire for LDN!! Passing on (& checking out the .org) myself!!
go to a GP with literature - my psychiatrist prescribes it - I don't even have a neuro - they are basically drug pushers to me - in any event - call Skips in Florida they're the premiere compounding and info in USA to me - ask them for the name of a doctor practicing in your town. For neuros for anything off label in my opinion. It's your body and LDN is a nobrainer to try if you have MS. I don't actually know what it does, but when I run out and don't have it for a few weeks, I fell like sht - so for 40.00 a month it's worth it for whatever it does as I take no meds. Some people with MS report having sort of miraculous results, you never know.
Hi Amy,
Just wondered how your doing as considering trying it for my MS. Thanks
Jeannine Cuevas
Before you make yourself a human guinea pig, especially without medical supervision, please read up on the suggested ties between taking this class of antihistamine and increased risk of dementia. Clemastine is in the highest risk category among anticholinergic drugs suggesting this association. Let's hope something better comes along.
Not according to Harvard Medical School - it's the other anticholinergics, not the ones used to treat hay fever - that have been linked... I can't post the URL here but Google this article from Harvard Medical School from August 2018: "Anticholinergic Drugs Linked with Dementia"
Amy Householder
I have been taking Clemastine Fumarate for about a year because I read this study's findings:
I took Sunmark's "12 hour allergy relief" which had 1.34 mg of Clemastine Fumarate as its active ingredient. I took 2 tablets in the morning and 2 before bedtime. I have SPMS and continued to decline despite the Clemastine. Of course I can't really comment on its effectiveness because I don't know how sharp the decline would have been without the Clemastine.
I am using the past tense because Clemastine's manufacturer has stopped making it. If you try to order it online all suppliers say "Out of stock" as a result. I am saddened that this drug is no longer available since it showed promising results. I will run out of Clemastine in about 2 weeks. It's not even available as a pet medicine as it has been in the past.
I took one a day for a long time (more than a year) with no decline in MRI and little change in function. I’m guessing the manufacturers of the generics have been purchased before the release of positive clinical trials being published. I think this site still has it:
For that site you need a veterinarian script?
Denise Gibson-Franks
I stocked up on Clemastine after reading the results of the same study you cited. I felt like total crap after taking one dose and couldn't even function (thank god I don't have allergies) so I have a stockpile of clemastine on hand if anybody's interested [email protected]
Ryan Murray
Hi, yes I would like to get some clemastine as the pharmacist tends not to use any more because it's an old medication for antihistamine.
If you got any willing to sell it, I live in the UK so sure where you let me know your thoughts
kind regards,
Amy -I had gotten the local Walmart to order the Sunmark 1.34
dosage it was the over the counter dosage. and as yiu said it is no longer available but the prescription larger dosage is,
if you get a doctor involved.
I am suspicious of the manufacturers motives but the good part is insurance will pay for it this way.!
Good luck.
Daniel Kerlinsky
Teva generic is the most readily available 2.68 mg tablet. You have to tell the pharmacist to order Teva... or they can't find it on their computers.
Teva generic Clemastine?
Can you do this without a prescription?
Perhaps though about 2 years ago I noticed all of the OTC allergery med (WalHist) containing it, at Walgreens, was discontinued! Big pharma don’t play...wonder about other products out there
Rosemarie Scribner
Thanks for the info,Iam very interested in trying this.
you can have your doctor prescribe it - Clemastine is the generic name... or apparently Teva...
The Manufacture Sunmark stopped making it available in the over the counter dose of 1.34 mg. You can still get it in the prescription double dose of 2.68 mg or there about but now you need a doctors help.
My son was taking this and LDN before they stopped the smaller dose and had no relapses for over 4 years until he stopped taking both.
Why they did this has my suspicions running wild.
I'm a new comer to this MS thing. I was diagnosed with PPMS on the second of this month---multiple O-bands in the CSF. Fuck these american manufacturers! You can get Clemastine online in the form of Tavegyl. I get mine from Latvia, the Ukraine, and Russia, and it's cheap! The first two tablets bombed me! From there on out, it wasn't so bad. Where there's a will, there's a way! It seems to stop the humming, and the buzzing, and the pain so far. I don't have any long term experience though. We'll see how it works out.
