
What I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving

It wasn’t a good morning. I was dragging my cement-pillar legs around the kitchen and grew frustrated as I lurched from the refrigerator to the counter to feed the cat and the dog. I’d propped my two canes against the counter, but they’d slid to the floor ā€” not once,…

Thankful for caregivers: What MS has taught me about support

Itā€™s been a couple weeks since my last column, and things with my mother have proven more challenging than we expected. Sheā€™s had another minor procedure to stop fluid from building up in her chest, but she is progressing with her rehab and continues to gain strength. Hopefully, weā€™ll…

I Am Grateful for Everything ā€” Even MS

Last week, CNN’s Anderson Cooper broadcast an interview with “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert. They had a lively discussion about comedy, politics, careers, and the like, but perhaps the most stunning eight minutes of the interview were focused on grief. Colbert, a devout Catholic, said, ā€œIt’s…

The Greatest Gifts

Christmas is just around the corner, and thatā€™s why many people are on the fruitless quest for Fingerlings or hocking an organ to buy the new iPhone. Both might be the ā€œhotā€ presents of the season, but neither of them holds a candle to the great gifts we…

Living a Grateful Life

The road to living a grateful life is not always a smooth and paved one. There are curves and roadblocks that can send any thoughts of gratitude far off into the distance. Life is constantly changing…

I Am Very Thankful for My MS Diagnosis

  I am thankful for a lot of things in my life and my multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis is one of them. Before learning it was MS, I was on a very long roller-coaster ride of unexplained symptoms. Test after test came back normal. Yet, I still had weak…