Need to Know: Natural Strategies to Fight MS Inflammation

Editor’s note: “Need to Know” is a series inspired by common forum questions and comments from readers. Have a comment or question about MS? Visit our forum.
This week’s question was inspired by the forum topic “Do you know any natural remedies that help fight inflammation?“, from May 3.
The role of inflammation in MS
Inflammation is a double-edged sword. When healthy, it’s a process that promotes healing. But when the immune system runs awry, as it does with chronic autoimmune conditions like MS, it can be damaging and disabling.
Chronic “silent inflammation” is a foe every person with MS must be wary of.
How inflammation hacks the brain
When a person has MS, inflammation in their bodies leads to the release of proteins called cytokines, which wreak havoc on the central nervous system.
Cytokines can disturb the brain’s “firewall,” known as the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The BBB exists to prevent inflammation from reaching the brain, but in MS, these cytokines “hack” the brain’s “firewall,” leading to potential demyelination by the immune system.
Another compound that can disrupt the function of the BBB is a type of amino acid called homocysteine. High levels of homocysteine can indicate a dysfunctional, porous “firewall.”
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What inflammation does to the central nervous system
Once these inflammatory substances breach the BBB, they can attack the brain, optic nerve, basal ganglia, and spinal cord, releasing T lymphocytes (T-cells), which are known to increase inflammation and swelling.
Their attacking of the myelin coating of white matter nerves is dangerous. White matter is in charge of sending electrical signals between the brain and gray matter regions, where major processing and function takes place.
Demyelination of these nerves disrupts and can even destroy these functions. In MS, T-cell attacks are constant, making it impossible for the brain to re-myelinate damaged nerves.
Natural strategies to relieve inflammation
Several therapies are used to treat inflammation. They can be extremely useful during major MS flare-ups or for relief when symptoms are painful and disabling. However, they have side effects. Sometimes, a flare-up may be mild to moderate and treatment with medication may not be needed. Instead, it might be controlled in the following ways:
Anti-inflammatory diets
Foods that promote inflammation include those with high-sugar and high-fat content. Animal proteins are high in saturated fat, as are most dairy products.
Trans fats found in margarine, snack foods, fried foods, and packaged baked goods are highly inflammatory as well. These foods create an imbalance in the gut microbiome which may lead to chronic inflammation. Avoid simple carbohydrates or “white” foods such as bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta.
Home cooking is the best way to control what you eat. Freshly prepared meals rich in fruits and vegetables, beans, legumes, and whole grains are usually lower in saturated fat and higher in healthier monounsaturated fat or Omega-3 fatty acids.
Incorporate fresh herbs and spices using olive or flaxseed oils into your dishes. Water, sparkling water (with citrus slices), and teas (white, oolong, or green) are the best bets for beverages to enjoy during the day.
Finally, for the sweet-tooth craving, try unsweetened dried fruit, nonfat yogurt, fresh fruit sorbets, or dark chocolate (70 percent cocoa) in moderation. Maintaining stable blood sugar is key to calming the immune system.
Avoid toxins
Smoking and second-hand smoke should be avoided. Nicotine is a suspected trigger for increased disease activity (and inflammation) in people with MS.
Other environmental toxins and allergens should also be avoided: These include smog, household cleaners, pesticides, herbicides, hidden toxins in health and beauty products, heavy metals, and even naturally occurring biotoxins such as mold.
Supplements that may be useful include:
- Vitamin D. This nutrient is a powerful immunomodulator and immune system relaxant. Vitamin D can be taken as a supplement, obtained by consuming certain foods such as cold-water fish, fortified dairy products, and eggs, or absorbed by exposure to natural sunlight or a light therapy device.
- Alpha lipoic acid. This antioxidant has strong anti-inflammatory properties and is particularly effective for preventing optic neuritis, a common symptom of MS. It is found in spinach, broccoli, green peas, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, and brewer’s yeast.
- Saint John’s wort. This substance inhibits the cytokine known as interleukin-6. It is typically taken as a supplement and is doubly beneficial when used for stress reduction.
- Resveratrol. Another natural inhibitor of interleukin-6, this substance naturally occurs in red wine, red grapes, dark-colored berries, and dark chocolate.
- Omega-3 fatty acids. These polyunsaturated or essential fatty acids are known anti-inflammatory agents.
Chiropractic treatment
Research suggests that the coordination of signal delivery in the central nervous system is hampered by misalignment where the bones of the skull (the occiput and atlas) meet the spine. Compression here, at the top of the spinal cord, may cause inflammation, and chiropractic adjustment may bring relief.