Kris White
Could u pls tell me what site you order from? I’m in Canada and can’t find this anywhere
I'm a new comer to this MS thing. I was diagnosed with PPMS on the second of this month---multiple O-bands in the CSF. Fuck these american manufacturers! You can get Clemastine online in the form of Tavegyl. I get mine from Latvia, the Ukraine, and Russia, and it's cheap! The first two tablets bombed me! From there on out, it wasn't so bad. Where there's a will, there's a way! It seems to stop the humming, and the buzzing, and the pain so far. I don't have any long term experience though. We'll see how it works out.
Tom Reynolds
Hi, I was diagnosed with Progressive Bulbar Palsy four years ago, five years since onset of symptoms. Still talking, just about comprehensible, still walking, slowly. My neuro reckons could be PLS. In the uk you can buy clemastine, I know there has been some debate as to wether PLS, Progressive lateral sclerosis, is MND or autoimmune, so after reading up, I will give it a whirl, if it’s good, I will try and see if my doctor will go for it.
Not to be a downer but the promise of remyelination is empty when you consider especially progressive MS in which axons have already died. Remyelinating dead axons will do nothing to improve disability. And that’s the problem with chronic progressive MS—-too much damage. Look at Biogens Anti Lingo. It failed miserably in its primary endpoint of improving disability . Essentially did jack s$&#*
Greg Edwards
Anti-lingo failed because it doesn't cross the blood brain barrier!
Yes, it won't help in areas where axons are totally dead - it apparently works where the axons are not yet dead but inflamed or injured...
Hollie Williams
There’s a new med that is being effective in mice that has remyelinated The nerves in the MS induced mice. These mice recovered and were able to regain the loss of functionality due to the enduced disease. I contacted this company to see if I can try this drug because I’ve just failed my 8th medication in 10 years and see the new Neurologist tomorrow. I see hope and just pray that this disease will stop its progression so I can be a mom for my 4 year old.
There are trials taking place in England - based on the theory that there's no problem with remylination, but there's a protein the body is manufacturing that keeps attacking the myelin. What they're doin is using nano technology to put something into it that will be able to get through the system without being attacked and get to the protein. I'm fudging the technology - but in essence, the theory is there is no problem with remylination, there's a problem with a protein that keeps attacking the myelin. I don't make any conclusions regarding my MS as no one knows what causes it, what cures it and it appears that there are a bunch of symptoms that they catagorize as MS, when really what's triggering it and what's "putting it into remission" is different for each individual. Functional medicine is dealing with the disease in this fashion and working on getting to the root cause for the individual in front of them, and not the MS patient in general. As a newly diagnosed person who had no interest in the toxic chemicals, I've been my own researcher as have many people who find know satisfaction in the pharmaceutical/neurological fixes currently being pushed.
Cathy Pham
Hi, do you by any chance have a blog/twitter or anything that I can follow your research and findings?
Joan Quilter
I remember talking to one of the main researchers, Dr. Chan, in SF, about this allergy drug. He was very excited about it helping with vision problems due to MS. My daughter's optic neuritis has only worsened over 20 years, and so, I got this drug for her, but only after a couple of weeks, she didn't want to take it, saying that it made her too sleepy. She's bedridden, and so, I thought that wouldn't make a difference for her. At any rate, she, really, didn't give Clemastine a chance to work, and I had jumped through hoops to get the drug.
Reduce the dosage until her system can get used to it!
Lower dosage over a longer term can be effective after a while.
There was some lethargy when I started taking clemastine, but it has gone away. I think that over the long term, it is helping me to function better. Just one part of the therapeutic puzzle.
patricia schoen: parent of MS patient
It is astonishing to me that the use of clementine, which has no substantive research, has induced many MS patients to risk discomfort or possible long term damage seeking some improvement.
Controversial as though this may appear, I can testify to the efficacy of medical cannabidiols for my son's abatement of his relapsing remitting MS.
He had been diagnosed for 8 years and recently the pain and inability to walk without intense difficulty, led him to try medical marijuana.
He experienced reduction of pain almost immediately; with time, the improvements extended to every aspect of his illness. Within 2 months,
he no longer needs the wheelchair, or walker, and his brain fog has cleared so that he has resumed many activities that had been
closed to him for most of the past 8 years.
