
The Trick That Helps Me Manage My Fatigue

I have a secret. You may roll your eyes at me when you hear this one.Ā  It’s how I juggle spending time with family and friends, running a business, and exercising while managing fatigue. If you know me, you know my secret. Or…

‘Soon May the Wellerman Come’: Connecting Through Music

As hard as it is to believe, weā€™re now nearly a year into this pandemic. Thankfully, two vaccines are currently working their way through the system and into peopleā€™s arms in the U.S., and before 2021 is out, perhaps weā€™ll get back to something resembling normalcy (whatever that is). One…

Car Repairs Aren’t Easy When You Have MS

I love the car I drive, but I’ve hated going to the dealer to get my car serviced. In the four decades that I’ve lived with MS, my walking has deteriorated to the point where I use a scooter if I have to walk more than 75 feet. If I…

How to Overcome January Blues in 5 Easy Steps

Can January March? No, but April May!Ā  OK, well, I thought it was funny.Ā  Nothing beats the January blues like bad puns, right? Letā€™s face it. For most people, January sucks. The end of the year is full of excitement. There are…

My ‘Great Escape’ During a Long Pandemic

Unfortunately, mine didn’t involve a cool motorbike ā€” it was the wrong kind, as somehow Steve McQueen had managed to steal a British one ā€” and an impossible jump at barbed wire to get into Switzerland! I’ll now never be able to get onto a motorbike anyway. Instead, it…

COVID-19 Vaccine Gets Thumbs-up from National MS Society

The advice issued Tuesday by the U.S.-based National Multiple Sclerosis Society about COVID-19 vaccination couldn’t be clearer: “Get your vaccine as soon as it is available to you.” New MS Society guidelines say that the two COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the U.S., both of which use an mRNA…

Learning to Appreciate My Personal Progress and Growth

ā€œOoh, I found some of your artwork in the loft. Did you still want it?ā€ My mumā€™s beautiful, melodic voice sang through the phone during our regular chat.Ā  ā€œHeck yes! Can I pick it up tomorrow?ā€ I replied. I didnā€™t know what had happened…

Can Amazon Lower Healthcare Costs?

The answer to whether Amazon, in partnership with a pair of financial giants, can make healthcare more accessible and less expensive for its workers is: Apparently, it can’t. About two years after rolling out a project known as Haven, the plug is being pulled. The idea had been for…

Positioning Myself to Embrace Change

There is something poetic about transitioning to a new year. It’s the melancholy of farewell fused with hopeful expectancy, the bittersweet juxtaposition of closing one door while opening another. Yet for a moment, I am noncommittal. With one foot in each year, I eventually shift my weight from 2020…

Will Reduced Treatment Time Keep Ocrevus Competitive?

One of the key considerations when choosing a disease-modifying therapy (DMT) is how much it will disrupt your life. It’s one of several factors that need to be evaluated. Unlike shots and pills, infusion treatments can require a significant amount of time. That’s why the U.S. Federal Drug Administration’s December…

Through the Valley of the Shadow

Psalms 23 has always been my comfort when I needed respite from the hardships of life and chronic illness. My mother used to read that Bible passage to me as a child, and now it has become a cornerstone of my faith. Today, I find myself in the valley of…

Reclaiming Our Power When We Feel Powerless

I donā€™t know about you all, but when I first learned I had multiple sclerosis, I felt utterly powerless. Weak. Beaten down. Cornered. Cowed. Yes, I experienced all of these negative feelings (and a hundred more besides) in the first year or two after my diagnosis. But after time, I…

Santa Claus Is Still Cominā€™ to Town

Santa refuses to use email! At least letter-sending is a thousand years older than he is! (Via Shutterstock) Well, 2020 was a weird year for everybody. It was even weird for magical creatures, as these days, an awful lot of people believe they exist! It’s tough now…

Getting Back to Physical Therapy for My MS

Are you sitting down? I am, but I’ve been doing too much of that this year. For the past six months, I haven’t been using our community exercise room. I haven’t been able to swim. I haven’t gone outside that much. I’ve become a couch potato, and you know why:…

What Do You See When You See Me?

If I were using a wheelchair, would you question why I use a handicapped placard? Perhaps some (or all) of the condemnation I now receive would diminish. Maybe the notes left on my windshield would not be written. Perchance, it might temper some of the ugly comments spoken to my…

Can I Get a COVID-19 Vaccine If I Have MS?

Do you plan to get a COVID-19 vaccine? I do.Ā  One is now available to some residents of the U.K., and approval in the U.S. of one or more likely will happen soon. Though the U.S.-based National Multiple Sclerosis Society has said only that people with MS should consider…