Bionews Staff, writers and editors —

Bionews, the owner and publisher of this site, employs science writers and editors, most of whom have PhDs in the life sciences, as well as veteran journalists, who ensure stories are well-written and easy to understand. Our stories undergo a comprehensive fact-checking and editing process to confirm accuracy, objectiveness, and thoroughness in order to best serve our audience of patients and caregivers.

Articles by Bionews Staff

31 Days of MS: You Know Your Health Better Than Anyone

Photo courtesy of Colin Hirst Day 25 of 31 This is Colin Hirst’s story: Hello, I’m Colin and I have relapsing-remitting MS. Simply put, MS is an auto-immune disease that makes your body’s own cells break down the myelin around your nerves because it believes they are…

31 Days of MS: How I Live Drug-free with MS

Photo courtesy of Matthew Embry Day 24 of 31 This is Matthew Embry’s story: Hi! My name is Mathew Embry, and I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1995. More than 25 years later, I am living symptom-free and making the best of…

31 Days of MS: An Unexpected Discovery

Photo courtesy of Dawn Morgan Day 23 of 31 This is Dawn Morgan’s story: Hi! Iā€™m Dawn Morgan. I have been living with relapsing-remitting MS since 2000, when I was 25. It was a complete shock. At the time, I was just beginning my professional career as…

31 Days of MS: Taking Care of My Mental Health

Photo courtesy of Caroline Gellatly Day 22 of 31 This is Marissa Green’s story: I am Marissa, a fundraiser, drama therapist, and mental health practitioner who loves the outdoors, cooking, music, and any excuse for a party. My original diagnosis, Baloā€™s concentric sclerosis, happened in…

31 Days of MS: Laughing My Way Through MS

Photo courtesy of Rebecca Anton Day 21 of 31 This is Rosani Christy’s story: My name is Rosani Christy, and I have been living with MS for over 20 years.Ā  I have always been aĀ class clown.Ā Making those around me laugh gave me a high, and…

31 Days of MS: My Tale of Determination

Photos courtesy of Esme Robinson Day 20 of 31 This is Bron Webster’s story: Multiple sclerosis is unpredictable and volatile.Ā  I got my diagnosis in 1996. I adapted. I gave up my 20-year financial services career in 2008 to focus on my daughter. I retrained…

31 Days of MS: I Believe Anything Is Possible

Photo courtesy of Conor Devine Day 19 of 31 This is Conor Devine’s story: I have been living with MS now for more than 15 years, which I would summarize as follows: 2006ā€“2011. The first five years were horrendous. I gave up, felt awful most…

31 Days of MS: How to Make Exercises More Effective

Day 12 of 31 Dr. Gretchen Hawley is a physical therapist who specializes in treating people with MS. These are her words: There are five principles that, if integrated into your routine, will provide a bigger bang for your buck when it comes to strengthening and improving your mobility.

31 Days of MS: Dream, Believe, Achieve is My Motto

Day 11 of 31 This is Shane Stanley’s story: My name is Shane and I am 29, living with MS since 2011. In the beginning, I experienced mild symptoms until they progressed in 2018. From that time, I have realized that MS is a gift. It has taught me…

31 Days of MS: Dreams Can Come True

Day 10 of 31 This is Trishna Bharadia’s story: Iā€™m Trishna Bharadia, I live in Buckinghamshire in the U.K., and I have MS. I was diagnosed in 2008, age 28, after several years of vague symptoms, like feeling pins and needles, losing the strength in my hands, losing the…

31 Days of MS: MS Will Not Stop Me Running Marathons

Cheryl Hile and her husband, Brian. Photo courtesy of Michael Moberly Day 9 of 31 This is Cheryl Hileā€™s story: My husband jokes he knew I was a real runner when I asked him at a 10K, ā€œIs the course accurate?ā€ I was running fast and having…

31 Days of MS: Taking the ‘DIS’ Out of Disability

Photo courtesy of Heather Plummer-Goodrich Day 8 of 31 This is Heather Plummer-Goodrich’s story: Hello, my name is Heather. I am a nana of six beautiful grandchildren, a wife, and an ultra marathon runner. My mantra is: Never give up. Make adjustments, not excuses. Stay positive. When…

31 Days of MS: Being Kind to Yourself

Photo courtesy of Dan Clarke Day 7 of 31 This is Heather Russell-Kay’s story: Hi! My name is Heather and I am an actor, teacher, blogger, and support volunteer. I was diagnosed with MS just over six years ago, and for me, it…

31 Days of MS: Learning to Adapt

Photo courtesy of Sandra Costello Day 6 of 31 This is Dee DiFatta’s story: Being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis the day before my 22nd birthday was not something I expected or anticipated, but it has truly been a blessing. Navigating MS has taught me to slow down…

31 Days of MS: Why You Should Get to Know NMO

Photo courtesy of Lelainia Lloyd Day 5 of 31 Lelainia Lloyd is a patient advocate in Canada. These are her words: March is Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) awareness month. NMO is a rare disease that is often mistaken for MS. Many NMO patients are…

31 Days of MS: Finding a Way Back to Me

Photo courtesy of Anita Alberto Photography. Day 4 of 31 This is Jen DeTracey’s story: Itā€™s been over 10 years since I was diagnosed with MS.Ā  Ironically, on the anniversary, I didnā€™t think about it. I realized a few days later…

31 Days of MS: ‘Living Well with MS’ Podcast

Photo courtesy of Svetlana Didorenko Day 3 of 31 This is Alex Twersky’s story: My name is Alex Twersky, and I have worked with Overcoming MS for more than seven years, applying my marketing and communications experience to advancing our vision.

31 Days of MS: MS Is a Label

Photos courtesy of Sophie Brodie Day 2 of 31 This is Sophie Brodie’s story: MS is a label. Sometimes that label means something, but a lot of time it doesnā€™t. Almost two years ago ā€” when I had lost some vision, some sensation, some balance, some mobility ā€” a…

31 Days of MS: MS and Pole-dancing

Photos courtesy of Hayley Crowther Day 1 of 31 This is Hayley Crowther’s story: When I look back at the year I got sick, I’d just celebrated my 30th birthday. I was living with my husband and 7-year-old son, had a job I loved and, just four weeks prior…

Muralist Lydia Emily Uses Art to Publicize Hardships of Life with MS

Perched atop a lift at the intersection of Main and ThirdĀ streets in downtown Los Angeles, artist Lydia Emily cheerfully answered questions from a reporter 2,500 miles away via cellphone while working on a mural three stories high. Periodically, she interrupted the interview to banter with co-workers, and gawking passersby.

Sex and Intimacy Is Focus of MSAA Webinar

Sex and intimacy are good for people with multiple sclerosis (MS), just as they are for anyone without the disease. And while fear of talking with a partner about possible sexual challenges created by MS is perfectly normal, there is help available to deal with potential problems. Thatā€™s according…