Being a witness to his amazing and continuing improvements makes me
so sad for those in this country who do not live in a state where cannibadoids are legal so they have a chance to try this totally natural and non-psychotropic product.
The tragedy is that the US Justice Department categorizes marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug along with heroine. This obviates the possibility for extensive research. The MS society speaks of reduction of pain and improvement in spasticity, but my son's improvements extend to every aspect of his disease.
A panoply of cannabis products are designed for those with MS and there are various options available.
There are no life threatening side effects nor have there been any difficult and unpleasant ones that so often accompany the standard MS meds.
I write this because if the story is no told, there is no chance that others will try and find improvement and relief that my son has experienced.
Patricia Schoen
Marek Grabowski
What type of medical marijuana did your son use (there are so many options here in Colorado where it's legal!)
I would love to try if I knew exactly what.
Thank you,
(direct email [email protected])
hello. i also want to know. can you tell me?
David Eichelt
Patricia, I have taken numerous different varieties in Calif as it is legal here also. What concentration did he take? Sublingual? etc. I have noticed only small improvements in muscle strength and control.
A lot of people do not realize that it is the lack of movement and use of the body and brain (caused by the MS and pain) that is the real cause of decline. With out the exercise and movement any one will decline even with out a disease.
The key is finding something that allows you relief enough to build your body back up and repair itself.
Exercise of one part of your body still increases blood flow and growth hormones to the dormant parts that you can not move and in time they will improve.
Keep moving!
Please share what marijuana. I am in a state that has legalized marijuana recently, so have not gotten it yet. I am depressed, dont sleep well and experience pain.
Gurinder Singh
I have found when I use cannabis it makes my walking instantly worse
James Stewart
John, Thank you for your article and others for the discussion. I appreciate all the comments. I've been taking clemastine 2.68mg 2x daily for nearly 6 months now and do not notice any improvement. Did notice increase in fatigue and increased difficulty walking, though that could be because I've also stopped taking Ampyra about the same time as starting the Clemastine. Difficult to tell if increased difficulty walking is due to stopping Ampyra (probably) or starting Clemastine. But, I do know that I feel worse and for sure, don't have a glass of wine with it.
I also encountered the stopping of making clemastine, but thought I read where chlorTabs was equivalent. Either way I take it at night, helps me sleep ! Ampyra was not good for me. I'm starting ocrevus currently, my walking is the issue...balance, drop foot...fog has some how cleared a lot! I know Benadryl was or is not good. Swank/Paleo clean eating … and currently trevor wickens and the M.S. much as I can oh and 20 min on the recumbent bike a day. I have an old whiplash injury and have seen lot of great changes with his exercise. I am also one of three sisters with M.S. Lucky me, I was the oldest to be dx. I have seen what stress does for me, if only I didn't put so much effort in to what i thought others wanted...I will prevail. its a heck a way of saying relax.
Clortabs is not the same ingredient.
IT is another type antihistamine but no Clemastine.
Just had to comment. I am also one of three sisters with MS! One sister passed away about 15 years ago. One sister is at home with hospice and children. She is 86. I am 69 and my husband has to do almost everything for me!
Daniel Kerlinsky
Clemastine is a highly effective medication for re-myelination of white matter fiber bundles that connect neurons everywhere in the brain.
High doses aren't needed. One quarter of a 2.68 mg tablet is enough to start recruiting new oligo-dendrocytes to start making and applying myelin.
It does not have to be taken every day; it can be taken twice a week and still have a positive effect by recruiting the worker cells that repair the brain.
Remember normal myelination starts at the top of the brain and works downward during childhood development. At first the baby can't hold its head up, then it can sit up, then crawl, then stand.
Many MS lesions are located further down inside the brain and spinal cord so it takes time to get there.
The anti-inflammatory Minocycline taken once or twice a week is needed to stop the inflammatory part of the disease.
And it takes cranio-sacral therapy to take full advantage of the new myelin which plumps the brain and even lubricates stiff joints like the sphenoid-occipital junction.
Don't give up on clemastine.
Its first and most obvious effect is improved emotional self-regulation. Because myelination increases the speed of information processing ten-fold you will notice that thinking better comes next.
I can't tell you how long it will take to notice a difference. But the MS patient who told me about Clemastine got up out of her electric wheel chair and walked down the hall and back without a walker or her canes for the first time in two years.