What have you done to alleviate inflammation? What’s worked, what hasn’t, and what are you interested in trying? Reply in the comments below or at the original “Do you know any natural remedies that help fight inflammation?” forum entry.
Note: Multiple Sclerosis News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Multiple Sclerosis News Today or its parent company, Bionews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to multiple sclerosis.
Pat Feller
Excellent article. I would very much like to speak with the reporter. [email protected]
Keep up the good work!
When I had my Ms attack, my homocysteine was 45 (extremely high). My neurologist said it's unrelated! And I couldn't find any relation online. This is the first time I see a mention of the relation between homocysteine and Ms attacks. Can you provide references for this particular statement? Thank you in advance.
Tamara Sellman
Here is the source material (it was linked in the article, too): Plasma homocysteine levels in multiple sclerosis
Yes, I missed the link. Thank you. I find it interesting that they consider a homocysteine level of 13 to be high while mine was 45.
Later upon genetic testing it turned out that I have a not so uncommon MTHFR gene polymorphism that reduces my bodies ability of getting rid of homocysteine. Shouldn't this test be a standard test for people experiencing an attack? Why is it ignored by the neurology community? (I had mentioned this test result to three different neuros, two in Italy, one in Belgium, all essentially shrugging and saying it's unrelated).
By the way if you are wondering, I have not experienced an attack since my only attack which is confusing. I guess we all want to find an excuse to think it's not gonna come back :p
Tamara Sellman
That's interesting. There are probably reasons for them not testing for homocysteine that we're not aware of. I'm just guessing here, but maybe it's the cost of the test?
As for not having another attack, count your blessings! I have been in remission for 5 years, my MS is a slow progresser. Before treatment I would go between 5 and 8 years before experiencing a relapse (based entirely on retrospective tracing of my health history). Now that I'm being treated, I'm hopeful that if I do have a relapse, it will take more time and/or be less severe. Good luck, maybe you are a slow progresser too?
Best wishes,
What is your treatment? Sounds like it has been effective. Not sure what my issue is, have not had any clear diagnostics. Thank you
David Keeley
Can you provide references to your statement regarding non processed saturated fats animal proteins causing inflammation. Opposite of what I have read from the likes of Dr Wahls. Thank You
Tamara Sellman
I wasn't that specific, actually... I referenced commonly agreed upon findings regarding all saturated fats. I don't recall specifically calling out nonprocessed saturated animal fats.
Also, I can't speak to Dr. Wahl's perspective on this, I'm not even sure the scientific community agrees upon this (even if she's published books on it), but I can give you several links to follow up on. You may wish to take it up with researchers if you believe their data is erroneous. I'm just the messenger.
Current Nutrition Reports, August 2018
The Role of Diet in Multiple Sclerosis: Mechanistic Connections and Current Evidence
Genes & Nutrition, October 2017
Does dietary fat affect inflammatory markers in overweight and obese individuals?—a review of randomized controlled trials from 2010 to 2016
Harvard Health Publishing, August 2018
The truth about fats: the good, the bad, and the in-between
Advances in Nutrition, May 2015
The Science of Fatty Acids and Inflammation
Cell Reports, March 2016
Saturated Fatty Acids Engage an IRE1α-Dependent Pathway to Activate the NLRP3 Inflammasome in Myeloid Cells
Paula Johnston
Thank you Tamara.
Very informative and easily unerstood . I will be using the links you have suggested .
I too , am also a slow progresser, almost 10 years from diagnosis to forced retirement ( I forced myself to retire ).I also think I subconsciously buried MS from my mind and ignored symptoms until I couldn't any longer.
New subject... Question , could you direct me in finding some ( understandable ) information of the effects of women's menstrual cycle and MS .
I have often thought of mini relapses each month. Now ,
as I get older ( I just became 50 yrs. ) and slightly older friends talk of menopause and hot flashes, what should I expect knowing heat , in my case anyhow , does not help.
Thanks you for you time .
Paula Johnston
Tamara Sellman
RE: slow progression... my first symptom, that we can date, happened in August 1975. I was 9. Two cases of mono before the age of 20, unrelenting fatigue that I thought was due to being a working mom, then it progressed enough to show me it existed (I suddenly couldn't read--imagine being a writer/editor and suddenly you can't read--plus the paresthesias and tinnitus and tremor). That was when I was 47. Today I am in stable remission (now that I'm actually treated for it!) even though these symptoms come and go (and others).
