Guest Voice: Fighting the good fight against multiple sclerosis

Kevin Byrne grew up in Bronx, New York. A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, he was struck by multiple sclerosis (MS) in 1999 while commanding an Army Air Cavalry Troop overseas. Now medically retired, he lives with his daughter, Rogue, in Portland, Oregon. Kevin works…

Learning to embrace a diagnosis of MS as part of my identity

Identity development is a deeply unique process in which people establish a clear sense of self. Different stages occur during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The process of developing an identity has always fascinated me because there are many different factors that influence us and shape who we become.

Machine learning analysis of eye scans may aid diagnosis of MS

Using machine learning to analyze eye scans can help detect slight changes that may be early signs of multiple sclerosis (MS), potentially aiding in early diagnosis of the disease, a study found. The study, “SLO-Net: Enhancing Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis Beyond Optical Coherence Tomography Using Infrared Reflectance…

A letter to a younger me newly diagnosed with MS

Dear younger self, As I sit down to write this letter, I can’t help but tear up at the thought of you. First and foremost, you’re an amazing soul, full of life and with a bright future ahead of you. But you’ve just received life-changing news, and it feels…

My nearly 20-year journey to get my diagnosis of MS

Hi! I’m new — not to having multiple sclerosis (MS), but to being a columnist. I’m a daughter, wife, mother of two young adults, dog mom, sister, aunt, friend, college professor, pharmacist, avid reader, nature lover, and an MS warrior. I was diagnosed with MS in 2014, although…

What I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving

It wasn’t a good morning. I was dragging my cement-pillar legs around the kitchen and grew frustrated as I lurched from the refrigerator to the counter to feed the cat and the dog. I’d propped my two canes against the counter, but they’d slid to the floor — not once,…

Blood test for antibody clumps may support MS diagnosis

Measuring the amount of specific antibody clumps in the blood helped distinguish people with multiple sclerosis (MS) from healthy individuals and people with other conditions with an accuracy of at least 90%, a new study has found. The findings show that clumps of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies — which…

Pixyl, Brainomix Partner on MRI Software to Help in Diagnosis of MS

In a new collaboration, Brainomix will distribute in Europe a software solution developed by Pixyl that uses deep learning to improve the diagnosis and monitoring of multiple sclerosis (MS) via MRI scans. According to the partners, Pixyl‘s technology can detect abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging or MRI…

New Imaging Techniques May Aid MS Diagnosis, Management

Physician-researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, in California, are developing brain and eye imaging techniques to improve the diagnosis and management of multiple sclerosis (MS). MS is characterized by the progressive loss of myelin, the fatty protective sheath around nerve fibers, in the brain and spinal cord due to abnormal…