It works great for kids with tantrums and developmental problems in about a month. It helps people with chronic depression and PTSD in about three months.
Back your dose down to 1.34 mg or 0.67 mg and give it two years. It takes a toddler that long...
For the last five months, I’ve been taking 2 x 2.68 mg tablets at night. It doesn’t make me tired at all, I do not have dry mouth, no side effects. All I can say is that I went from four years of debilitating trigeminal pain, increasing episodes in a wheelchair and utterly blurred vision in my right eye to BETTER. I’m stunned. There were times I did not want to live anymore. Trigeminal stabs are unbearable. And the depression of not being able to do things made life terribly sad. Now I’m back to reviewing shows, going to parties, dancing instead of watching through tears, and reading without extreme blurriness. I still get trigeminal stabs, and they are brutal, but far less often. My legs still get wobbly, sometimes feel “heavy,” even “go out” but inevitably these episodes are due to stress and fatigue. And I’m fine back after a good night of sleep. I get some blurriness when I’m stressed or tired, but it goes away. I take 100 mg of CBD (20:1 CBD:THC); Baclofen; and I eat organic a la “Wahls” avoiding gluten, dairy, corn, sugar, and I take supplements including a liquid called NutriMaxx, fish oil and a potent probiotic called VSL3. Even with Provigil, I used to get brain fog, but now I don’t. It’s mindblowing, and I appreciate every normal moment. I’m writing this because you never know what might help. I’d almost given up and I’m amazed by how I’m doing today. I hope this helps someone. PS) I get it from my dr., prescription.
Interesting regarding the chronic depression but do you have any research studies regarding its use in depression and ptsd?
Penelope Green
I have been taking this for many years. Had an episode of Optic Neuritis in 2004 , and once out of the hospital, got back on the Clemastine. I was using it for chronic hives and did not notice until recently that it is good for MS. I take it as you describe above, half a tablet two to three times a week (1.34mg). So far so good
Margaret Daddario
The person who got out of her wheelchair ,how long was she taking tavegil?
George Maniatis
Daniel, yours is the most interesting comment here. I'm interested researching some of what you say further...
1. White matter re-myelination on Clemastine; what do you base this on?
2. Minocyline as an anti-inflammatory, I agree. I use doxycycline because its easier to get and relatively cheap. Your comments about Mino and the dosing schedule, what do you base it on? I am looking at changing to Mino but need a good reason to give my prescribing GP.
Lena Fernandes
But how/where do you get it? Everywhere I’ve gone they tell me that they can’t find it out there anymore....
Thank you for the article. Where should one get the best prices
Teresa Harrigan
I had tried 1.34 over the last year and it helped me move. I have right side weakness MS with severe drop foot. Taking the drug and can get up and down better and walk with my rollator a little further. This drug does not make me sleepy. I believe it is helping with inflammation. Now I can no longer get the drug. Very sad because it was helping with no side effects.
I'm also wary of this drug because of the link to alzheimer's/dementia. I'm suspicious about the claim of remyelination also. One thing that does intrigue me though is the fact that an antihistamine is thought to help MS symptoms because I have been researching Mast Cell Activation Syndrome due to my horrible allergies and I definitely think this is something most MS'ers suffer from. I have been on LDN for 10 years with only one minor exacerbation and my only real complaint are my allergies (food and environmental) and the symptoms that go along with them. There are natural antihistamines that don't have such bad side effects such as quercetin (take with bromelain).
The dementia side effects come from the decongestant part of the allergy medication TavistD. Regular Tavist, what is needed, has no serious adverse effect like dementia.
It is off the market. How are you all getting it?
According to Harvard Medical School, *this* type of anticholinergic does *not* seem to be linked to dementia:
"However, there was no association between dementia and anticholinergic drugs used to treat other common conditions like hay fever, travel sickness, and stomach cramps."
Unless there have been other studies that show otherwise... but this is recent article...
I have taken Claritin D daily for 19 years( I am non functional without it and and Cimetidine(Tagamet)histamine H2 receptor antagonist which also increases natural killer cells (people with MS have low NK+ )I also take coq10 I initially started on 400mg and after a month found 200mg
was sufficient after another month I went down to 100 ,which I have maintained .I have found these 3 extremely helpful.
