
New bilingual graphic aims to raise awareness of early MS symptoms

A bilingual graphic educational message, dubbed VISIBL-MS, has been developed by researchers at the University of Connecticut (UConn) to raise awareness about the early symptoms of multiple sclerosisĀ (MS). The graphic ā€” bearing the word ā€œVISIBLYā€ in English and ā€œVISIBLEā€ in Spanish ā€” uses the letters in each phrase…

A New Gift Helps Me Stay Cool in the Summer Heat

OK, I know I look silly wearing this ā€” maybe even scary ā€” but the Father’s Day gift I received from my son and his family is really cool, especially for someone with multiple sclerosis. Just in time for the hot days of summer, I now have a…

Maresin-1 Molecule Eases Inflammation, Symptoms in Mouse Model

Administering the maresin-1 molecule ā€” a natural anti-inflammatory in the body ā€” in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis (MS) led to lower levels of inflammation and improved neurological function, a recent study showed. Maresin-1 and other molecules in its family are called specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) and are…

The Trials and Tribulations of MS Medications

“Hey, man, I’m alive. I’m taking each day and night at a time/ I’m feeling like a Monday but someday I’ll be Saturday night.” ā€” Bon Jovi Multiple sclerosis (MS) medications can generally be separated into two categories: disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) and those that help to manage symptoms. While…

Top 10 Multiple Sclerosis Stories of 2021

Multiple Sclerosis News TodayĀ brought you daily coverage of the latest scientific research, advances in treatment, and clinical trials related to multiple sclerosis (MS) throughout 2021. We look forward to continuing to be a resource for the MS community in 2022. Here are the Top 10 most-read articles of…

Sativex Study Reports Positive Results in People With MS

Could a cannabis spray be just what the doctor ordered to treat our MS symptoms? I’m talking about Sativex (nabiximols), which has been developed as a treatment for moderate and severe MS spasticity. Sativex combines THC, the chef intoxicant in marijuana, with CBD, marijuana’s nonpsychoactive component. It’s sprayed…

When Challenges Arise, Remember Your Resilience

A numb, weak leg. Yay. Another thing to add to the list of crappy challenges Iā€™ve had to face this year. If you ask me, itā€™s all been a bit too much, and Iā€™d like to get off this ride and get my money back, please. I recently rang my…

MS Symptoms Often Apparent Years Before Diagnosis

Many people with multiple sclerosis (MS) start experiencingĀ symptoms of the disease several years before being diagnosed, a new study suggests. While it has long been known that people with MS tend to seek medical attention more frequently in the years before diagnosis than those without the disease, there…

My Own ‘Left Hand of Darkness’

I was listening to a BBC podcast recently titled “The Sinister Hand,” about the history of left-handers. It seems that in medieval times, left-handedness was associated with sorcery. (What wasn’t?) It was only relatively recently that left-handed children were no longer forced to write right-handed ā€” sometimes even…

An Update on My Lemtrada Journey, 3 Years After Round 2

Where has the time gone? It’s been three years since I completed my second round of Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) infusions. So, it’s time to take another look at where this journey has taken me. Lemtrada is a monoclonal antibody treatment that wipes out rogue B- and T-cells in the…

How I’m Staying on Top of MS’ Many ‘Gifts’

When I was finally diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2009, my first question to my neurologist was, “Will I end up in a wheelchair?” She patted this question back with the generic, “You may, but no one knows the course that anyone’s MS might take.” Later, I learned that late-onset…