DISabled to ENabled – a Column by Jessie Ace

hypnotherapy, guided meditation, running Jessie is the host of the DISabled to ENabled podcast and author of the "ENabled Warriors Symptom Tracker" book. She's also an illustrator working with MS charities and magazines worldwide. She’s interviewed paralympians, radio DJs, chronic illness bloggers, marathon runners, and more. Jessie, based in the U.K., was diagnosed with MS at 22 years old and was told by a doctor to "go home and Google it" to find out what MS was for herself. Her own experience of being newly diagnosed so young was negative and scary, so she fills the internet with positivity for other anxious MS Googlers to stumble upon.

How Lucy the Dog Changed My Life

A pet is the most loyal companion a person can have.  I’m currently sitting in my dad’s home office and typing away on my laptop. It’s nice to have a change of scenery. I brought my tiny dog, Lucy, with me as usual.

Brain Fog and Changing Clocks

Annually, I’m frustrated by the changing of our clocks due to the end of daylight saving time. It seems so straightforward: Time either goes backward or forward by an hour. That’s it. It doesn’t seem so challenging to comprehend. Or does it?…

Managing Feelings of Uncertainty

It doesn’t take much for us to feel uncertain. It could be the result of a new symptom or doing something you’ve never before done, such as attending a telehealth appointment. Maybe the election causes you uncertainty. Perhaps current events or new…

Finding Support in an Online Community

Finding an understanding community makes such a difference to people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS).  Our partners, families, children, and friends do their best to listen and empathize, but at the end of the day, they can only empathize so much. Unless they have an illness…

What No One Tells You After a Diagnosis

A multiple sclerosis diagnosis is hard to process. Our body that we once knew so well suddenly feels untrustworthy. The truth is that the malfunctioning of our body is a traumatic event. We never expected it to do these things.  We are…

What Does ‘ENabled Warrior’ Mean to You?

After I received my diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, my nurse handed me a leaflet explaining how to tell those at my workplace I’m “DISabled,” and what that means, and another leaflet explaining how to claim DISability benefits. The thing is,…

How Much Caffeine Are You Consuming?

Your alarm sounds at 7 a.m.  You grunt, smash the snooze button, and turn over. Ten minutes later, your alarm sounds again.  You smash snooze.  And repeat another five times.  Eventually, you reach for your phone with a…

A Simple Hack to Access Better Treatment by Doctors

“What was the date of your last relapse?” the neurologist asked while peering over her glasses at me.  I stared back blankly and then shrugged with a sheepish smile. I knew the year but couldn’t remember the exact date because it was seven years ago!…

Managing Expectations on Your Wedding Day

Rose petal confetti — made from the roses my dad had given me a few days before — rained down as the people I cared about most in the world cheered.  “Congratulations!” came from all around as family and friends pulled me in for a hug. My legs,…

‘You Look OK to Me’

“You look OK to me.” He stood, towering over me, his big belly billowing from his shirt as he straightened up and lifted his chin, glaring down at me over folded arms.  I swallowed. Anxiety rushed through me. What am I going to do? I was desperate…

Advice for helping a loved one through an MS diagnosis

Last updated April 25, 2023 In June, the U.K. marks Carers Week, which got me thinking about how a chronic illness diagnosis often affects a patient’s entire family.  Most often, patients are the focus of a diagnosis, and the people around them are almost forgotten. The…

How to Go on Holiday Without Leaving Your House

Who wants to go on holiday?!  I know, I know, we can’t physically go anywhere right now, but what if I told you that you could go anywhere you wanted while staying at home? Stay with me! It’s been really sunny and blindingly hot in the U.K.

We Are What We Tell Ourselves

There’s something we need to address, right here, right now. Not all of you will like it or agree with what I’m about to say, and that’s OK. I need to get this off my chest, so here it goes.  I hear so many people with…