As for menstrual cycle/MS/menopause etc. That's a tough one. I am now postmenopausal, and was in menopause when I started taking Tec (which has flushing as a side effect). I was also working overnight shifts. There was no way for me to know if the profusive sweating was menopause, caused by a circadian disruption from shift work, due to the lesion on my hypothalamus (where thermoregulation takes place), or a side effect of my meds! Since then, I've moved to daytime work only, I'm in a solid remission, I'm done with menopause and I rarely have a side effect from Tec (I've been on it almost 6 years now, and that's normal). Who even knows? LOL
It's a good question, though, and I'll see what I can dig up. Thanks for asking, Paula. Best of luck to you,
Deb Whitmore
I agree that food an toxins in everything are what we need testing for we are not eating food that feed the brain, also for some brain food is stopped by our own body's chemicals. My cognitive brain is so messed up. Trying to find nutrition's an natural docs. Medicare an all others will not cover these type problems.
Wahls protocol has helped me a bunch with cognitive issues. It's a lot of work to get started but well worth it. I can't take ms meds due to too many horrible side effects. I also take an excellent multivitamin, biotin, coq10, turmeric capsules, flax seed capsules, 2 probiotics, vitamin b12 and vitamin d. I make a wahls smoothie every morning. 1 cup of berries, 1 can whole fat coconut milk, and several huge handfuls of chard and spinach. Good luck.
Brad Schultz
As well as reducing or eliminating inflammation, improving your immune system is a crucial part of the stay healthy formula and offsetting symptoms. I have used Tai Chi and Qigong for years to successfully manage my levels of inflammation. I have found the eastern internal arts can provide natural techniques and exercises that charge-up the immune system and reduce the inflammatory response.
Alia Gold
Hi Brad, it's been a while since your comment. I am a practitioner of qi gong and nei gong for a few years and would love to hear more about yours experience managing levels of inflammation with these practices. Hope you are willing to share with a fellow walker of the path.
Tamara Sellman
Thanks, Brad, I think using alternative health approaches can be very helpful.
Jeannine Hall Gailey
I would just add that adding biotin supplements and b12 supplements were also very helpful for my symptoms and encouraged by my neurologist. In fact, b12 deficiency can confuse an MS diagnosis - it happened to me - and so can a biotinase deficiency (which they just discovered -they don't really have an adult test for it.) Many people with MTHFR genes do not absorb b vitamins well - I am one of them. There is active research now that is very promising that is treating MS with high-dose purified biotin - and not only does it prevent disease, it might help heal nerves (alpha lipoic acid has similar - but much smaller) research results so far.
Another thing several neurologists AND nutritionists have told me - as a woman with a typical "healthy" diet, we eat too little good fat and too little protein. Fat and cholesterol are necessary for brain repair, I have been told. So I went from eating lots of carbs from fruit and veggies to more protein and more healthy fat, including avocado and avocado oil every single day. That seemed to help my symptoms, too. The keto diet has some promising research behind it (out for me, because I don't have a gallbladder) and the Mediterranean (full of healthy fats and produce.)
Also, I have autoimmune thyroid issues which can go out of whack with MS, so keep a "healthy thyroid" diet too - there are specific things to add and avoid for that problem, too.
Tamara Sellman
Thanks for your insights, Jeannine!
I apologize if this isn’t a good place to ask this, but wondering if anyone can speak on HPV and MS. I’ve had high risk HPV for many years and probable MS diagnosis in 2011.
I’ve been so afraid to start any of the meds knowing they compromise the immune system and I’m so worried the high risk HPV will turn cancerous faster if my immune system isn’t always working on the virus. Am I misunderstanding how the meds work? My doctor didn’t seem concerned, but it’s not her body.
I Just stumbled on this website and found it fascinating! Thank you.
Tamara Sellman
I wish I *could* help you, ARH, but I honestly can't advise you on that. If your doctor is not concerned, I would take that as a sign not to stress about it. However, if you don't feel you trust your doctor, getting a second opinion about your therapies isn't a radical idea. Your concerns are real and should be addressed by a specialist, for certain.
I am not sure if you are still looking for this answer. More frequent screening is the answer. A DMT will increase risk of everything really and that would include cervical cancer. But it is very rare to have a cervical cancer missed or deadly with consistent screening. DMT's have risk but pap smears can catch that cancer from HPV usually very early. This may be why your doctor was not concerned. Talk to them about a more frequent Pap smear schedule that works for you and insurance, etc.