I am suffering from symptoms close to ms. I have been through a CO poisoning that left me demyelination lesions in the brain. Hopefully not progressive. My symptoms are buzzing in the ears, bad memory short/long term. Need to sleep a lot.
I am looking for informations here on the forum about clemastine. I have tried it at 10 mg/day for about ten days. At the very beginning, I felt a difference and then nothing much. So, I tried it at 20 mg/day and again a little difference in better...
I am wondering how long it takes to be active in demyelination, because I see here that people take it in long term?
does anyone have an idea?
Penelope Green
I would recommend B12 (injections if you can get it). the clemastine will work , but take less and give it some time. please see suggestion above from Daniel Kerlinsky.
Michael Niemeyer
I saw the notes coming out of UCSF as the first human study was starting, and had no idea what their dosage was, so I went by allergy rules, 1.34 twice a day. I had started using a cane 6 months before. The cane was put away for the next year.
I'm primary progressive. Clemastine is the only thing I've done that pushed back. That's my experience and I've been taking it almost 5 years.
That's about to end as it has gone out of production. We're about to find out if it's been doing anything the hard way...
Clemastine is available by prescription.
adam bomb
People with MS should consider to combine Metformin
with Clemastine. See Professor Robin Franklin.
Mary Clark
Will a doctor prescribe Metformin if you don’t have Type 2 Diabetes?
Just found this forum. I’m 65 female dx June 2019 due to back pain/foot drop. MRI found lesions on spine/brain. Was very athletic till this happened. Am PPMS refuse big pharma but bombed out on amprya. Take lots of vitamins. Also mobility stinks but still exercise. Any suggestions?
Has anyone had any experience with citicoline? There are many new studies out about it's neuro-protective and repairing properties. I just started taking it when I found out about clemastine. I was going to start taking both, but it looks like they work against each other. Anyone tried taking both?
I've been taking Clemastine for three years and noticed definite improvement but it appears it it's no longer available - pharmacist has confirmed that the brand version (Tavergil) and the generic form have been discontinued. Not sure if this is a consequence of COVID and the need to free up resources or a long term decision.
Hi Shane, not sure how long ago you posted this but I’m hoping you reply.
I was diagnosed PPMS about 3 months ago. Super delayed diagnosis because I have a pacemaker which kept me from getting an MRI…anyway. This diagnosis has me pretty much messed up in the head. I’ve applied for the SPRINT-MS trial that is starting phase 3 but as far as getting selected for a trial I’m screwed. Born with heart disease, 4 open heart surgeries, 2 mechanical heart valves. I’m not on the radar for any trials which just is even more defeating…
Anyway, I find it interesting that 2 antihistamines are/have been studied for treatment for MS. Clemastine (Tavegyl) and Ibudilast (Sprint trial drug) and seem to show a lot of promise. I was wondering how you’ve done with Tavegyl? Have you seen any tangible results? I was thinking about picking some up 1.34mg otc Clemastine. Figured I’d try 5mg x2 day for a few weeks then kicking it up to 10 x2 daily on my own before my next MS appointment.
Hoping to hear back from you.
Karen Ringuette
I live in Europe and was looking for Clemastine for a family member back home because it is no longer available there - and I came upon this discussion. My comment thought is not about Clemastine, for those of you who like doing research, I suggest looking into fasting, both long fasts and intermittent fasting. I have watched a lot of programmes on it and it could be very beneficial for some people. I know in California there is the True North Health clinic and they have a site called which links research on the benefits of fasting for various illnesses. There are surely other institutions in N. America but I don't know them, they might be linked on that site. In Europe, there is the distinguished Buchinger Wilhem clinic in Germany, which follows people also as they do long fasts, I cannot recall if they mention MS specifically on their site, but fasting helps reset the body to its best state and is proven to decrease inflammation. It has been widely studied around the world. Kind regards,
Your right about fasting, it activates autophagy which will help with clearing out the plaques. Clemastine increases autophagy also via mTOR inhibition. This means there could be a synergistic effect when fasting and taking 5mg of Clemastine fumarate. An occasional fast + clemastine fumarate may lead to decreased evoked potential latency throughout the CNS.
You need to read the research these pathologists did on MS