
When Challenges Arise, Remember Your Resilience

A numb, weak leg. Yay. Another thing to add to the list of crappy challenges Iā€™ve had to face this year. If you ask me, itā€™s all been a bit too much, and Iā€™d like to get off this ride and get my money back, please. I recently rang my…

Thinking Outside the Box

Thereā€™s a story I love to tell about my dad, a retail warrior with more than 30 years of experience under his belt. And itā€™s one that I think is apropos for those of us dealing with multiple sclerosis. Back in the 1980s when he was a department manager…

Dealing with MS Personality and Emotional Swings

I have always found group settings to be challenging because of my shy and quiet personality. While I do fine talking to people one-on-one, gatherings of three or more can make me squirm. Years ago, the company I worked for held monthly bonding sessions for…

The Power of Resilience

After taking a tumble this week, I am reminded of the power of resilience. Dictionary.comĀ defines resilience as: “1. the power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity. 2. ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity,…

Defining Resiliency in MS and Ideas on Bouncing Back

How well do you bounce back when MS gets you down? An article called ā€œBouncing back again, and again: a qualitative study of resilience in people with multiple sclerosisā€ caught my attention because bouncing back is something I donā€™t do as well these days. I believe resilience means to be…